
Amped To The Max

In the year 2030, Earth is invaded by aliens, causing widespread destruction and killing most of the human population. The few remaining humans are saved by a group of powerful alien warriors called Kaktat, who take them to a new planet where they can live safely. One hundred years later, humans discover that they can gain superhuman powers by using gems found inside alien creatures Rex, a 17-year-old orphan, dreams of becoming a warrior and hunting aliens. He sets out to attend a military school, leaving behind his old life and looking forward to a new beginning.

mysticotaji · Fantasy
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12 Chs


They find a base after looking around and killing aliens for hours. After they settle down in their new cave Rex wastes no time and asks what has been on his mind since earlier. 

"So, can you tell us what you did back there with the gem?" 

"Oh that, it's nothing special, I just absorbed the gem's energy and made it mine." 

"W-wait, how is that even possible?" He asks with a confused look on his face. Rebecca also looks at Xun wondering how she did it.

"What do you mean? Everyone with powers can do that.....wait, you never absorbed a gem before?" 

"Of course n-...........wait, that experiment, the gem that I was injected with..no, that can't be it right?" 

"Hmmm, if you humans have never actually absorbed gems then that explains why your race is still so weak after a thousand years." 

"So the reason you aliens are strong is because of the gems? That makes a lot more sense......… so how can we absorb gems?"