
Chapter 7

I didn't know how or when I fell asleep. I woke up the following morning quite early. I rushed to the bathroom and took my shower while humming my favourite song. It was a song that most of the time we would sing together with mum and Andy, mostly when sitted at the leaving room after dinner. We would sing, shout and giggle happily. I just couldn't wait to go back home, to my mum....to my sister...and have all the fun we use to have together. I left the washroom after my long hot bath and walked to the closet. I picked a light blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a white hoodie from the closet and wore them after applying the body oil. I then grabbed the white sneakers from the shoe shelf and wore them as fast as I could and tied my hair to a ponytail. After almost thirty minutes, I was done and I calmly sat on the bed waiting for Miguel to come over. Time flew by and Miguel never came. I got so impatient that I decided to go to him myself.I knocked on the door for a while before it was opened. Miguel pepped out and opened the door fully after seeing me.

" You are already set?" he asked quite surprised and she nodded as she got in.

"Did you even sleep Ammy?" he asked trying to tease her and Ammy laughed heartily at the sound of the question, revealing her beautiful teeth and deep dimples.

"Ofcourse I did Mr....but you overslept I guess and I was getting so impatient already," she answered between her laughter. Miguel pinched his forehead hard.How could he forget that she had chosen to leave today?....but ...they hadn't decided on the time she would leave... maybe that's why it slipped his mind.

"Am sorry for keeping you waiting. Ley me tell the pilot to prepare for the flight in ten minutes," he answered and walked to the bedside table to get his phone. After making the call, Miguel sat next to her on the bed and stared into her eyes, noticing the sparkle of happiness in them.

"What?" she asked happily while smiling at him. That breathtaking smile of hers.

" You are such a sweet soul Ammy," he responded and she blushed at his words. Truth be told, no one had told her that apart from her mother, who used to always say that to her and her sister.

"Am happy to have two sweet souls besides me....you are my world babies," her mother's voice rang inher mind and she smiled.

"Thank you Miguel," she responded, " you also have been good to me and you made my stay here much better," she continued looking back at him and he simply smiled at him.

"That was quite a good little speech," he joked and she chuckled at his words.

"Do you always have to joke?....am serious Miguel and you are also good looking!" she complimented before winking at him and Miguel tilted his head while looking at her with narrowed eyes.

" So you can be that perverted?" he asked.

"Gosh, no!....that was a compliment man," she complained.

" And the wink?" he asked teasingly.

" Ooh...that?... that's just a non- verbal cue....used a wink to emphasize on the how beautiful you are," she answered raising her hands to the air as if surrendering, as Miguel broke into a hearty laughter.

"That was smart beauty ....I liked that," he said before while still laughing.

"But sti..."he continued but was interfered by the vibration of the phone on the bedside table. He stared at the screen before picking the phone.

"The flight is ready sir," the man on the other line spoke.

"Okay," Miguel short answer was heard before he ended the call.He stood from where he sat and kept the phone in his pocket before he spoke.

" We should go noy miss....your flight is ready,"he spoke and Ammy stood almost immediately. Miguel led the way out and the two walked to where the plane waited.

" It was good spending time with you Ammy....and I can say that I met a good friend in you.Hope you meet with your family and be happy again....and hope to see you soon," he spoke when they were almost reaching the plane.

Ammy stopped walking and turned to look at him. She smiled sweetly at him as she spoke, her word as sincere as those of a child.

"And I also found a good friend in you Miguel....and once again thank you everything you have all done for me ...I hope to meet you soonest," she said before he pulled her for a tight embrace and she embraced him back.

" Take care of yourself Ammy....and this is my contact cards .. you can contact me with any number here Incase you need anything....and I repeat.... anything," he spoke handing her a card after breaking their embrace.

"Thank you Miguel..." she muttered again before turning and headed towards the waiting plane. She waved at him one last time as boarded the plane and the plane flew soon afterwards. Miguel stood fixed for a while, staring at the disappearing plane before turning to go back to his room. Since his errand had finally ended, he wanted to prepare and leave in less than an hour. Miguel walked to his room and headed for the shower. He was done dressing up when he received a call from Vivan. His face lit up with joy but his brows creased wondering why this man had finally called.

" You finally called?" he asked after receiving the call.

"I did ....how are you bro?" Vivan asked trying to ignore his friend's displeased voice.

" Definitely good," he responded before continuing," so why did you call Vivan?... because this isn't you."

"It's weekend buddy and am as free as you can't imagine....was thinking of having a bachelor's weekend," he responded calmly.

"Ofcourse....spoken to Max already?" Miguel asked wondering if the guy would join them this time round since he hadn't joined them during their last bachelor's night.

"I did and he is coming along ....so where are you?Was just at your house and I was told you were out of the country," Vivan asked curiously. He had asked Max about Miguel's whereabouts but had told him to contact him instead yet they were together most atimes since they were both so much into business. As they say....birds of the same feathers....

" Am in Verge but will be landing before night .... waiting for my private jet...." he answered.

"Business trip?" Vivan asked as curious as ever. Miguel wasn't ready to spill the beans over the phone.He knew vivan would make fun of him being a nanny or a 'full grown lady's babysitter's so he decided to keep it under water untill later on.

"Yeah...yes yes...it was a business trip but all settled so see you later buddy," he spoke before ending the call. Anymore stammering from him would led him to an unending interrogation from him and he knew he wouldn't be able to lie for so long with Vivan's questioning at hand and he didn't want to disclose about his past job to him just yet.