
Chapter 52

Author's note:

To my dear readers,I want to thank you for giving a priority to my book, just to clear some confusion, the book has got different formats of writing, some chapters use the character's POV format and some the author's narration.Lots of love❤️❤️❤️

(Ammy's POV)

Trust me when I say getting married to the great Maxwell Storm is the worst decision I have ever made and I don't think I have any way out if it, unless I don't want to reunite with my sister.He is not only mean and cold hearted but also very hard to understand.I followed his lead like a lamb when he pulled me to himself infront of his guards and when he dragged me to the restaurant.We walked hand in hand, all the staff members eyeing us.I could see some of the lady staffs drooling over him and some of them sneering as we passed by.I knew they were sneering at me but I could say nothing to them.And why on earth were they drooling over him?....as much as I didn't care, I still disliked it.We got to the last table at the furthest corner and sat there.A waiter came to attend to us.

"Good afternoon sir, we are glad to have you here today...please make your order,"the waiter spoke respectfully,handing the menu to him.Max took the menu and passed it to me but I was so mad to receive it.I just raised my head, looked at him and ignored him.I could feel the sharp gazes he was throwing at me but seriously, I cared less.He had just embarrassed me infront of his guards and I would do the same infront of his servants.He finally handed the menu back to the waiter without glancing at it.

"Your special recipes,"he commanded the waiter but I could feel that his gaze was still on me.

"Yes sir...will serve you our best drink as we prepare your meal,"the waiter informed him but he just ignored him and kept on staring at me.

The waiter slightly bowed his head before us and left for the kitchen.We sat quietly at the table for some seconds and a waitress came to serve us chilled orange juice.I almost hugged her when she placed the juice before me because she had just done me a favour.I was mad at the man before me and he kept on staring at me until I was feeling freaking hot and I really needed the juice.Without any care in the world that there were staff members watching us as though we were some superstars,I grabbed the glass of juice and gulped it down my throat until it was half way.I placed it back on the table to catch my breath and that's when it downed to me that the waitress was still standing there watching me in surprise.

"What?"I found myself asking her.

"A-am sorry ma'am...enjoy your drink,"she answered bowing slightly before me and walked away with the tray.My eyes subconsciously shifted to Max's position and I caught him staring at me, his palms entwined and supporting his chin.His stare irritated me and I couldn't keep silent.

"Now what?"I asked him, trying hard to keep my voice low, because I felt like shouting at him for having been staring at me since we stepped in at the restaurant.

"Nothing..."he responded shortly and sipped the juice from his glass.I reached for the glass again and I was almost picking it from the table when my phone buzzed.I opened the purse and took the phone, it was Sherry calling.I hurriedly picked the phone, happy that she finally called after a long while of no communication.

"Hey lovie,"came Sherry's voice from the other line.

"Hey babes...missed you so much,"I responded faking happiness but my voice betrayed me.

"I missed you too lovie but you really sound unlike you...you don't sound happy and you don't sound okay either.... anything wrong?"she asked sounding worried.

"Am fine..very fine and my wedding is just some days away and..."I couldn't continue my statement, my voice was breaking and my eyes were getting watery.A strange feeling took over me and a lump formed in my throat and my chest.I felt like crying, I just wanted to shout all my pains out but I couldn't, atleast not in here.

"Hey lovie....relax just calm down, everything will be okay,"I heard Sherry speak as I tried to push back my tears.

"I have always been and you know that Sherry but I don't think I can anymore...how am I supposed to relax...,"I began but I remembered that Max was watching and listening to me so I couldn't continue and the waiters were now setting the table for us so I had to shut it.

"Talk to you later babes....I have to go now,"I spoke and ended the call before Sherry say anything more.I placed the phone back in my purse and grabbed a serviette and wiped off the tears that had started falling off my eyes.Some minutes afterwards, the waiters left the table decorated with many dishes, well cooked and garnished.I glanced at all the foods on the table and back at Max.I looked around and most of the staffs were done with their meals and we're just relaxing since it was still lunch break and all of them were staring at our table.Pretty sure they were as shocked as I was with all the foods on the table and just for two!..I took the fork and knife in my hands as focussed on the food, and Max did the same.We ate quietly to our fill.

"I guess we are done here.."he finally spoke and I just stared at him.Max looked back at me and stood from his seat and came to me.He offered me his hand and helped me stand from my seat.Well, I couldn't reject that in public so I took his hand and we walked out of the restaurant.

"Will you be going home or will you hang on for some more time?"Max asked me when we were finally out of the restaurant.

"I will be heading home now, I never told mum that I was going out so I should get going now,"I cooked a good excuse within a short time though it was true that I never told her that I was going out but that wasn't the reason.I just didn't want to be in his presence anymore.

"But am sure mum won't even question you for going out and you are with me"Max continued persisting.

"With the wedding preparations and all that stuff, I should be home,"I managed another excuse, hoping he will fall for it and I was glad when he did.

"It's fine, let my guards take you home and never think of leaving the house without your guards again,"Max spoke and I just nodded at him.

"Thank you.For the lunch and for the guards,"I muttered softly to him before turning to leave.

"Ammy...."Max called to me when I almost got into the car.I turned and looked back at him.

"Take care of yourself and ...no need to stress yourself out because of the wedding preparations,"he spoke softly but his coldness in his voice was just intact.

"It's my wedding Max so I will have to stress abit,"I responded and forced a smile.

"Just abit then...."Max agreed and I just nodded at him and got in the car and the driver drove off to the Storm Mansion.I was glad that no one was home yet when I got there but Richard and his store full of maids.

"Welcome ma'am, should I get you anything?"he asked as I entered the house.

"No Richard, am fine,"I responded as I walked further into the lounge.Walking into the lounge,I found mum's personal designer sitted at the couch.

"Hello..."I greeted her.

"Hello miss Storm...we meet again but with less activities for you this time,"she responded smiling at me

"That sounds better...so what's this meeting about then?"I asked trying to be as friendly as I could.

"Just look behind you miss Storm..."she responded and I gazed at her with disbelief written all over my face.If she knew what a day I had, she wouldn't be playing around me with me in such a manner.

"Look at what exactly.....?"I asked her sounding quite arrogant.

"You will see when you just turn..."she responded.I sighed silently and turned.

My eyes widened with happiness when they fell on the beautiful white balloon dress, adorned with silver diamonds.It seemed heavy due to its hugeness.My lower jaw dropped when my eyes fell on the dress.It was beautiful. Breathtaking for that matter.

"It's beautiful...."I commented feeling it's texture in my hands.

"As beautiful as you honey,"I heard mum Camilla's voice at the door of the lounge.

"Mother...look at my gown.Its beautiful..more than what I expected,"I spoke happily and hugged her.

"A beautiful gown for a beautiful bride,"mother spoke hugging me back.It was time to try my dress and the designers helped with it at the house's beauty parlour.The dress was beautiful on me but quite tight on my chest and tummy.

"It seems you've gained some weight since your engagement so you should do something within these remaining days since we can't undo it again,"the designer suggested friendly.

"Don't worry about that...she will and everyone will confirm that my daughter is the most beautiful bride when her day comes,"mother responded looking at me warmly.