
Chapter 78

(Max's POV)

She dropped the pant on the floor,her dress still up and she sat on me.Right on my now buldging member.She possessively wrapped her arms around my neck and forced her lips on mine despite my attempt to keep her off.Her warm lips claimed mine hungrily.I gladly accepted and kissed her back.I really didn't want to but I couldn't help it either.My hands involuntarily grasped her waist and started moving downwards, exploring her naked buts.I couldn't control myself anymore.With one arm, I lifted her from me and the other went to my open zipper.I pulled down my trousers and my starved member popped out happily.I was about to make her sit on it, when suddenly and annoyingly, Ammy's face popped in to my mind.I wasn't too drank not to be aware that the girl I was holding was Renna.

No, this isn't supposed to happen.

"I really love my wife....I love my wife...I promised to wait until she was ready for me,"my mind kept on repeating. I released my grip from Renna and pushed her away from myself.She fell on the floor and collapsed, she was over drank but I was sure this is what she had wanted to do with me.

I stood up and pulled my trousers up but ignored my zipper.I paced around the lounge, my wine glass in my palm.

I was feeling guilty just for kissing her and being tempted to cheat on my wife.I gulped all the contents in the glass.I really wanted to see how she was fairing but I couldn't.I was sure I wouldn't like what I would see.

My eyes travelled back to the lady lying on the cold floor, naked.As much as I wanted to devour her due to bodily desire, I moved closer to her and pulled the dress down, covering her.

I sat beside her and drank all the remaining wine.


I was startled from my sleep by a loud shattering voice.I jumped to my feet when my eyes fell on Ammy, shock written all over her face and eyes.

Why on earth was she so shocked!?

I looked at myself then at the floor.

My zipper was open, Renna's pant was on the floor and her dress was really unkept.Anyone who would see the scene, would simply believe something very real happened.

I ran my fingers to my hair and sighed deeply looking away from Ammy.I couldn't bring myself to look at her, leave alone to say that nothing happened.

Renna stood looking at herself, then me and then Ammy.She looked surprised though not much.

I turned my back towards them and ran my fingers in my hair again.I really was expecting her to say something but she remained silent and neither could I bring myself to speak.She really wasn't supposed to see this.

Maybe I should try explaining what happened.

I turned towards her and my eyes met her already wet eyes and damp cheeks.A twinge of pain shot in my heart as I saw her teary eyes.The disappointment they were speaking and the pain.But something was off.

She was holding her chest so tightly.Her eyes were wide opened and she looked as though she wanted to say something but nothing was coming out.She was really struggling to breath.

My eyes widened as I looked at her, not knowing what was happening.My heart was really pumping hard that I couldn't bring myself to move to her or say anything.

She raised her hand towards the door and Rose ran to her aid as she dropped on the couch.

My feet loosened up and I ran to her side, shocked and afraid, that too something I had not felt for years.... afraid.

"Hosp..."she began but she couldn't continue.

"Ammy....are you alright?"I asked her but she didn't respond but gazed at me, her eyes still wide.

I scooped her with ease and ran out of the house.

"Get the car,"I yelled as I ran towards the parking.The engine halted to work as soon I sat at the back seat, holding her in my arm.I wanted Vivan but realized I didn't have my phone with me.

"Does any of you have a phone!?'I asked and Sham me handed me his almost immediately.

I dialed Vivan's number and called.The phone rang but got no response.I called him again but got no response.I frustratedly threw the phone back to him and concentrated on Ammy whose chest was heaving heavily.

She was holding my hand tightly.She was panicking or was she also going to leave me as mother did.I was sure she was having an asthma attack.When I learnt that her mother had died of asthma, I read about it.It was hereditary and either she or her sister would have inherited it though it wasn't a must that any of them did but she never showed any signs of it until now.

"Hey, calm down, okay?...try and relax, you will be alright,"I assured gazing deeply into her blue eyes.She gazed at mine and maintained the gaze.I could see pain in them.I didn't know if it was because of what she had seen or what she was feeling now.

We arrived at the hospital in some minutes.The doctors confirmed that she it was a severe attack.She was admitted after giving her an injection to bring down her asthma.

"How is she doing doctor?"I asked when they were done with the injections and was now laying asleep on the bed.

"She is okay now....do she use nebulizers or inhalers?"he asked.

"This is the first attack doctor...she wasn't asthmatic before,"I responded calmly.

"She was and she has been...maybe she experienced it before but it wasn't too serious..."the doctor paused a little then continued.

"This is worse the worst type of asthma.Its called status asthmaticus.Its very severe and can be triggered by lots of things and a inhaler and nebulizer can't be used on her but the injections we just administered to her,"he explained further.

"What was the cause of this attack?"I asked curiously.

"Emotions....she was shocked and hurt by something.Too much pain, shock , laughter or sadness can trigger it,"he responded.

I feeling of guilt pierced my heart again like a sharp dagger.I had caused her this.

"Not to worry, she can be discharged later during the day when she her respiratory have fully stabilized and the nurse will give you a list of things she should stay off and foods to avoid since it's her first attack but she will be just fine,"he assured me and left the room.

I moved towards the bed where she laid still and sat beside her.

"Am so sorry Ammy.I promise nothing happened and nothing will because it's you I love.....I love you so much,"I whispered caressing her palm with my thumb.My eyes moistened as I looked at her face.She was so beautiful and very peaceful, so innocent.

"I am so sorry,"I repeated again.

I moved closer to her and kissed her lips lightly.Withdrawing from her, I stood from the bed to go out but...

"Max..."I heard a faint voice.She was awake.Oh! that was fast to face her after the morning scene.

"Ammy, you are up?"I asked walking back to her.I sat beside her on the bed and took her hand.

"How do you feel?"I asked, sounding as normal as though nothing happened.Maybe I hoped she would have forgotten that.

She looked at me, her eyes misting up again.And the next moment, her cheeks are dampened with tears.

If she only knew what her tears did to me, she would stop being a crying baby.

"Should I call the doctor for you?"I asked gazing into her eyes.

She shook her head and sniffed.

"I think I need to go home now. Am absolutely fine,"she responded forcing a smile.

"Ofcourse you are fine but the doctor said that the attack was too severe to be your first so your respiratory system has to stabilize fully before you can get discharged,"I explained and she gazed at me quite confused.

"Wait, what attack?"she asked sounding confused.

"You had an asthma attack."

"Like, am asthmatic?....like mom?"she asked spelling out the last two words in a low voice.She looked afraid and shaken by the revelation.

"Hey relax, it's just asthma!"I tried to make easen her fear.And yes it was just asthma....not a big deal.

"It's that same asthma that killed my mom Max!"

"I know but it's you not your mom....you will be okay with proper care and I will make sure you get the best,"I assured her and she nodded in agreement.I spent the rest of the day with at the hospital with her until she was discharged.

"Can I go spend the week with Andy at aunt's place?"she asked politely as we drove home.I would have refused her but since I had caused her so much pain in one day, I couldn't.

"Why not go at the family mansion?...are you sure you will be comfortable there?"I wasn't sure of what exactly to ask.

"No...I think I will be more comfortable with my sister around,"she responded and I had no otherwise but agree.

"Can I go tonight?"she asked calmly,"am sure your visitor will be there, waiting for you."

I sighed silently and averted my gaze from her face.

"Ammy you are making this a big deal for no reason and am sure she would have gone to her place at this time so stop making this a big deal,"I responded, my voice quite raised.I had just lost it.Why would she just believe that I would do something with another woman, I was just almost but it didn't happen!!