
Amora of Artemesa -- Breaking

Artemesa is run by a fierce hierarchy. Only those with political power or powerful Amora can live comfortable lives. Those who don't have noble titles or low-tier Amora are trampled under the feet of the strong, especially the Royals. The hierarchy dominates not only Artemesa as a whole, but even individual workplaces or households. At the Fifteen Diamonds of Artemesa, that holds doubly true. The Fifteen are known as school for the elite and privileged. And the Royals at Luminine, one of the Fifteen, were seven of the strongest Amora users in the world. They were known as God-tiers. The King and the Jacks were known as the Cadre of Luminine. The Cadre was led by an extremely powerful individual, known as the Queen. Her given name was Asha, her official last name unknown. Asha was granted a noble title by the King, and was known as his Watchdog, his Sword, the piece he could move secretly and freely in the shadows. - In this first book, the Cadre is hit by a sudden insight into Asha's past. While it's not everything, it's more than they'd ever known about her before. A mysterious girl dressed all in black with skeletal wings appears on the scene, just as Asha leaves it. During the Interschool Tournament, a dark horse appears and threatens to take down everything Asha sought to keep safe. The Cadre were forcefully dragged into Asha's personal life, one they found to be much more dangerous than they thought. And while the Cadre and their Queen are away from the school, a war breaks out between the Fifteen Diamonds. Asha must protect the school, her cadre, her plans, at herself all at once. She seems to be fighting a three-fronted war against the monster inside her, her brother’s plans, and another puppet master behind a more sinister plot. - This book is about Asha's Breaking

LifeInShadow · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Welcome, Diamonds of Artemesa

By nine in the morning, the fourteen other prestigious schools of Artemesa arrived at Luminine and stood gathered in the courtyard. Chatter traveled all the way across the school grounds as they waited.

Then the castle-like doors opened to the school, and six figures walked out and onto the stage raised in front of the students.

"We thank you for the honor of hosting the Interschool Tournament," Rosaria said loudly, silence falling over the courtyard.

"We are the Cadre of Luminine, comprising the Disciplinary Team and Student Council," said Tim.

"During this Tournament, all students from all schools are required to follow Luminine's school rules," told Amelia.

"Or those who break them will be punished accordingly," warned Ethelyn.

"We will also be participating as Luminine's main roster," Blyke said.

"And we will offer no mercy to our opponents," agreed Daniel.

Just then, something crashed to the stage, when the dust cleared a pair of upraised black wings blocking out the sun for a split second before extending to either side, around the other six.

"I am the Queen of Luminine," Asha said in a commanding and regal voice. "I will be your strongest opponent, and your worst nightmare. If you dare harm Luminine, then I will personally make sure you never see the walls of your school again. You may call me Queen, or Asha. If you wish to die, then challenge me for the right as the Queen of the Fifteen Diamonds of Artemesa!"

Asha flapped once, rising twenty feet in the air, before swinging an arm to the closed doors of the school. A great rushing wind passed over the heads of the students, stirring hair and hats, before slamming into the heavy wood doors, pushing them open.

Asha bowed in the air. "Welcome to Luminine, Diamonds of Artemesa." She snapped her fingers, sending wind into the sky and making it swirl and crash, creating a fabulous display in the air. It grew even more fantastic as fire and ice and water and electricity joined the show.

"That's so like Luminine! Such a brilliant display!"

"I hear these seven are God-tiers!"

"I can't wait until the tournament starts!"

Asha watched the students file into the school, a small smile on her lips.

"You didn't get any sleep," Blyke said as she landed back on the stage. He raised a hand to touch her face, but Asha just knocked it away.

Asha's eye twitched as she watched Blyke morph into the sad puppy that no one could resist. She relented with a sigh, taking his hand and bringing it up to her cheek.

Blyke smiled kindly before tracing his thumb under her eye. Softly, twice. Then he dropped his hand back to his side. "I think you're starting to trust us," he said.

Asha snorted. Fat chance. "Let's get in there. We're in charge of explaining the first challenge." She and the cadre moved inside, Amelia, Blyke, and Asha running around the school, posting papers all over the halls with the rules of the first part of the tournament. They were quick, moving through crowds like ghosts, posting the papers before anyone could see them.

