
Chapter 63

(Ammy's POV)

My breathe almost stopped when the priest posed his question to Max and he remained quiet.It was as though he would say 'am sorry, I can't do this'.He averted his gaze from the priest to me and it remained steady on me for a while before;

"Of course I do..."

I felt like hugging him so tightly and kiss him but I was a bride and I had to watch it.And when the priest asked me the question,I almost shouted my 'I do'.

Not because I was glad that I was getting married to the great Maxwell Storm, but because I would soon be with my sister or maybe that's what I was just trying to convince myself with.But the joy I felt when taking those vows was expicable.

It felt good to be married just as mum had said earlier.

After the vows, Max's carried me off my feet so lightly and carried me all the way upstairs to his room.

I really guess I have to gain so more weight then.

He sat me on the bed so romantically that I almost got lost in his sweet gesture.Moreso, when he pulled me closer to him and pecked my lips.Gosh, I love how warm and soft his lips are but it's like the contact on our lips reminded me of his mood swing a week ago at his office.Abruptly, my mood also changed.

Can't tell how or why.

"Are you okay?"he asked when I got a bit serious.I couldn't even lie and say that I was okay.I instead looked straight at his eyes and hissed at him.

"I just remembered that whenever am with you, you end up treating me like trash and am not ready for that,atleast not tonight....and we are freaking married so you will have all the time to do that."I finished my statement and got off the bed and walked to his closet.I had been told earlier that he would carry me to his room and not mine so the second look dresses would be at his closet instead.

On the part of walking out on him, you can say that I had grown some wings and I'll take that...otherwise who dares speaks that way to Maxwell Storm...I mean my freaking husband.

I walked back to the room minutes later with two white dresses in my hands and he was looking at me like; how the hell did dresses get to my closet!? but trust me I ignored that look.

"Which of these would you like me to wear?"I asked him smiling.I was pretty sure that he would choose the ankle length dress but it was no less than the mini one.But again he was like;

"Do you really have to get changed?"

Ofcourse I had to because I was literary tired of the duvet I was in....wait, I called it that before him and I loved his reaction.

"You call the dress I spent dollars on a duvet?"

I couldn't help but laugh despite the mood swing I had adopted earlier.My laugh subsided when he muttered something so softly that I couldn't hear it clearly.Our eyes met and glued to each other.I could feel a certain pull towards him as I gazed into those eyes so I had to break the gaze.

"So which one do you choose?"I asked again and he picked the ankle lengthed as I had just thought.I turned to go back inside but again I couldn't get off the dress on my own so I asked him to call the maids but once a shameless man?...

Max walked closer and yanked me to himself and held me so tightly that there was no inch between us and our bodies were pressing against each other.He then got his hand to the nape of my neck and pulled me in for kiss.It all happened so fast that I couldn't retaliate nor respond to his kiss.He deepened the kiss and began sucking my lips.He then advanced down to my neck and I could feel goosebumps appear on my skin as his warm lips landed on my bare skin.I was even beginning to get dizzy and so I closed my eyes.

After some minutes of being stranded, I felt his hand move downwards and my zipper flew open and the strands too.He then pulled out, looked at me and:

"Should I continue?"

Oh my word!....he never asked for my consent when starting all that so why was he now!?

"I think you should help me get off the dress as agreed,"I managed to change the topic but he had loosened all the fastenings, so I walked back to the closet and got off the dress.I got into the strapless long white dress with a long slit that ended a distance above the knee.I combed my hair straight and briefly retouched my make up.I wore the silver colored badgley mischka embellished sandals (type of shoes),gathered my hair to one side.I stood before the mirror and I loved the reflection.My curves were all visible and my milkish skin was glittering under the light.

It seems my husband loved what he saw when I stepped back to the bedroom.He was quiet for a while with his gaze fixed on me.

"This is even more amazing,"he complimented.

"Thank you my love,"I responded smiling at him.I asked him if we could go and he offered me his hand and we walked out of the room.

At the reception:

The place was so beautiful and well decorated and the lighting was just so catchy.The guests made the place look even more fantastic with their expensive wears.I could see most of them gazing and murmuring as we got inside and I couldn't help but wonder why they were doing that...and I just had to ignore their looks and gazes.

As the newly wedded couples, we got to the field and interacted with the guests.Thanking them for attending our event and others offering us their gifts.Max never seemed interested in the whole issue and I was to do most of the talking and smiling.

"Good evening Mr and Mrs Storm.Congratulations on your union....and what a beautiful bride you got yourself,"was the statement we got from most of the visitors.

At a some point, Max began discussing business and I excused myself.I was walking from him when my gaze fell on Maya and Milady sitted at the wine table.

"No spouses for you girls?"I asked them when I got closer to them.They both turned and smiled when they saw.

"Congratulations babes,"they all yelled happily and we had a group hug.

We were still chatting when Michael and Rayan joined us.

"OMG!...you really are so beautiful,"Michael spoke offering me a hug.

"Thank you Mike...."I responded hugging him and hugged Rayan as well but Max came.

"Can I borrow my wife....?"he asked while taking me away.

"Ofcourse... I almost forgot that she is already taken,"Michael joked and Max threw him a warning glance.

"Guys, keep on reminding him and tell him to stay away from my wife,"Max also responded looking at them and then led us away.

"Naughty wife....why did you leave my side without letting me..."he began but someone interfered.I could remember that face,I had seen him at Maxwell's office.The two greeted each other and he introduced him as Edward Bash.I stretched my hand to greet him and he accepted it but his grip was tight and he wouldn't let go of my hand.

I couldn't pull out my hand so I looked at Max, silently pleading for his help.He saw me glancing at him and he ordered him to let go and he did.

They chatted shortly before we were led out by the event director to an open area, the grass very green and well trimmed.It was at the mansion's pitch but it was well decorated and the lighting perfect for dinner.Tables were well arranged and the foods arranged on each table.I gazed at the place and almost got emotional.If my mum or my sister and friends were here, it would have been the best wedding.I was beginning to get uncomfortable again, Max took my hand and caressed it a little.He then led us to our reserved table, with the words BRIDE & GROOM on it.He pulled a chair for me and I sat and went and settled on the seat opposite me.There were varieties of foods, well cooked and ganished and a sight of the would arouse your appetite.

I glanced at the table beside ours and saw mum Camilla, Mr Storm,Uncle Mark, aunt Cynthia, Sherlyne, Milady,Maya and Michael all eating happily.The trio; Mum, Maya and Milady glanced back and waved happily while smiling at me and I smiled back.I was perplexed when Max asked the maid to leave and he served the meal in my plate and his.

"Trying to be a gentleman?"I asked smiling.

"No.... trying to be a wonderful husband,"he responded.Okay...we will see how that goes.

"How do you like the meal?"Maxwell asked.

"Its awesome....thank you and thank you for this grand wedding I never expected it would be this good,"I whispered to him.He swallowed the food in his mouth and looked at me.

"You are welcomed but you know that I did this mostly for myself....the fame and popularity stuff,"he explained and I nodded calmly.Its not like I expected any better answer from him.

"I expected that...anyways how about my sister, when do I see her?"I asked him.

"You fulfilled your part of the agreement and so I will too.Very soon but now, let's talk about our honeymoon,"he responded and my brows furrowed.

"What honeymoon Max....we are going for no honeymoon.This stuff is done,"I responded under clenched teeth to keep my voice down.

"Oh, don't worry.I will choose a place then and that will be my first surprise for you,"he responded while smiling sweetly at me and I couldn't just argue any further with him.