
34. It's time to hit the road

Time flew by imperceptibly and in the blink of an eye, two months had passed since that moment. How Adam started his career as a babysitter-teacher-psychologist.

It was a difficult two months for him, because he was learning what he wanted to forget about. Over these months, his malice towards them.....she was fading, and that scared him.

He didn't want this hatred to go away so easily. He

had been saving it up for many years and insisted on throwing it out on them at one moment. But now, this hatred, like milk, was trying to escape from his body.

He didn't want that, no. But listening to the stories of how their life went without him, he began to think, to think a lot. Every day he thought about what had happened and what it had led to. He could think for hours looking at the ceiling, but he never came to any decision.

"So, listen to me carefully. Today, I have very good news for you. "

That's why he decided to put it off for now and focus on training and getting closer to them. After all, if they get closer to each other, then he will be able to learn more details, because the peeping mirror could not read thoughts.

" What is it this time ? Is it really a new training method ? Then this is good news, just for you. "

Sasha and Ann sat on a small bench and looked at him with a dead look while he stood over them.

"No, it's a good idea though. So, today or tomorrow we are leaving. " – from his words , their eyes instantly brightened up

" The season of rocks is ending and we will finally go to Newtopia, the capital of all Amphibians. Very soon you will be reunited with your girlfriend, congratulations. "

" Yes ! Finally! We can see Marcy again.. "

"....and our duo will become a trio. " – finished for Sasha Ann

" I just can 't wait ! "

"Yes, these two months have passed quickly. "

They were silent for a moment and looked at the clouds passing by them.

"Do you think our parents are terribly worried? " - Ann looked at Sasha

" Worried ? They probably raised half the country to find you. Mine won't worry, because they flew around the world. They won't be there for at least another half a year. " – Sasha waved his hand listlessly

"Yes...all this seems so...."

" Unreal ? Oh, yes, indeed. This whole world is completely absurd, and I like it. I remember our gray days at school and somehow I don't want to go back to Earth anymore. "

" Sasha ! " - Ann stood up abruptly

" What? Don't look at me like that, you probably mean it too..."

" School ! We missed two months of school ! Do you have any idea how many houses have already accumulated there?! But we are almost graduates. "

" Damn it ! " – Sasha instantly regained her sight and her eyes were filled with fear

"If this continues, then we..."

"....let's stay for the second year! " – they looked at each other

They immediately got up and ran to their rooms to pack their things. They suddenly remembered that after a fantastic new world, they are waiting for a terrible school in their old world. And now, their motivation has increased by several points.


The next morning Sasha and Ann were standing completely ready, with bags under their eyes. They couldn't sleep all night thinking about the horrors of homework for two or more months.

"You look great," - Adam said to them for evil, for which he earned looks of hatred

They all left the library and Adam locked it. Nothing else kept him here. His lessons with the children ended more than a month ago, he taught everything you need to know.

He was also able to bring Sasha and Ann into an acceptable form for the use of forces, and also revealed the potential of Ann's strength. Still, it was not for nothing that they trained at night, destroying the forest around.

"So, let's get started. " - Adam turned away and locked the library

Adam closed the library, then led them to the backyard. He threw his suitcase in the middle, then took a wooden sword and began to draw strange circles in the sand.

"You stand still for now, it will take a minute or two. "

They shrugged and stood next to his suitcase. Adam walked around them in circles, drawing strange symbols in the sand. He also outlined them in a circle, and made several more in which there were other circles with runes.

" What are you actually doing ? " – Sasha sat on his suitcase and swung her legs

"Teleportation circle. It will take us close to Newtopia, but not into it. Because magic is forbidden on the territory of the city, because of one incident in which I participated. "

Yes, after he cut out the cult, magic was eliminated on the territory of the capital. Andreas gave an official order that the magicians must sign a special agreement at the entrance, otherwise they were not allowed in.

