
Chapter 61

(Ammy's POV)

I was still sitted on the couch, my eyes shut when Rose informed me that my bath was ready.I opened my eyes and stood up.I was feeling weak and cold though there were beads of sweats on my forehead.I gathered all the strength I still had and stood from the couch.I took small steps to the bathroom and Rose walked close behind me since I had refused her help me walk.

"Ma'am, Let me go get you something light to drink to help you gain your energy,"Rose suggested when we reached the bathroom and I nodded weakly at her.

"Will you be fine ma'am, or should I help you with your bath first?,"she asked again when she was already at the door.

If there was something I wouldn't let my assistants do was to bath me.That was just impossible.

"I will be fine Rose, thank you for your concern,"I responded and forced a smile on my lips.

I took off my clothes as I supported myself with the towel cabinet beside me.I managed to walk to the bathtub and got inside.As much as I was afraid after what just happened earlier, I had to push those images and that wierd feeling away.I carefully scrubbed my body with the scented soap and body scrubber after thoroughly washing my long hair, until I was convinced that I was now ready to rinse off.I washed off all the soap from head to toes and got off the tub.I picked a pink towel for my hair and another one for my slender body but beautiful body.I have to appreciate myself after all.

As I walked to the bedroom, Rose also walked inside with a glass of very thick avocado juice and fruit salad.How I liked what she just brought.

"Is this to increase my appetite or something?"I asked smiling at her.

"And help you gain some energy....you really need strength for the event before you ma'am,"she responded calmly.I picked the glass and sipped the contents.It was as delicious as it looked.I placed the glass back on the tray that Rose was still holding and headed for the closet.

"Ma'am, your designers and makeup artist are outside the door, I was asked by Mrs Storm to bring them to your room.Should I let them in?"Rose asked after placing the glass of juice on the stand within my reach.

"Yes please...."I responded calmly and she left the room.I sipped the content in the glass again and ate some of the fruits.Seconds later, she came back with two ladies and a young man.

"Good day Mrs Storm..."they greeted me in turns and I responded with a smile.

"Ammy is enough though, my relationship with Max isn't finalized yet,"I responded after the greetings.

"But it will in some hours and we are here to perfect you for your perfect day,"the young man responded smiling warmly at me.I returned the smile though I wasn't sure if it really was my perfect day.

"Thank you so much sir....I guess we can get to work then,"was my response as I continued smiling.

"We will start with a massage to help you relax because it's very normal for brides to be nervous and tensed during their wedding...and please call me Alex,"he spoke and introduced himself.They crew got to work as they arranged their makeup kits and all the equipments they needed.I laid on the massage table and Alex massaged my tensed body.

"You really have a wonderful skin texture and color miss Ammy,"he complimented as he worked.

"Thank you Alex....and this feels so good,"I confessed as I closed my eyes to let the relaxation consume me.We then got to the makeup some minutes later.First they shaved all the baby hairs on my face and applied the foundation.They drew my brows in a perfect way and elongated my eye lashes with the mascara.They ended up looking like long bristles but they really were so beautiful.It took them a whole hour to do the make only.It was tiresome but the results were very worth the time taken.They then helped me get into my sleeveless wedding dress.It was dazzling white,well adorned but quite heavy.I got into the golden colored badgley mischka embellished sandals (type of shoes) and went back to sit infront of the dressing mirror.They finished up with doing my hair and after it was well blowdried, oiled and sprayed, it was combed down in long beautiful and shiny smooth curls.I stood infront of the full mirror to check the work that had lasted more than two hours and my lips curved up with satisfaction.I couldn't see my eyes puffed like before.In short, the person standing before me wasn't Ammy anymore.She was far much than gorgeous and the dress was just beautiful and the hairstyle made me stand out to be the most beautiful bride, I have ever seen though I hadn't seen any bride before because I had not attended a wedding ceremony before but just watch wedding shows where I saw many brides.But even among those brides I had seen, I was still far much more gorgeous than them.Whether happy, glad or sad, I can't tell but tears welled up my eyes.I tried all my best to push them back so as not to ruin the make up.

"Woow!...you look more of a goddess,"Milady exclaimed as she got in to the room.

"You really are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen,"Maya also commented even before I could respond the Milady's compliment.I turned to them and hugged them tightly.

"Make sure you don't shed another tear now,"Maya teased as I hugged them tightly and I chuckled.

"Thank you girls, you also look very pretty...and thank you for being the best friends I never thought of having when I came here,"I thanked them and my voice broke.I was almost breaking to tears again but I couldn't allow it.I inhaled deeply and opened my eyes wide so as to push back the tears that were threatening to fall.

"It's fine babes...and you deserve the best of all things and congrats for coming this far,"Maya responded and we all hugged again.


"Woow honey!....you really look beautiful,"mum Camilla also exclaimed while walking towards me with a motherly smile.

'This would be my mom's smile if she was alive to witness this day,'my mind reminded me as she walked towards me.More tears welled up in my eyes and I couldn't hold them back anymore and they began flooding down my cheeks as she took me in for a warm hug.I hugged her back tightly and shed more tears in her arms.As if she understood what I was going through, she let me cry until all the pain I was feeling subsided.

"It's sometimes okay to let it out honey...why are you crying this much?"she finally asked after I had calmed down.I just shook my head and smiled at her.

"It's nothing mum,I guess it's just tears of joy.Am finally getting married..."I managed to lie and am glad she fell for it.

"That's normal for every bride my dear.It was the same for me too but you will be fine honey.Marriage is the best thing that happen to a lady.You will see but we have to go now.Its time,"she told me and I nodded.

"Please redo her makeup,"she asked the makeup artist and Alex got to work.

Minutes Later:

I walked to the wedding venue.It was at the backyard.There were a lot of prominent guests, dressed in expensive clothes.The well decorated chairs were arranged well and divided into two huge columns and a red carpet separated them.There were beautiful roses at the beginning of the clean dark red carpet.Baloons and other decorations made the place a best venue.Maya and Milady walked with me out of the house until we reached the venue.They walked inside and I remained standing there.

"And here comes the bride,"I heard the priest announce.I guess it was time for everyone to see the bride they have been waiting for eagerly.I exhaled sharply and took in deep breathes to calm myself.I was beginning to get nervous again and butterflies were beginning to fill my tummy.The flashback of what happened earlier began playing behind my mind.I tightened my grip on the flowers in my hand and exhaled again.Beads of sweats were forming on my forehead and my palms were sweating profusely.I tried lifting my legs but they were suddenly even heavier.It seems I had been standing for a very long while.

"Honey, is everything okay?"I heard mum Camilla asking and I nodded.

"You have to go inside now .... everyone is waiting,"she whispered into my ear and I nodded.When she went back inside, I closed my eyes and took in deep breathes again and when I opened them, my legs somehow got lighter though I was still very nervous.I carefully took small steps, and looked straight ahead of me.My heartbeat was increasing bit by bit as I felt all the attention and gazes on me and I gripped the flowers tightly as I moved on.I could feel my legs trembling a bit and my steps were not that steady though thanks to the dress, no one could see that.I had reached a half of the distance when I saw Max standing at the aisle.He looked gorgeous and so attractive.He was even more handsome.I think I saw him smile a little at me and my heart beat increased even more but I somehow calmed down.I smiled back at him and my feet were no longer trembling and the sweats on my palms began drying off.I was sooner than I expected at the aisle standing beside him.