
Chapter 60

(Ammy's POV)

"You are up already...?"Milady asked.I had been awake for a while before she woke up as well.I had been staring at the ceiling while trying to figure out how the wedding would or be, or rather how my life after my marriage would be.

"Yeah..."I answered shortly, still staring at the ceiling.

"And how are you feeling now?"she asked again in a faint voice, almost like a whisper.I gulped silently and shortly remembered what happened the previous night.

"I am very fine..."I responded.

"We should be out of the bed now I guess."I told her and got off the bed.Milady followed after some seconds but Maya was still fast asleep.I grabbed a yoga mat from the closet and spread it on the floor.Milady joined me and we both did some yoga and I was then ready for what the day was holding for me.A wedding...and a wierdo husband...that was what the day was holding for me today.

"Your eyes are really swollen,"Milady gave her opinion as we walked out of the room.

"Hope it's not too bad..."I responded smiling at her.

"You almost look like a human octopus...just the face though,"Milady joked while laughing at me.

"Oh my word!...You must be kidding me babes,"I responded smiling at her.

"Ofcourse I am babes..."came Milady's response as we walked to the bedroom.

"How do you feel, now that your wedding will take place in few hours?"Milady asked as I walked to the bathroom to scrub my face.

"Very nervous and anxious....and more of afraid,"I responded as I carefully scrubbed my face with the face soap and then washed my mouth after brushing my white rows of teeth.

"Why afraid?"she asked when I walked back to the room.

"I don't know..."I responded calmly.Milady nodded at me and let it go.

"Not showering...?"Milady asked when I got out of the bathroom while wiping off my face with the towel in my hand.

"Nope...I want to have my tea first."

I was walking towards the door so that I could go make myself my morning tea but then:

Knock, knock.

We heard the straps of knocks on my door even before I could reach there.I grabbed the knob and twisted it open.My eyes met Rose, my personal maid who I had left two months ago at Max's place.

"Rose, what are you doing here and when did you even get here?"I asked her before she could even part her lips to greet.She slightly bowed before me before talking.

"I arrived here two days before under Mr Storm's orders ma'am but you have been very busy that I didn't want to come bother you...."she responded calmly and I just nodded at her.

"But you still should have let me know that you are here,"I responded and she murmured a genuine sorry.

But why would Max ask her to come over yet I had other maid servants already.My eyes moved down to her hands.She was holding a tray and a glass of green tea stood proudly on it.

"This is for me?"I asked her, when I saw the green tea smoothie.

"Yes ma'am..."

"You never forgot about my tea?"I asked smiling at her as I took the glass from the tray.

"A servant never forgets her master's likes and dislikes,"she responded calmly returning my smile.

"That's very good of you to say but you are not a servant Rose....you are my assistant,"I told her.Maybe to make her feel better or maybe that was true.

I took the glass and thanked her with a warm smile on my face.I closed the door when Rose walked away.

"Why on earth do you drink that?...it's not even summer,"we heard Maya ask.

"I almost asked her that as well..."Milady responded,"but what dream did you have?..."she then asked Maya.

"Why do you ask that?"Maya asked instead of responding.

"Waking up with that inquisitive thing is raising my curiosity.Did you dream that you had joined the FBI or something?"Milady asked and I chuckled at her question.

"I guess that would have been better than the dream I had..."Maya answered while getting off the bed.


Knock, knock.

The knocks on the door interrupted the question I was about to ask her.I stood from the couch and placed the glass on the table and began walking towards the door but it flung open before I could get to it.It was mum Camilla.

"Good morning pretty ladies?"she greeted when she opened the door then her eyes fell on me.

"Oh dear, your face looks puffed...."she exclaimed touching my face carefully.

"Is it that bad?" I asked her when I saw the worry in her eyes.I had been at the bathroom and even scrubbed it but I never double checked myself on the mirror.

"It wouldn't be that bad if it was on Milady or Maya but it is bad because it is on you..."she responded and I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Mum..."I heard both the girls behind me exclaim in disbelief.Mum Camilla glanced at their side and smiled shortly.

"You two are not brides....that's all I meant...right dear?,"she defended herself and even asked me to confirm it.I swallowed nothing and glanced at them before responding.

"Yeah... yeah,"I responded while nodding my head.Mum Camilla smiled at them as if to confirm her victory after my agreement.

"You girls should go take shower...the designers are already here for you,"she informed us and left the room afterwards.

Milady and Maya also left the room so that they could go prepare themselves.

I can't tell what exactly happened but as soon as I was left alone, I began feeling extra nervous that my hands began shaking.My heart was beating fast and butterflies were starting to fill my tummy, yet Maya and Milady were not there to tell me to be calm.I had to do it myself.

"Relax Ammy....it's not a big deal now and you have to do this for your sister,"I tried to calm myself down but it wasn't working.Images began flashing in my mind, and I saw myself walking down the isle on my beautiful wedding gown.And a beautiful smile was plastered on my face.A great crowd was gathered and they were all staring at me with deadly glares that it was beginning to tear off my wedding dress.It was scary.They all stood from their seats and walked towards me, grabbed me and teared my dress apart.They messed my hair and some were reprimanding me harshly.

"Shameless girl, what made you think that you will be Maxwell Storm's wife?...you are just after his money and fame and nothing more.You are very shameless,"some of them shouted harshly at me and even hitted me hard.I fell on the floor and curled myself into a ball while I cried there and shouted at them to leave me alone.

"Leave me alone....leave me alone,"I shouted.


"Ma'am....ma'am...are you okay,"I heard someone call to me.The person was holding my shoulders as if trying to help me up from the floor.I shot my eyes open and I saw Rose.

"Are you okay ma'am?"she repeated her question.I glanced around me with a panic stricken face.I was panting very hard that it was getting difficult for me to breath and beads of sweat were already trickling down my forehead.I was sitted on the ceramic tiled floor, crouched like a lost kid and hugging my knees tightly against my chest.

Rose was squatting beside me and her hands wrapped on my shoulders.She was trying to help me stand up.

"What just happened to me?"I asked her sounding confused and afraid.She just gazed at me confused.I could remember that I was feeling very nervous and tensed and I was trying to calm myself down.

"I don't know ma'am... I came here to help you with your bath but found you shouting and crouched on the floor.Let me help you up ma'am,"she explained then offered to help me stand.I supported my full weight on the couch beside me as I stood up.

Rose made me sit on the chair and poured water in a glass from the table and handed it over to me.I gazed into the water in the glass and the images that flashed in my mind earlier came to life again.I shook a little as fear gripped me again and the action made me spill some water on myself.

"It's happening again...."I muttered as my hands started shaking vigorously.

"What's happening to me Rose?"I asked her feeling very much afraid.Even though she looked as afraid as I was, she took the glass of water and kept it on the table.She then took me in her arms and hugged me tightly.

"Calm down ma'am....this is just a panic attack,"she spoke soothingly while caressing my hair.It took a while and I managed to calm down and whatever that was, stopped.Rose released me from her grip and I leaned back on the headrest of the couch and closed my eyes.

"Can I prepare your bath now ma'am?"Rose asked and I nodded still closing my eyes.