
Chapter 6

"What?" Max asked as he picked the call.It was Miguel calling.

"Such an attitude man!....did I interrupt something," Miguel asked teasingly.

"That's none of your business. So why did you call?" Max continued asking.

"Okay...the girl is fine now and she wants to go home," he stated seriously seeing that Max was in no mood for jokes. Max didn't even need to think twice about his decision.

"Fine," he responded before ending the call making Miguel's brows crease in confusion. Just some months ago before he left, he acted like a normal human, showing some interest on the girl and now he had just changed and was behaving like he never cared if the girl leaves or she stays.Miguel was somehow relieved that Max didn't create a ruckus about it and was willing to let the girl go her way. He couldn't even wait to tell her that she could leave anytime she wanted.Meanwhile, after Max ended the call, he couldn't help but feel disappointed by his own answer and he couldn't understand why deep down, he was against the idea of the lady leaving.

Darkness had already covered the place when Miguel decided to break the good news to Ammy. He was so overjoyed that he will not be stuck here in Verge anymore. The thought of running his own business empire on his own and not giving orders through his assistant made him smile.

"Helloo," Miguel knocked as he entered the Ammy's room.

"Miguel ....you are here," Ammy exclaimed noting the good mood that was beaming from him forcing her to smile subconsciously.

"Yes I am...why don't we go out to the hotel?" he asked causing Ammy's eyes to widened a little.

"Right now?" she asked and he nodded severally with a smile on his face.

"Yes Ammy....right now..." he stated stressing the word now. Though surprised, Ammy couldn't refuse such a beautiful offer. The last time she had been to the hotel, she had had the best time of her life.She ate and drank foods she had not had even seen before.She was actually from a middle class background and some of the foods she sawa that day were new to her. Ammy jumped off the bed and ran to the little closet in her room to get a robe.

"I guess am good to go now..." she exclaimed smiling childishly at him. Miguel turned to look at her and couldn't help but get impressed by her simplicity.

"Hhmm... let's get going then," he answered offering his hand for her to take. Ammy took his hand happily and smiled wildly at him making him note her dimples which he hadn't noted before. He subconsciously raised his hand and touched her dimples.

"What!?" she asked laughing heartily.

" Have you been hiding these beauty?,,,,never noted them?" he teased.

"Maybe because I never really smiled before," she answered still laughing.

"Maybe that's true....so you've just been faking smiles?" he continued narrowing his eyes and the girl nodded still smiling. The two walked hand in hand as they entered the hotel. The place was as lively as ever. They sat at a table at a corner and a waiter went to take their orders.

"Make your order beautiful," Miguel told Ammy. She remained thoughtful for a while before snapping back.

"Well I eat what you eat," responded Ammy making Miguel widen his eyes and the waiter smiled at her words. Miguel made the order for the two of them and the waiter left to get their food.

"So why do you want to eat what I eat?" he finally asked curiosity burning his patience down.

"You know...I feel like I will leave soon so I want us to share meals as we are together. How is that?" she asked smiling at him and Miguel simply nodded as he gave an "mmh" as an answer. After a while of a happy chit chat between them, the waiter returned with their meals and served them. The food made Ammy's mouth watery as the aroma hit her nose.

" That smells yummy!" she exclaimed happily as the waiter placed the dishes before them. There was grilled beef, well cooked pasta and some veggies.

"My choice is always the best," bragged Miguel making Ammy nod as started digging into her food.

"I won't disagree with that...hhhm....so tasty," she commented as she chewed the meat while her eyes were shut. Miguel found herself admiring her every steps. Her chubby side , talkativeness,beauty and so active....he just liked the everything about her. It wasn't so good that she would leave soon but it wasn't bad as well. The two ate there meals and headed to the girl's room since it was already late at night.

"I think I have got some good ews for you," Miguel started as they entered the room and the girl turned to him looking so curious.

"And what can that be?" she asked. Miguel rolled up his eyes before he responded looking quite disappointed.

"Oh crap!,,,,I expected you to guess first," he stated disappointed.

" Poor thing....sorry for the disappointment but am not even good at guessing so just tell me!" she answered nagging him.

"Okay fine....but it's kinder disappointing....you know," he continued and Ammy continued asking him to speak up. He finally let out a long sigh before responding.

" I spoke to the man who asked me to take care of your and he said....you can leave anytime you want," he answered and Ammy jumped in joy. She was so happy that she hugged Miguel tightly while still jumping in his arms and even kisses him on his forehead and cheeks as though she was kissing his beloved child, making Miguel smile inwardly at her reaction.

" Thank you so much Miguel....but wait ...what man are you talking about?" she asked pulling away from him. Miguel stared at her wondering why he had mentioned that at the first place.

"Sigh... actually the man whose driver knocked you off asked me to come over so that he could go handle something....you never sawa him?" he asked and she shook her head in confusion. She wasn't sure if the man she saw that night after she woke up was the man Miguel was referring to or it was Miguel himself.

"But....when I woke up that day....a man was sitting beside the bed but I couldn't see his face so am not sure if it was you or him," she answered honestly.

"Exactly.... that's him," he answered and she nodded before talking again.

"Whoever he is.... please pass my hearty thanks to him for helping me," she spoke, this time holding his hands in hers.

"I definitely will ....get some rest now," he spoke.

" So can I leave tomorrow?" she continued.

" Ofcourse.... ofcourse...I will prepare you a flight," he responded before leaving for his room. Ammy sank in the bed as tears of joy flowed down her cheeks. She was very happy that she would finally see her sister and mum.