
An accidental romance

After her grandmother's death Kate Jones went to live with her parents. She expected that her mother and father would love her but all her expectations had been shattered. Her parents never cared about her and often compared her with her older sister Renesmee. As she grew up she learned that her grandmother left all her inheritance for her. She realised that her parents took her back with them not because they loved her, But because of the inheritance her grandmother left for her. But she decided that she would be a good daughter. She did everything her parents said. But even after that she never saw love in their eyes for her. When she turned 18 they got her engaged with Marcelo Lawrence, they didn't even asked her if she wanted to marry him or not. She couldn't even completed her graduation and they forced her to marry him. So the young Kate had to marry Marcelo. But her suffering didn't ended their, she was often mistreated by her in-laws and her husband never loved her. On her 20th birthday he tried to kill her, she somehow saved herself and ran from there. She decided not to go back to her abusive husband and to her parents because she knew they would never going to believe her. She changed her name to "Angel" and went to live in D city. After running from her abusive husband, Angel decided to work in a company, which provided temperary employees . She changed her original name and without any appropriate qualification , she worked as an assistant in a salon. She was often mistreated by her employer and other staff but she hang in there, untill one day when she was returning home from work, she saw 5 men beating a single guy. She decided to ignore but couldn't because she remembered when her husband tried to kill her noone came for her rescue not even god. So she decided to help him. she some how maneged to run from there, and she rang police siren on her phone, she placed her phone in a tin box so that it became loud . After that those guys ran. she admitted the guy in the hospital. Two weeks later when she was returning home from work, she saw a biker was going to hit the guy, who was crossing the road in front of her she pushed the guy and instead of him she got hit. she didn't know that helping a random guy could change her life completely, one day she was a temporary employee now she was girlfriend of a superstar...... __________________ For the readers - the story might seem boring and obvious in start but if you could ignore, some grammatical errors I do have a beautiful story to share. And please share your views on my work, your reviews and comments can help me a lot, this is my first novel and I really want to improve my writing.

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Her Broken Heart (7)

"It symbolises peace" Sai replied.

"What is the story behind it?" Neil asked curiously.

" I had a patient who used to be a soldier, his work is to vacate the place, where war might took place, so he used this whistle to calm the people and lead them to a safe place, where they can live peacefully" replied Sai.

But you were not exactly right about other two, added Sai.

What!!! how could that possible, if viagra pills didn't symbolise sex and pregnancy kit child then what it could be? Neil asked.

"These pills were gifted by an old man, he had everything, he had work like a slave his whole life in his fifties he married a woman in her early thirties, the woman wanted pleasure and the man wanted family, he was depressed because he didn't want to die without a successor. And her wife was depressed because she didn't want to feel lonely, so for me these viagra pills represents relationship, and this pregnancy kit was gift from that old man's wife, when she got pregnant, so this kit represents " hope and life" Sai explained.

Neil went in to deep thoughts when he heard these stories, he realised "how important these things are in life, So he can't take these things for granted, he cannot choose one over other, he can't leave Angel, she was his love, he cannot leave his career, he can't keep going without it and he can't run from his responsibility maintaining peace in D city is his responsibility so he had to do it."

" What did this perfume represents" asked Sai only then Neil came out of his thoughts.

Well this one Neil knew for sure, but still he observed perfume carefully, " it was a ladies perfume it had fragrance of Rose and Rose had Water element and water's nature is flowing so it represents continuety and progress" Neil replied.

"Correct Son" ,Sai said proudly he added " you have learnt a lot today, I think this will help you in future, I don't think you need any medication, you just need proper food and sleep, don't over exert yourself, when next time you visit me bring the lady with you, I will convince her from your side, so for now you can go this is my number, call me when you want to visit again."

Neil smiled and said " Thanks a lot grandpa, I will always remember what you taught me and I will bring my lady with me next time for sure. I will take my leave now, take care of yourself".

Neil left his cabin and came out, all his stress frustration and doubts were gone, he exactly knew what matters to him and what he should do.

Neil went inside his car, Freddy was waiting for him as Neil entered he asked " how does it go?, is everything all right, how do you feel now, was the session helpful?"

"I will double your salary from this month" replied Neil.

Freddy got his answer, he didn't ask anything further, they went to hospital. Neil entered Angel's room she was exercising at that time, she wasn't crying anymore but she looked sad .

Neil walked towards her and signalled nurses and Jessie to leave them alone, when they left Neil helped Angel and asked him about her granny, Angel told him every thing about Agatha.

" We will visit her memorial when you recover completely, for now concentrate on your recovery, I am going out for few days so I won't visit you and you might not talk to me on phone so don't get worried, I will call you when I got the opportunity, take care of yourself, good bye" Neil paid his farewell.

Angel was sad because she couldn't see Neil for few days but she was releived that he was focussing on his work. But Angel didn't have any idea the work Neil was talking about was related to her.

Neil came out sat on his car and headed for airport, at the airport he saw a familiar face when he came closer Neil hugged him, but the other side was cold like stone, He was Jack Neil's father, he was surprised and amazed both at the same time, first his son came to pick him up, second he hugged him.

Jack had a stone personality but he loved his family dearly, specially Neil because he was Jack's successor and his eldest son, Neil's sudden gesture surprised him but he reciprocated his feelings and put his hand on Neil's head like he used to do when Neil was a kid.

" How are you Dad, I missed you a lot" said Neil.

Jack was taken a back, "why his son is this expressive today may be he actually missed him" thought Jack. " I am good, how are you son" Jack replied as nicely as he could, but he couldn't control his robotic tone.

Inside the car Neil was talking continuously, Jack was processing every word his son said because it was a long time he saw Neil talking this much, he didn't show but his happiness was beyond limits, they reached home in no time atleast Jack felt that but the drive from airport to Richardson Residence was One and half hour long, but he was too busy listening to his son that he lost track of time.

When they reached home, June was waiting for them, when she saw Father and Son together she was very happy, June instantly ran towards his husband and kissed him " How were you honey" Jack asked this time his tone wasn't robotic but it was warm and loving, June hugged him said " I miss you Jack".

Neil came and join them he hugged his mother from behind and said "I miss you to Mom", June was also surprised by her son's sudden gesture but she was very happy " Mumma miss you too" she said while kissing Neil's forehead.

They went inside and sat on the sofa of living room.