
『A Plan In The Forest』

Their fast paced steps clearly showed their desperation for an idea or something to help them get out. They had been stuck for half an hour, with the ever present sound of ringing locusts becoming ever closer and the falling of trees becoming a regular.

Sam was walking around in circles, using the full might of his brain to think of something.

Nanabe wandered around near Sam to search for items which may be of help. He stepped on a long, round object on the ground. It was neither a snake as it did not slither, nor was it a twig, as it did not make any sound.

He picked it up, unscathing the dirt that was collected on it. It was a rope, a man-made rope. He took a sigh of relief as it had been a while since he saw something that was not natural.

'Hey, could this be of any use?' He asked.

'Oh!' An amused Sam responded.

'I suddenly have an extremely stupid idea in my mind.' He admitted.

'What if… We tie this rope around an animal, and ride it out of the forest.'

'What?' Nanabe questioned.

'I mean… It's like riding a horse.'

'What?' Nanabe questioned again, this time even questioning his friend's sanity.

'Come on.' Sam told his friend as his face showed a direction for them to start walking.
