
Amphibia : A journey through fairy-tale worlds

Welcome to the Velvet Room. My name is Igor, I'm glad to meet you with a new one.....ah, I'm sorry. Apparently my memory is failing me. Glad to see you again, my most important guest. How many times have we already met here? I don't think it matters. So......what will you do this time?

Drago4n · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

23. Rest

[ Sasha's Room ]

Two teenage girls lazily settled down on the bed and slowly turned over the wanderers of the books that Adam had given them to read. Ann sat cross-legged on the bed while Sasha put her head on her lap and read through her sleeves.

"AAaaa, boring. " – she closed the book and threw it on the floor

"Why should we pine away here while he's having fun outside? " - She looked at Ann

"Because there are anthropomorphic frogs walking around outside, who will try to kill us the moment they see us. And in your experience, I have personally seen this. " - Ann lightly ran her hand through Sasha 's hair

Sasha only snorted at this, but still silently agreed. Her experience in the toad tower was....terrifying. She didn't remember everything, but she remembered exactly how she was beaten and not fed. How the terrible smell of waste, dampness and toads hit her in the nose. This, she will never be able to forget.

"Yes..... " – Sasha looked away and fell silent

Ann looked at her friend, then sighed and put the book aside.

" And what do you suggest ? We can't leave the room until the evening, it's closed, and there are bars on the windows."

Adam personally made sure that they couldn't escape from this room. He knew Sasha and knew what she was capable of. She could have persuaded Ann to run away to the village and then everything would have taken a terrible turn.

"Since we can't get out of this room on our day off... let's at least discuss everything that's happening to us right now. "

Sasha got up from her lap and sat down opposite her. She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Let's start over. How did we end up here in the first place ? "

" Mmmm....it all started with a box. Marcie sent you a picture of my "perfect" gift. After that , I had to steal my own gift ! " - Ann snorted indignantly

"I'm sorry. Looking at it now, I think it was a bad idea. Sasha smiled awkwardly

"Never mind. So, I stole the box and we all hung out at the nearest playground. I opened the box and " boom " ! A bright light enveloped us and we found ourselves here, separated from each other. "

" So the box can send us back ? "

"It won't work. Ann shook her head

"I have already tried several times while I was in the forest, but then I thought I arrived alone. I asked Adam what was the matter and he said that the box was " discharged". That's just he doesn't say how to charge it. "

" Mmmm.....don't you think he's kind of weird? It gives me the creeps. "

"No. Sasha, don't even think about the current. " = Ann poked her in the nose with her finger

"He sheltered us, gave us a roof over our heads and food. He also teaches us how to use our abilities. "

" And what if he does it, not out of the kindness of his heart ? "

"Of course he doesn't, he told me himself: "If I had a choice, I would give up the position of Keeper." He is the same as us, he was forcibly dragged into all this. "

"...let's say. But then fate has a very evil sense of humor. After all, she gave us "Adam" of all. " - Sasha rolled her eyes

"Sasha. Don't even start. " – Ann lay down on the bed and picked up a book

" What ? "

"You know what I mean. " – she looked out from under the book

"We've already lost one Adam through your fault. And I don't want history to repeat itself again. "

"Are you saying that it's me who's fau..."

"Yes, Sasha! It was completely your fault ! " - Ann threw the book away and moved closer to her

"You made him do it then. Because of you, we almost died then! And it was you who persuaded us to blame everything on him. " – Ann pointed her finger at Sasha 's chest

"If it wasn't for you, Adam wouldn't have disappeared. " - Ann snorted and lay down on the bed, reading a book

Sasha looked at her blankly. Ann was completely right, but she would never admit it. Sasha definitely felt guilty, a sea of guilt. She didn't tell anyone this, but every night she went out to the city to look for him.

For four years, she and Marcie had been roaming the streets looking for him. Four fucking years. But they didn't find a single clue. He seemed to have evaporated, fell through the ground. But they knew for sure that he was here in the city. After all, one day he left his mark.

"Phew... okay, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought up this topic. " – Sasha awkwardly scratched her head

"Never mind. Just keep reading and wait for me to calm down to forgive you. "- Ann muttered from behind the book

Sasha just smiled and felt light at her feet, but her thoughts were far away from here.

(We need to deal with all this bullshit here faster and get back to Earth. We just found his trail. Marcy probably thinks the same way right now. ) – Sasha took the book

(We'll find you, Adam. I promise you, I'll find you. ) – her hands clenched

(And then I'll fix everything I've done. )


" Do you remember what I told you in the last lesson ? So, these rules apply to you as well. "

Adam was moving around Sasha, who was blindfolded and holding two swords in her hands.

"The enemy can also blind you, so it is very important to develop your sense of danger. "

[ BAM ! ]

" Ah ! " – Sasha rubbed her ass

"You have to learn to listen and feel. Sasha, try to hear my scent. "

Adam came up to her side and made a sweeping blow. Sasha abruptly turned to him and got on one knee blocked him.

"Well done, what did you hear? "

" Air. I heard the air resonate. "

"The right answer, though you won't get a reward for it. "

[ BAM ! ]

" Ah ! Did you have to hit me on the head?!"

Adam walked around her and went to Ann. She was also blindfolded. Adam gently grabbed her by the shoulder and led her to Sasha. They immediately stood back to back.

" Teamwork is also very important. No matter how strong you are, you should always work together. Your actions should be synchronous, especially in such a situation. "

[ BAM ! ] – he hit Ann on the shin

"The team must protect each other. You have to trust each other completely, because that's the only way you can protect your rear."

