
Chapter 85


The kiss intensified.Max claimed my lips hungrily.More like a long starved beast.He pushed his tongue between my lips that I willingly parted for him.

Our lips met and entwined and he sucked, making me almost run out of breath.As he sucked, his hands were on me, caressing, touching with passion, making my body yearn for more of his touch...more of him.

He withdrew after some more minutes of the sucking and the caressing.

He looked at my face and our eyes met.Within those grass green eyes,I could see the love that he had just confessed.The want and the desire that were smouldering him or rather eating his alive from inside.

"You said you were not ready for me...are you now?"he asked, his voice hoarse and his eyes burning with more desire as he looked at me.

I wasn't sure yet...was I ready for him?..was I ready to do this?

I sighed deeply, my eyes still holding his.

I nodded.

He titled his head down towards me and captured my lips again.

More passionately...more hungrily...more ferocious...as though he would chew me up and swallow me whole.

He ripped off all my clothes without breaking our lips apart and I was left completely nude under his manly body.His hands explored each part of my body quite roughly that I began feeling afraid that he would tear my skin apart but the same soft hands assured me that in no way could he do that.

They were too soft to even make a bruise, let alone rip my skin off.

The feel of his hands on my skin was so good.

His lips now on my neck, he sucked and nibbled as he moved down.He reached down behind my ear and sucked a little.

I never knew that was my most sensitive part, or was his tongue working some trick?

I arched my back and a moan of deep pleasure escaped my lips.His hand travelled down to my precious jewel.Touch and playing down there with careful as though he was skilled at that particular thing.I freezed at the intense pleasure making me open my eyes abruptly.

I was panting hard, probably from the kiss or the pleasure or what his touches did to me.

Beads of sweat had formed on my forehead.I surveyed my surroundings carefully,my eyes wide open and my chest heaving heavily.

"Are you alright?"a young feminine voice startled me from my survey.My eyes quickly moved to the door where the voice had come from.

Andy stood there, looking at me curiously.Her eyes narrowed at me and little frown on her face.

I gulped hard as I continued to easen my breathing as I took in deep breathes.

"Ahah...am fine,"I responded nodding at her.

"You look startled,"she responded, her words enunciated slowly as she studied my face from where she stood, at the door.

"I really am...I guess it was a nightmare,"I responded forcing a smile on my lips.

She nodded calmly at my words.She was fully dressed for school and her bag on her back.

"Will you pick us up today?...we will be staying longer and the bus will leave before we are done,"she explained and I simply nodded at her.

"At 5 pm,"she shouted as she walked away.

I quickly wiped off the sweat drops from my forehead.My lips parted as I drew in deep breaths.


The I LOVE YOU!!.. was also a dream!

That was so crazy!

But why would I dream of such nasty thing!!!!

What was happening to me?...why have such a dream.

That silly dream got me wet!!!

I was still in a daze when my phone rang.I almost jumped off the bed following the sudden ringing of the phone.

"Now who could just call at this time if the morning!!!"

I cursed as I grabbed the phone from the table.The dream had just pissed me off.

Not because it was quite bad but because Max's confession wasn't real.

Thats what had been so bad about the dream.

The name that appeared on the screen my heartbeat accelerate again.

I received the call and placed the phone on my earlobe.

"Good morning wife?"Max began as soon I picked the phone.

"Good morning..."I responded rubbing my forehead lightly.

"You ready for work already?"I asked.

Was trying to be a good wifey!

"Yeah, I am...how was your night?"he asked calmly.

I sighed lightly and rolled up my eyes.

My night was a mess or a...total freak.

Or maybe it was good.Whether a dream or not...he confessed his love and it was also quite good.

"It was good Max,"I finally responded.

"Did you dream about me tonight?"he asked, his voice as sweet and low as always.

I glanced at the screen with a frown.

How did I know if I dreamt about him or not?...or maybe he was just trying to be romantic.

But I couldn't tell him that I dreamt about him...that I dreamt that something was actually almost going to happen between us.

Oh no...I didn't dream about him.

"No I didn't..."I responded calmly.

"Oh, I guess that's a lie but okay I take it that,"he responded.

Yeah it was a lie but...how did he know that I did and I just lied to him!?

"You better do because I really didn't,"I responded trying to sound damn serious.

"Okay fine and am heading to the office now so talk later, maybe in the evening,"he informed calmly.

He really was talking as though it was a must that we always talk!!...but it was a good one, it gave me the feeling of a really married lady.

"Alright, hope you didn't forget to have your breakfast,"I responded smiling lightly.

"I did actually but I will make sure to when I get at the office,"he honestly responded.

"That's fine and don't skip your lunch too,"I spoke.

"Ofcourse,"he responded before ending the call.

What a good wife I had really become!!

I placed the phone back on the bedside stand and got off the bed.

I walked to the bathroom and freshened up.Ready for the day.

As normal, I walk down to the kitchen, have breakfast,wash the utensils then am all free.

I liked this place so much but I really dislike the fact that I never have anything serious to do.

At my husband's house...my husband?...yeah ,my husband's house, I would be moving around the place making sure everything was just fine.

Atleast that would get me quite exhausted than just sitting around.


I had been sitted on the couch, busy watching that I forgot that I was to pick Andy and Leon from school until I got a message notification from Andy.

"Where are you?...we are almost done!"the message read.

OMG!!...few minutes to five pm and I was still sitted, watching.

It would take me almost thirty minutes for me to get there!!

"Almost there.Hang on,"I typed and sent the text.

I couldn't even go change into something much better.I ran to my room and grabbed the car keys from the table and ran out in my booty short and tang top and flipflops on my feet.

I had to drive past the normal speed limit to be in the shortest time possible.

I was concentrating on getting at the school when my phone rang on the other seat.

Andy was calling again!!

I told her I would be there so what was the call for?... but I don't pick calls when driving.

I just ignored the call and drove much faster.Its not like they would walk all the way home either.

I arrived at Brighton High minutes later.I parked not far from the gate and got off the car.

Where would I even see these guys!?...the school was so just so huge.

Maybe call Andy back now.

"Hey, sorry I couldn't pick your call because I was still driving.Am here now, where are you?"

I asked as soon as she received the call.

"Coming,"came her short response and the call disconnected.

I leaned at the car as I waited.

"You really kept us waiting,"Leon began when they he was almost where I was.

"Am sorry I was quite busy,"I apologized genuinely but I wasn't.

I couldn't tell them I had been busy watching until I forgot about them.

He got into the car but Andy wasn't out yet.Seconds later, she appeared at the huge glass door,with a young man beside walking beside her.I had not known who he was.

Maybe thought that he was a fellow student but as they got closer, I saw the man's face.

Very handsome and a smile was on his face as they walked towards me.

What was he doing here? and why on earth was he talking to my sister?

I remained transfixed on my spot,gawking at them silently.

Andy got into the car without saying anything to me.Maybe she was angry that I kept them waiting for long.

The young man walked towards me, still smiling.I forced a smile back at him.How would I smile genuinely after what his sister did?

"Ammy.Long time,"he began as he stretched his hand towards me for greetings.

I took the hand and smiled at him again.

"What are you doing here Rayan?"was my question to him not even responding to what he had said earlier.