
Amur:The Tyrant King of Destruction

Someone reincarnated in an AU of One piece with the body of Amur, The Tyrant King Of Destruction.

Uncreative66 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


Amur's Pov:

"1000,1001,1002,1003", as I counted the amount of swings , I thought back to my brief run in with the silverback Gorilla. While brief, it did give me insight on what to work on for the rest of my one stay on this island.

The first thing I need to work on is controlling the range of destruction of my devil fruit. Since I still remember most of gildarts moveset, it shouldn't be too hard recreating his techniques. I should have more control of the range of destruction by the end of the month since learning and grasping how to use it should be easier thanks to the [Essence of Blank].

The other thing I need to work on is raising my proficiency with fire and water manipulation. Both lethal if used right and my fire manipulation seems to be one of a kind since it doesn't seem to have the weakness that most fire users usually have. Water manipulation should also be easy since I watched avatar. I can copy and use the moves I remember as a reference for training it.

" 2003,2004,2005,2006", 'Speaking of reference,I should also try to recreate the moves of some known fire users which should be easier to do as my proficiency levels up with more use and training.I should also do the same when I awaken the other elements after I master the ones I currently have to a good degree'.

With a plan starting to form in my head, I continued my training for the day,slowly going over it and revising it . After I was done with the sword swinging training, I hunted down some rabbits. On my hunt, I was even lucky enough to come across two dead deers. I thought it was a trap at first, but after hiding atop the tallest tree I could find in the area for two hours, I lost my patience and decided to just take the bodies.

That night, I had one of the best meals, well, as best of a meal as you can get while stranded on island.


                            1 Month Time skip


Amur's Pov: 

*Boom*...*swoosh*....Boom. I dodged the multiple strikes from the horde of animals as I dissected them one by one with my saber in hand while making sure to avoid any injuries that might be fatal in battle. I dodged to the right,avoiding the slashing claw of a 12 foot sabertooth tiger, before sending it to animal heaven with one clean downward slash.



I jumped back in time to avoid that punch's impact as I faced the pair of silverback gorilla's that had attempted to turn me into meat paste. 

*Roaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar*, the male roared before charging at me,stomping like an enraged bull with the female one not far behind. I sighed in response while putting the claymore in its sheath on the left heap before I faced the charging silverback gorillas. I slightly kneeled as my hand touched the earth as i muttered,

[All Crush], a white light flashed for a second in front of me before the ground in front of me turned into thousands of mini cubes as a small earthquake reverberated throughout the forest and the last two animals alive quickly stumbled trying to gain a foothold as the ground was reshaped.

I took that opportunity and used [Soru] to appear above the both of them,hand already stretched out as as a small rotating orb of fire formed in milliseconds and before they could react, it expanded to envelope the both of them and the last thing they probably heard was me muttering,

[Fire Style:Rasengan], as they were burnt to the point only ashes remained as the [Rasengan] simply compressed itself to for maximum damage output which resulted in them burning so quickly to the point they turned into ashes 2 seconds later after it connected.

I stayed airborne for a couple of seconds with [Geppo] while scouting out the surroundings for any hidden animals that might have been waiting for me to just let my guard down to pounce on me.'It certainly wouldn't be the first time that had happened'. Over the month I had stayed on this island,I had trained with,fought with and hunted with my guard always up. I only let my guard down after I entered the cave. It has become a habit of sorts, since it has saved me more times than I can count.

I had adapted to this habit due to a small incident that had happened 1 week into my stay and start of training on this island. One night, I went outside to get some fresh air since I couldn't sleep due to having extra energy ,even after an exhausting training montage. I made the mistake of starting a campfire outside while cooking some sea king meat I had gotten after a tussle with the local sea king.

So while i was relaxing and minding my own business, i heard multiple roars.I ignored it at first,after all, every once in a while, i always heard a roar no matter the time so i ignored 99.9% of the time. But a second roar rang out a minute later. And a minute after that, I was surrounded by predators of all kinds , who looked ready to eat, even if it meant killing me.

"Hmmm, seems like that's all for today. Shame I didn't get to use the water techniques i've been practicing''.

'Long story short, I haven't run out of food since that day'. After making sure no animal was lurking around, I landed on the ground and quickly left the area to avoid any more fights for the day'. As that thought crossed my mind, I looked up at the waterfall and gestured my hand as a small orb of water floated above me a second later before bursting into my head getting my hair and face wet.