The first part of the tournament was chess. Two teams against each other, and the strongest of the school commanded the pieces, as well as acting as a piece of their choosing. However, the powers of the Amora were used, as well. Only if you are knocked completely off the board or if you are knocked unconscious is your piece considered "destroyed". If you get hit but stay on your square, you keep playing.

However, certain pieces had different rules about the power they could use. A Bishop could use nearly all powers, but they were forbidden to fight physically. Knights could shift into their Amora's Second Form to attack. Rooks were only allowed to deal long-range damage, and pawns could do pretty much anything as long as the opponent was in a square diagonal from them. Only the King and Queen were allowed to use Transcendentals, but the King could only attack those within two squares of himself.

While all Amora have seven forms, transcendentals were moves rather than a form, and were a kind of ultra-move. Any Amora can use transcendentals, but they increased in strength with their rank. High-tier and up, there are some Amora who have exclusive transcendentals.

The challenge was that evening, before dinner. Good luck.


"Welcome, Fifteen Elite Schools of Artemesa! Today, we are the three impartial judges in charge of raking with your Headmasters and Headmistresses. Now that our introductions are over, let us please introduce the main and reserve rosters for the schools! Maelstrom!"

"Here!" two sets of ten people shouted.







Asha picked at her fingernails as the rosters answered their school name. There was no use holding this contest; Luminine had won the year before, and the year before that one. Asha was the strongest out of all the fools at those schools.


"Here," the cadre said, standing up.

"Y-you only have seven people for your roster, and you don't have a reserve, either?" the judge asked.

"So cocky."

"Who do they think they are?"

"But that monster of a Queen won for the past two years..."

Asha just smiled. It was a shadowed smile, hiding something far more frightening beneath it.

"Very well. Now, Luminine gets the empty seed for the second round because of their win the last tournament."

Asha walked away from the arena, passing a black-cloaked boy. But she felt something familiar, but when she turned around, he was gone. She frowned before exiting the arena to sit in the stands until the first game was over. Maybe Solariya would be more of a challenge than last year. It seems they picked up a God Amora user.

The first steam to be knocked out was Serviate, and Luminine stood to meet the winner.

"You get to pick people out of your audience to serve as your remaining pieces," the judge said.

Asha looked up into the stands, at the waving hands and shouting faces. "Keren Willows," she said. "Zane Kellar. Marina Baek."

The crowd burst into a ruckus as Asha called them by name, a few more that she just pointed at joining the team on the field.

"Daniel, you can handle the king position?" Asha asked.

"Of course. I take it you have the Queen one."

"Definitely. This will be over in ten seconds," Asha said, loud enough for it to carry to the stands. She grinned as Luminine started cheering and the others started booing. "Childish," she hissed to herself. She took up her square.

"Ready, and Darkmoon goes first!"

"Knight three squares up and one left!"

"Luminine's turn!"

"Pawn, up two spaces."

"Knight, capture her pawn!"

Asha's lips twitched up into a smile. "Queen, advance. Capture the knight.

Asha snapped the chains holding her power back, hair swirling around her as wind whipped over the arena, sending people from other boards flying. "Quetzico!" she shouted. The wind worked itself into a frenzy, a wild tornado. And Asha was in absolute control of it. "Wind Transcendental: Windstorm!"

The other cadre members raised shields on Luminine's side of the field, keeping the wind from blowing them away, but when the white blades of wind calmed, the other side was empty and everyone was off the board.

Asha moved faster than the wind in the tornado, appearing before the King of Darkmoon like a ghost, Quetzalcoatl wrapped around his neck, teeth poised to strike his throat. Asha smiled above him. "Would you like to forfeit?"


"Luminine wins!"

"She took them all out with one move!"

"That only took eight seconds!"

"Luminine raises monsters!"

Asha retracted Quetzico. "Second form!" Those green wings unfurled from her back and she took off into the air, flying away, only a streak of shadow in the sky.