[ BOOM ! ]

He hit Sasha in the shoulder, but she bent down and Ann blocked the blow. Sasha retaliated, but Adam stepped aside, not forgetting to give her a slap on the back of the head.

"You also need to know your weaknesses and strengths. Sasha, what are Ann's weaknesses?! "

[ BOOM ! ]

"She is clumsy, easily breaks down, behaves very aggressively in battle. It's easy to make her lose her temper. " – Sasha blocked his kick

"Ann, what do you think about Sasha? "

[ SHOO ! ]

"She is hot-tempered, egocentric, selfish and also likes to control everything. She will never hitch a ride, even knowing that she is wrong. " – Ann dodged his punch

"And now your virtues. "

[ BANG ! BANG ! ]

He struck and his sword was blocked by two blades, one from Sasha, the other from Ann.

"Ann is a natural fighter. She adapts easily and gives her all, sometimes even too much. "

" Sasha is always ready to support us. She always protects us and builds a safe plan. She's the one in charge of our fight. "

They were both smiling, restraining his sword with trembling hands.

Adam only raised an eyebrow at such a statement, after which he put away his sword and stuck it into the ground.

"You can take off the bandages. " – they did it right away

"You have a great teamwork. It's a little lame, but it can be fixed. But remember, the command is not an empty sound. This is your second family, ready to cover your back, at the cost of their own lives. " – he waved his hand at them and went to the library

"The training is over for today. You can rest now. Tomorrow I will check how you have learned the material. "


"They are learning much faster than I expected. And it just can't be, because I've known them since they were girls. Tell me, did you do something to them? "

Adam was sitting in his office, which is located in the attic. He wasn't wearing a helmet, as there was no one here. Only he knows the way here, because all his records are collected here. There were also letters from Olivia, retelling the progress of Marcie's training and how she gets used to the team.

He didn't have to worry about Marcie, she had those who would help her. He was more worried about Ann and Sasha. Their first experience in this world was painful and terrible. He knows how emotional teenage girls are, but he didn't have enough tantrums here. Except there weren't any. More than a week had passed, and there was only silence.

He looked at the sky from the round window and shook his head.

"Of course you won't answer me, you all-powerful bastard. " - Adam got up from the table and walked to the window

"You know, I'm even starting to like this world. There are no condemning looks, whispers behind your back, no one is trying to condemn you. This whole new world, I love it. But the fact that you sent them here ruined everything. " – he crossed his arms over his chest

"Don't think about it, I'm not worried about them. I don't give a damn about them. I don't give a shit about their experiences, emotions or other teenage pussy. No. What pisses me off the most is something else. "

Adam's eyes glowed golden.

"I don't like to have my loot stolen. You threw them here for a "great purpose," and forced me to teach them. Me! You 're a bigger bastard than me ! " - Adam waved his hand, and the glass began to crack

"I'm the one who walked the streets! I'm a freak who has no place in normal society! And you seriously put them in my care?! I know perfectly well what story connects us?! Why and most importantly why ? "

Adam stared at his broken reflection in the window. He hated what he had become. But most of all he hated those because of whom he had to change.

"I used to be different. " – he gently touched the glass and it began to crumble

He used to smile and laugh a lot. The smile never left his face, because that was the only way he could give joy to his friends. He always laughed, even if the joke wasn't funny. Until that fateful night. The night that changed them all.

{….Analyzing....a response was received from the user " Administrator". Make a record ? }

"...yes. I want to hear that bastard's excuses. "

{ Reproducing....

"Adam, don't think that your role is so small. " ]

Adam shuddered, because it was the first time he had heard the voice of the "Administrator". Saul used to read everything out in his cold voice, but now... now this bastard was addressing him directly.

{ "You're not just some kind of Guardian, you're something more. You 're perfect ! You are magnificent with all this anger and hatred buried deep in your heart. At first I thought it would be a third-rate play, but no. Your appearance changed everything..." }

Adam had heard the bastard's voice and it was familiar to him, but he couldn't remember it. There was pleasure and admiration in his voice, which made one shiver.

{ "I'll tell you something, just for you, my star actor. In fact, you're... a mistake. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. You're a mistake that shouldn't exist. I was deeply surprised when I noticed you, because I didn't remember how I created you. I wrote the plot down to the smallest detail, but you weren't there. }

Adam just grinned. He had heard such words before, a long time ago.

{ "As for why you... it's simple. Because....so much more fun....hahahahahahahahahahahahah ! " }

{ End of message. }

"...BASTARD! "

[ DING ! ]

Adam hit the window with all his might. Fragments flew in all directions and a couple got stuck in his hand.

" Interesting ? Interesting?! Fuck you! "

[ SMACK ! ]

Adam tore a piece of dripping from his hand and threw it on the floor.

"Mistake, are you saying I'm a mistake?! Good! So erase me ! Burn me to powder ! Kill me already at last ! After all, if you don't, then believe me, there will be huge consequences. "

Adam wiped the blood off with his face, leaving bloody lines on it.

" You have no idea what I 've been through ! What kind of shit did I do ! You have no fucking idea! Phew..."

Adam covered his face with his hands, then pushed his hair back.

"You want a show, there will be a show for you. " – he sighed and looked at the mess he had made

(I'll make you a show. And the plot there will be as follows. There will be no happy ending. There will be no whiny story. The only thing you'll see is me. Me walking on your immortal soul. )

He sat down at the table and folded his hands. In the darkness of the night, one could see his eyes shining brightly in the dark, golden light.

"I promise you.."- a grin appeared on his face

"The show will be unforgettable."