
Chapter 98

Max could feel his eyelids heavy and they were threatening to shut down. His head was getting lighter almost by each passing moment.He felt exhausted which was quite abnormal for him.He had always overworked himself and his system had switched to the workaholic one.

He glanced at the ticking wall clock and a deep frown appeared on his handsome face.

"11:47pm.Why on earth would I feel so sleepy at this time?"he mummered the question in surprise.

That was very early for him to drowse off to dreamland.

His 'date' with Renna had not been too bad ofcourse since it had bore bountifully but it had made him loose four hours of his work.

He wanted to make up for the two hours but his body was hell bent to make that a super fail.He stood up stretched abit and paced in the study for a while before returning behind his screen.

Atleast he had gotten rid of the silly sleep that was crawling to him but again he couldn't focus on what he was doing.What could be the reason for his lack of focus was anonymous even to himself.He kept on trying to bring his mind on what he was doing but it was all to waste.

Finally,he gave up.After all,there is always tomorrow!

He shut down his laptop and walked to his room.All the sleep and exhaust and whatever was making him long for his bed and loose focus on his work desipated when his eyes fell on the empty bed before him.

'Where is she?'his mind questioned him as his brows creased abit.He checked the bathroom but it was empty and so was the closet.

He walked downstairs and checked the kitchen with no success.The living room was equally empty.

He panicked

He got afraid.

He was afraid that she might have ran away from him again.As much as she had left a week ago and left him alone,the difference was,this time she would have left telling him where she was going and that made him freak out.

He was afraid of loosing her and he knew it was hard to tame that stubborn wife of his so he wished and hoped that she was somewhere around.

His heart was pounding hard in his chest cavity as if threatening that it would come out anytime soon.

He wanted to ask the servants where his wife was but they all had retired to their quarters.

He only had one thing to do,that was checking outside and if she wasn't there,then he would send his guards after her.

He dashed out of his house and began checking.The garden was filled with all kind of flowers but his only flower was missing.At the pool, the water stared at him in a relaxed manner but his relaxant was lacking.He kept on checking around,at some point, running to different directions.

He was beginning to loose it....or maybe he was being paranoid for no reason.

It even crossed his mind that having such a huge mansion would be so frustrating,when looking for a lover....his love.

Max's pounding heart relaxed abit when he saw her at the gazebo.She was staring at space, hugging herself tightly.

'Is she cold?...why is she outside at this time?...is she still angry with me?'Max questioned himself unendingly as he studied her stature,while walking towards her.

He continued studying her for a while more.

She was damn pretty.He just wished he could hug her and never let her go.

He wished he would never hurt her again.

Looking at her now,he felt like he wanted to make her happy and always make her smile at him.That smile that would bring deep dimples on her cheeks,making his ice heart melt.

Despite every bad memory her beautiful and innocent face kept on triggering back to him,he wanted her by his side.

Since she came into his life,he had a good time sleeping....he had always hated nights because of the constant nightmares he had but she had cure that...she made him smile and laugh and always long for his bed...maybe that's why he couldn't concentrate earlier.

He could only agree with his therapist...she was his antidote.

With all these in his mind now,he couldn't help but feel like he had been the worst husband on earth.He had let her down and he had also let his mother down.She had always wanted her son to be a gentleman but with how he kept on treating his wife,he was definitely far from being one.

He wanted to be better,he wanted to give his marriage and heart a chance to walk in love again.

He consciously moved closer to her,sat behind her on the chair and wrapped his arms possessively around her from behind.

Ammy,who had been buried in her own thoughts jolted in fear when she felt the strong arms wrapping her slender body.She almost pushed the person away from her and screamed but she relaxed when his charming scent filled her nostrils...it was the man she had not expected to come to her.

Max felt her tensed body relax under his touch and a silent sigh of relief escaped his lips.He tightened his grip on her while burying his face on her smooth neck.

'Whats wring with this psycho?'she asked herself,when her body finally relaxed in his arms.She wanted to say something but she remained quiet.He was behaving so strangely and she truly couldn't wait to know the name of this drama he was playing right now.

After a long period of silence,he finally spoke,his face still buried in her neck.

"Am sorry,"he began making her freeze.

The freezing was as a result of two things,him saying sorry to her which was definitely out of her expectation and second was his hot breathe that was fanning on her sensitive skin.

She gulped,her eyes still widely opened and remained quiet.Her body was really behaving in a funny way just because of the fanning of his breathe on her.

But did he really say sorry to her or was she again dreaming about him?

She waited for him to repeat his statement just to confirm that she was neither dreaming nor hallucinating.

Fulfilled hopes,he did....

"Am so sorry Ammy....I know I have been the worst husband ever..."he spoke again making her brows raise in wonder.

'Did he just realize that now?...what took him so long to know that?'she mused in her thoughts but her lips remained shut.

"I should have told you about Renna...but trust me nothing happened between us that night.I would never have let that happened with you as my wife,"he explained.

'With me as his wife?...what in his unknown dictionary is that supposed to mean?'Ammy yelled in her mind.

"She wanted to bone me but I didn't let that happen..."he continued.

'What the hell is bone?'her mind screamed again but she still played cool...or rather angry and not wanting to talk to him.

Ammy kept on listening quiet though she couldn't understand why he was explaining himself to her.Its not like he loved her or their relationship was a real one.Everything was fake.

'But wait...does this mean he feels something for me?....like he loves me?'Ammy questioned, widening her eyes with surprise.

But her mind stood against that thought.Maxwell would never love her....never!

"I owe you no explanation Max and your past shouldn't be my business..."she finally began speaking but he interfered before she could finish her statement.

"You do Ammy...you are my wife and you owe me all the explanations possible for me to give,"he responded softly making her turn her head to his side.

Their eyes met and Ammy could see the honesty in them.She literary fought the urge to wrap her arms on his neck and suck all his breath from his lungs but as she continued fighting that urge,he didn't.

He pulled her closer to himself.He gazed into her eyes as if asking for permission and when she kept on looking into his eyes,he couldn't hold back locking her lips fiercely in his.

He sucked her lower lip and she responded by sucking his upper lip.

Max couldn't help but note that her kiss was different from her previous kisses.She seemed like she was becoming a pro in this.And her lips were softer and they really tasted sweeter.They gave him the urge to taste her walls.He pushed his tongue between her lips and she gladly parted them,giving him the entrance he wanted.

His hands slid to her waist and he held her tightly against himself as he devoured her inner walls passionately.

Ammy wrapped her hands on his neck as she also struggled to get the 'tongue dominance'.

Max could feel the temperature around them raising.He knew it was his body temperature.He was feeling hot and he knew that his beast was surging up in desire.His member had already buldged so badly,wanting to spit out it's contents.

He wanted to tear away her clothes and bang her mercilessly but he couldn't forget that he had once told him that she wasn't ready.

He pulled away knowing that he would loose it if he didn't get away from her soon.

"I promised to wait until you are ready for me so I won't break that promise,"he spoke when he finally got his breathe back.

"Am ready Max,"she responded immediately.Max looked at her silently.He wanted to jump with joy but he definitely couldn't.

"Are you sure about that?"he asked in a low voice, perhaps to hide his delight.

"Never been so sure in my life,"she responded and landed her lips fiercely in his making him smile between the kiss.