
Chapter36 I am the hurt one here

Ye Jun is a twenty one year old man. He joined the business world at the age of seventeen after his father retired. But his suited job was in the underworld. Known as the king. Three years ago, he left Korean to the State to complete his studies. He came back to return to the company and mostly because of someone. 

But seeing his sister in a heartbroken state, he vowed to himself to make that person pay

"You also think I betrayed her. No one trusts me, not even you" Amora spatted.

Ye Jun pursed his lips when he saw the tears that were threatening to fall in her eyes. He squatted down and locked eyes with hers.

"She was supposed to be my best friend. She doesn't even trust me. What is the point of this friendship if there isn't trust, you tell me??" She raised her teary eyes at him.

Ye Jun was a little taken aback but he quickly composed his aloof look.

"She broke up with me for a guy, isn't that ridiculous?. Three years of friendship just for that Jihan" Her voice choked.

"He is her first love. Before you came into her life, he was already apart of it Mora. As a brother I know how hurt she is. I have never seen her that hurt. You hurt her by cheating with Jihan"

With gritted teeth, Amora removed her gaze from him. She stared blankly at the wall "If you don't believe me, just leave. Get the fuck out of here" She shouted.

"Why don't you act like a girl for once in your life? You haven't experienced what pain really is. I get it is foolish of her to think of a guy at this stage but still I support her. To you everything is a joke" He said calmly.

Amora turned her head to him. She swallowed and shut her eyes tight. "You bastard!!" He opened up her wound once more "I hate you!!"

"You have no idea what you just said to me. You think she is the one mostly hurt. Do you have any idea of what I have been through? Parent affection, I get none but she does. Sibling love and most importantly love. I am the hurt one here. She hasn't been through what I went when I was younger. No reasoning, control."

"I yearn for love every single day of my life. Aunt Moira tries to give me that but it isn't enough. I miss my parents a lot but they don't even think if I am dead or alive. To them they only have one daughter which is elder sister" She murmured with her head down fighting not to show her vulnerable state.

"I thought coming here will change everything but nothing changed. I get frustrated every single time. Satina and Chloe loved me like a sister. Do you really think I would hurt her?" She raised her head and sobbed.

Tears streamed down one after the other as she looked at him. Ye Jun became regretful, his formal cold attitude changed when he moved closer to her. He brought his hand forward to clean the tears away but the girl harrumphed and turned her face the other way.

"Just let me go" That was the last sentence she said before losing consciousness.