" Magic ? Do you also know magic?! " – Sasha 's eyes sparkled

"Of course I know. I had to learn in due time. There's still a lot you don't know about me. "

( Pure fucking water. I created this circle literally half a month ago and made it on a smaller scale. )

"Well, that's about it. "- he examined his creation and then stood next to them

" And what 's next ? " – under his gaze Sasha got off the suitcase

"You'll find out now...."

He stamped his foot and a huge circle lit up. Adam quickly walked up to them and grabbed their hands.

"Hold on ! When teleporting, misfires are possible, we cannot be scattered! "

" Adam ! Are you sure about this?! " – Ann looked at the ground in fright

"Yes....60 percent ! "

" 60 % ?! And what about the other 40?! "

"Well.....who knows ! Hahahahahahaha! There is no fun without risk! "

" No ! I want to get out ! I want the traditional way ! Adam! ADAM...,! "

[ WHOOSH ! ]

Their figures were swallowed up by the bright light. They found themselves in a multicolored tunnel and were moving quickly somewhere. Adam was laughing like crazy while Sasha and Ann were screaming for fear of death. Soon the end of the tunnel appeared in front of them.

The light enveloped them again and they found themselves in another place....upside down. Adam was lying on the ground while Ann and Sasha were sitting on him. His face turned a little red when he felt the soft peaches on his back.

" Get off me ! I can 't breathe ! " – he could breathe perfectly

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. "

They quickly got up from him and the feeling of softness disappeared, giving him a sense of relief. He exhaled and stood up, scattering their luggage lying on top of him.

"Come on, we need to get to Newtopia before nightfall. I don't want to sit near the castle walls. "

Adam picked up his things and walked along a well-trodden path, while the girls behind him followed him, not knowing that they were really lucky.

(Well, runes also work if you increase them in scale. I'll know. ) – they were on the verge of death, if not for Adam's pride

They did not go long, because the teleport was very close to the capital. After walking on the wet ground, they came to a huge gate at which Adam knocked.

"Who are they?! Why did you come ? " – a small gap opened in the gate

Adam silently took out the sign of the Primordial house. The guard's eyes immediately narrowed and he closed the latch. Adam silently leaned on the door and looked ahead.

" And....what's next? "

" We are waiting further. They need to confirm my identity, which usually takes several hours. But since this is a special sign..."

[ SHOO ! ] – the gate began to open slowly

"....then it took them no more than ten seconds."

They quickly went inside. Under the strange gaze of the girls, the guards made him a deep bow and did not even dare to look at him. In the distance, he noticed a petite figure walking elegantly towards them.

He immediately stopped and smiled under his helmet. He put down his suitcase and walked towards Olivia, spreading his arms.

"Adamantius, I'm glad to see that you're all right. " – she hugged me tightly, because she hadn't seen a friend for a long time

"Olivia, I'm glad you're still so elegant. " – he grinned at her antics and stepped aside, revealing a view of the girls

" I ask you to love and favor, the first and second stars, Ann and Sasha. Girls, this is Olivia, my friend. "

"Nice to meet you ladies. " - Olivia curtsied elegantly.

"Can you take off your robes, during these two months the amphibians in Newtopia got used to the sight of Master Marcy? "

" Masters ? " – he turned his gaze to her

"Later, we'll talk about it later."- she patted his hand

Sasha and Ann immediately took off their robes and breathed in fresh air.

"So, I think we can go to my mansion now. Unfortunately, Master Marcy couldn't meet you, as she is still sleeping. " – Olivia snapped her fingers and a carriage immediately appeared near them

" Wow ! Was it magic ? "

[ BONK ! ]

" Ah ! " – Ann clutched her head

"No, it was the power of money and influence, you fool. Get in the carriage, I've waited too long already. "

Ann looked at him resentfully, but still got into the carriage, Sasha went with her. Olivia looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

" What? I am their teacher, I have to support the role. And by the way, where is Yunan? "

"You know her, she's on different missions and hot spots again. " - she rolled her eyes

Soon the carriage left and they all headed to Olivia's mansion. And finally, it's time to reunite. And while Sasha and Ann were impatient, Adam had other feelings.

He didn't want to meet his sister. Neither in this, nor in the old form.