
An accidental romance

After her grandmother's death Kate Jones went to live with her parents. She expected that her mother and father would love her but all her expectations had been shattered. Her parents never cared about her and often compared her with her older sister Renesmee. As she grew up she learned that her grandmother left all her inheritance for her. She realised that her parents took her back with them not because they loved her, But because of the inheritance her grandmother left for her. But she decided that she would be a good daughter. She did everything her parents said. But even after that she never saw love in their eyes for her. When she turned 18 they got her engaged with Marcelo Lawrence, they didn't even asked her if she wanted to marry him or not. She couldn't even completed her graduation and they forced her to marry him. So the young Kate had to marry Marcelo. But her suffering didn't ended their, she was often mistreated by her in-laws and her husband never loved her. On her 20th birthday he tried to kill her, she somehow saved herself and ran from there. She decided not to go back to her abusive husband and to her parents because she knew they would never going to believe her. She changed her name to "Angel" and went to live in D city. After running from her abusive husband, Angel decided to work in a company, which provided temperary employees . She changed her original name and without any appropriate qualification , she worked as an assistant in a salon. She was often mistreated by her employer and other staff but she hang in there, untill one day when she was returning home from work, she saw 5 men beating a single guy. She decided to ignore but couldn't because she remembered when her husband tried to kill her noone came for her rescue not even god. So she decided to help him. she some how maneged to run from there, and she rang police siren on her phone, she placed her phone in a tin box so that it became loud . After that those guys ran. she admitted the guy in the hospital. Two weeks later when she was returning home from work, she saw a biker was going to hit the guy, who was crossing the road in front of her she pushed the guy and instead of him she got hit. she didn't know that helping a random guy could change her life completely, one day she was a temporary employee now she was girlfriend of a superstar...... __________________ For the readers - the story might seem boring and obvious in start but if you could ignore, some grammatical errors I do have a beautiful story to share. And please share your views on my work, your reviews and comments can help me a lot, this is my first novel and I really want to improve my writing.

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Her Broken Heart (3)

When Neil entered the company all the staff were amazed, it was rare for them to see their boss, even though Neil was their boss but he visited company very less, all the work completed through Freddy. Neil was most of the time busy suiting for his movies, And handling business in abroad.

Neil entered conference room without any delay, Freddy was having a hard time with the directors, they were disappointed that Neil was ignoring this urgent matter. Every one in the conference room stand from their seats when they saw Neil, he signalled them to take their seats, Instead of taking the stage Neil sat on Freddy's seat and listened what every one was saying.

Freddy couldn't understand his behaviour but he could tell just by looking at him that some really bad would be happening.

The Directors targeted Freddy with their questions, and every time Freddy told them to wait till 6th anniversary celebration.

But they were too restless, All the directors were afraid because Neil put all his money on construction project, and there were not any profitable projects left for R S Entertainment, Neil didn't take any good projects recently, and it was a single artist company so they were worried, if Neil won't do any movies their company would be a waste. And they would face a big loss.

Neil stood up and walked to the stage, Freddy handed him mike immediately; Neil announced " R S Entertainment won't be a single artist company after It's 6th anniversary, we will collaborate with Mr. Kyle Johnson's new entertainment company and scout new artists", Whole room became silent for few minutes, because everyone was in shock, Yes shock!! because all of them knew how much Neil hated the idea of scouting new artists for R S Entertainment, he wanted this company for himself he can not share his Spotlight. So everyone was scared because they knew there was something more Neil Richardson was not that considerate, their profit since when he started thinking about them? They asked themselves.

After a long pause Neil announced again " I have selected 3 new movie projects, they will be produced under our production".

Still there was no sound nobody asked any details about the projects, then Neil added " I will complete all 3 projects before 6th anniversary celebration and after that I will never work in any movies, I will take retirement from acting".

After announcing this Neil left the conference room without giving them any chance to react.

All the director's were in shock, even Freddy he knew something was wrong with his boss but he didn't expected it to be something as severe as this.

They asked Freddy about his announcement but he was devastated from this news.

All the directors were unhappy with Neils decision, they liked the idea of recruiting new artists but not at the cost of Neils retirement, they knew the amount of money they earned with one project of Neil, no artist could make that much with 5 projects. And money was not the only issue all 7 directors were huge fan of Neils work, that's why they invested their money in the company and accepted RS entertainment to be the single artist company.

But the earlier announcement just breaked their heart, they were very disappointed with Neil's decision. They wanted to protest but they knew "only one person can change Neil's decision and that person is Neil himself".

But nothing can be done now they could only pray that whatever Neil said was because he was in bad mood, he wasn't serious with the idea of retirement from acting career.

Freddy left the conference in between and ran behind Neil, he knew it's not what he wanted, he knew that Neil loved his work, he was passionate about it and he will be miserable without it. Acting makes him happy. He wanted to talk to him and convince him to not take the retirement or atleast he can convince him to think it over.

Neil entered in his cabin, his cabin was all white and the wall beside his table was made up of glass, the view from there was breathtaking, you could see the sunset and the beautiful view of ocean, When Freddy entered his cabin, Neil was standing in front of glass wall, with a glass of wine in his hand as he called Neil, he turned and the beautiful orange light came from behind, it seemed that Neil emitted that light, when Freddy saw him he was speechless, " this man is outstanding, his beauty is breathtaking, he should display this, he shouldn't take retirement, it will be waste"

" What is it?" asked Neil only then Freddy came out of his thoughts.

" Are you serious about the retirement sir" Freddy asked directly.

" What do you think" Neil replied and took a sip of his wine.