
Chapter 3 A Phone on Which I Can See the Future

After deciding to start a new business, Yang Yi's first concern was the starting capital.

The house, car, and all the property belonging to the Su family that the company provided for him would be taken back. All he had now was the savings of his work in the past few years.

As the general manager of Sky Leaf, he earned a lot of profits every year, so there was about fifty million left in the account.

Even if he didn't inherit any property from the Su family, he was much richer than ordinary people.

But fifty million was just a drop in the bucket for a new financial company, not even small venture capital.

He gave the senior executives a month's holiday to enjoy their lives. He would find a way to raise a sum of money as the initial fund for starting up a company.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi went to the basement and took out a phone that had been hidden for a long time.

The system time of this mobile phone was always ten days faster than a normal mobile phone!

In other words, Yang Yi could use this phone to chat with people in ten days.

He could also check all kinds of events and trifles that would happen in the next ten days through the browser and various news APPs.

Yang Yi was a business genius. With this phone, he had created many business miracles.

Su Zhi should feel terrified because his kicking out of the son-in-law revealed the complete body of Yang Yi.

After Su Yan's death, Yang Yi no longer used his cheating mobile phone. On one hand, with Su Yan's death, he lost the motivation to fight. On the other hand, he also predicted that one day, he would not be willing to serve anyone else.

Now that he had regained his freedom, he could use the information brought by his mobile phone freely.

After charging, the daily news immediately popped up today's headlines.

"The technology tycoon shows his great support for Cat Coins. He claims that Cat Coins will soon become the most popular currency nowadays."

Robert was the CEO of the famous technology group on mercury.

The technology projects he invested in had made him one of the richest people in the world.

He was very active on social media, with a large group of fans. He often spoke something astonishing and foreseeable.

Yang Yi checked the price of Cat Coins on the international trading platform. Now it was 300 dollars each.

A few hours after the declaration of Robert was released, the price of Cat Coins had risen to 600 each.

Yang Yi saw the business opportunity, but he decided to wait and see for another two days before he started.

He opened the Xinhongfa APP about the stock market to observe the stock market trend in ten days.

The nonferrous metal plate rose slightly, among which gold rose the most.

The price of the oil rose sharply. The red figures surprised Yang Yi. What happened? Why did the oil price soar?

Most of the remaining shares were falling.

There must be a war.

Thinking of this, he opened the current news, trying to find some clues.

"The war in the middle of the Blue Star has become white-hot. The two sides have launched a large-scale seesaw war in ten cities. A large number of oil wells have been destroyed, and the fire has brought the local air..."

"The famous Chinese professor has been under house arrest in the Kangaroo Country. He is suspected to have something to do with the chip technology. The government is negotiating with the Kangaroo Country. "

"We lost the pre-qualifying match of the World Cup again. We lost to Korea at 0:3."

As expected, the war between the two oil-exporting countries on the Blue Star directly caused the oil price to soar. The price of natural gas and non-ferrous metal, especially gold, was increasing rapidly.

Gold was a currency to avoid risks. If the war between the two sides was further escalated, there would definitely be a great power interfering. Once the war machine was opened, it would be difficult to end it. At that time, gold could be used to invest.

At this time, the price of gold was about 200, and ten days later it had already changed to 256. It was estimated that it would continue to rise in the future.

The price of oil was adjusted from 160 to 280 per barrel. It had almost doubled in the futures market!

In the first few days of the war, the oil price had risen the most rapidly. In just three days, it had risen to 250. In the following days, the price rose gradually.

He gathered all the information together and had a clue.

He called Xia Meili, the manager in charge of the investment.

Xia Meili was an investment manager trained by Yang Yi. She was well-known as a golden hand in the financial circle. Behind her was Yang Yi, who had a keen sense of smell.

"Mr. Yang, I'm on a holiday in Hawaii. What can I do for you?"

"Xia Meili, it's the time!"

Xia Meili, who was basking in the sun on the beach, deliberately teased, "Oh, Mr. Yang, you finally come round and are willing to marry me?"

Yang Yi said calmly, "it's not about this. I mean we can start large-scale action."

"Oh? What do you need me to do?"

"Set up a new fund under the name of our company, called Xia Yu Fund. The initial fund is my personal fifty million dollars. You can also invest in it. It is our private fund and will not absorb any social funds in the future."

"I believe in you, boss. I will invest 5 million dollars in it. This is all my savings."