He tracked her every movement, movements that were new, and some of the bumbling steps he knew. She was so close, and he knew she felt something. But he couldn't do anything yet. Not yet... or it would ruin all of his careful planning for this chess game. There were pieces still cloaked in shadow, hidden, and some that hadn't arrived yet, but the first move had been made.

He smiled. He was looking forward to seeing the Queen's reaction.


Luminine won every match with stunning ease, trading turns taking out the opponents. Asha didn't even show up for any of the other matches.

Given that, Blyke was pissed. He was fuming in a dark corner of the library, trying to get his head back in the game. Dinner would be in two hours, giving the students time to wash up and interact before the meal.

Blyke rubbed his temples. Asha was eccentric, vanishing without a trace, exploding at random times. And now she'd left Luminine during the Interschool Tournament.

He was about to leave the library when his eyes snagged on a book that looked like it didn't belong. Instead of the rest of the cheesy romance-dramas, it was a thick, dark-spined tome. Blyke pulled it down, curiosity biting at him as he looked at the cover. "Royal Families," he read. He frowned. That was a bit suspicious. Why would this book, which would typically be under lock and key by the vulture-like, book-collecting librarian, be here where anyone could take it.

Blyke tucked himself in an alcove booth used by the students for quiet and individual studying before opening the book to the table of contents. He ran his finger down the line, passing his own Hagani family before his finger stopped at a name so disfigured by ink he couldn't make it out. Confused, he found the page.

Blyke's eyes widened as they took in the family title. Phantomhive. Almost ripping the page in his haste, he flipped through the pages until he found their family tree. Something had always stuck in his head. Phantomhive was one of the most renown Royal Families in Artemesa, yet nobody seemed to know who the first six generations were.

But the writing on the pages made even less sense. Pen, the same pen that had crossed out the name, was all over his page, adding names, crossing some out, and even writing small notations on the border. His eyes flowed down the paper, until he reached the current generation. No matter how many notes and added names there were, this was by far the most surprising. Under the names of Neseryn and Fillip Phantomhive, Isabella, Asha's sister, was the only child listed.

"Are you doing a bit of light reading?"

Blyke jumped, slamming the book shut in surprise. But the book was gone, in someone else's hands, sharing the booth with him in the shadows.


Her hand opened the book, on the page where Blyke had been reading. Her knuckles turned white as she read the page. "Tezcatlipoca," she said. She just watched with hard eyes as the book started to shrink, change, until only a small sapling in a small amount of dirt remain.

Blyke flinched. Tezcatlipoca, Quetzalcoatl's twin form, was a ruler of time. She'd reversed time on the book until it was barely a seeding.

Asha stood, taking a small ring from her pocket. "Catch."

She threw the ring at him and Blyke slipped it on his middle finger without a second thought. "What... was the book saying?" he asked.

Asha just gave a vague smile before tossing the plant at him. "Take care of that for me."

The ring absorbed the sapling before it splattered across the table, and Blyke just shook his head. She'd given him a dimensional storage ring to store a plant? But... almost everything Asha did had a purpose down the line.

Blyke twisted the ring around his finger. That book... was it Asha who'd written the notes on there? If it was, she was also trying to hide something. But... what and why? Blyke looked up as a high pitched bell tinkled. His eyes widened. Blyke sprang to his feet, running out of the library even with the librarian cursing at him, just in time to see a figure in black wearing a veil tuck a bell away.

"You!" he shouted.

Those gray-silver eyes met his. The figure turned away from Blyke, somehow walking faster than Blyke's running, but her fluid motions were still as smooth as if she was strolling.


The figure just hunched, pausing, giving Blyke enough time to nearly reach her, hand only an inch from her shoulder, before huge skeletal wings burst from the black clothing, knocking him backward.

Blyke just gaped as she rose into the sky on wings that logically should never have been able to work, let alone carry that girl into the sky. He stabbed himself as he moved to get up, and he winced, taking a look at his bleeding hand. Buried in his palm was a nearly a dozen clear silver-black needles.

Blyke looked back up where the girl had vanished. 'No wonder those wings worked,' he thought.

They were made of those clear, deadly needles.