
Chapter 38

"Hello ladies,"Davi greeted the girls sitted at the parlor while chatting.

"Hello Davi.."Milady responded first before the rest.She then went ahead and introduced her sisters.

"This is Maya,my cousin and this is Ammy,the beauty after my brother's heart,"she introduced smiling widely and they laughed at her introduction.

"You really are a grown lady now milady,and nice to meet you beauties.If you don't mind, allow us show you the dresses we have,"Davi asked and the girls nodded in agreement.

"Ofcourse ma'am,"Ammy responded, clearly thrilled by the whole design thing.

"Bring in the dresses guys,"Davi commanded loudly with eagerness.The other designer who had come with Davi sprang into action and pulled in the cloth hangers from the adjacent room.The dresses were beautiful and well designed but what shocked Ammy was the expense of the dresses.They were very expensive and she couldn't just place on what to pick.Milady and Maya didn't seem bothered by the prices at all.After all money had been their close kin since they were born unlike Ammy who had grown in a pretty hard background.The designers kept on showing them the dresses.Ammy finally snapped back to her senses and her eyes met a long pure golden dress.The dress had beautiful embroideries,it looked perfect.Ammy unconsciously stood from her seat and walked closer to the dresses.She touched the dress and traced the embroideries with her finger.

"It's so beautiful,"she commented quietly.

"I think that's perfect for the bride to be,"Milady spoke moving closer as well.Ammy reached for the price tag and checked it.Her lips parted in shock.Milady saw her reaction and she smiled at her reaction.She moved closer and whispered in her ear.

"Your fiance has got money that's nothing to him.Its just like a drop of water in an ocean,"she reassured her.Ammy looked into her friend's eyes and asked.

"Are you sure about that?"she whispered her question and Milady smiled at her, an reassuring smile.Ammy turned her attention back to the dressed and admired it once again.

"I think I love this one,"she declared and Davi moved closer and took the dress away from where it was hanged and handed it to her.

"Please try it,"she ordered politely and Ammy took the dress from her and walked to the adjacent room.There were three ladies assigned by Davi to help her with the dress.Minutes later,Ammy walked back to the parlor looking gorgeous.Everyone in the room fell in daze while looking at the beautiful figure walking inside.

"You look so pretty in this dress Mrs Storm,"Milady commented and all the others did.

"You look more than a real life princess,"Maya followed and Ammy smiled before asking a question.

"Do you know one of them?"she asked jokingly and they laughed happily at the joke.

"I am that princess,"Maya answered still laughing.

"I agree with that,"Milady joined her cousin.

"The color suits you well ma'am,"Davi commented too.

"You look like a bride already!"another lady commented. And many other comments came her way and Ammy had to mouth a thank you to all of them.

"But I don't like the long sleeves.Can the sleeves be short and off the shoulders?"she asked calmly.

"Yes ma'am, that's possible,"Davi responded.Ammy took the dress off and handed it back to her for the changes.The search went on and Milady and Maya finally got the dresses they wanted.They were short but very fancy and beautiful.Choosing of shoes and jewelery followed and everything was delivered to them a day before the engagement party.Ammy couldn't believe that she had spent five hundred thousand dollars in buying a dress,shoes and jeweleries.As much as Max had money,she felt like that was wastage of money.She would have taken something simple for herself if they had not been so pressuring.The preparation went on very fine and soon the engagement party was at hand.Designers and makeup artists filled Ammy's room.They first did her skin to enhance it's smooth touch and next was her hair which was well combed and tied into a straight tail that flew all the way to her waist.The dress she had picked fit her well and one could not help but give her the name 'goddess'.Soon after her makeup,Milady and Maya bulged in the room.

"Wow!...you look amazing babes,"Milady commented hugging her lightly from behind.

"No one will be able to get their eyes off you,"Maya joined.

"Thank you girls and am glad that that's coming from those who were pissed by the whole issue,"she responded faking coldness.

"See that..."Maya began pointing at Ammy's cold face,"you want to be as cold as my brother already?....now this is real love,"she teased and Ammy turned to look at her with wide eyes.

"Oh really...my love isn't that cold you know,"she responded and they giggled happily.

"But he will be cold towards you as well if you keep him waiting for any longer.The guests have arrived and the party has began so we should get going,"Camilla's voice came from behind them.They had been very busy teasing each other that they had not heard her walk inside.She walked closer to Ammy and looked at her adorably.

"You are very beautiful my dear,"she commented warmly.Ammy smiled back at her.The thought of her mother saying that to her came into her mind and her eyes began clouding with tears.How she wished she was there to witness her daughter getting engage to a man she believes she loved.Camilla saw tears welding up in her eyes and she was concerned.

"Are you okay honey"she asked cupping her face in her palms.Ammy nodded pushing back the tears that were at the verge of falling.

"Am just happy..."she finally responded after cooking a delicious lie.

"Every lady gets emotional during her big day and this is your day....so it's fine but don't shed tears honey...you don't want to ruin your make up,"Camilla teased and Ammy just smiled at her though her heart was aching.A moment later,they were all out of the room.Camilla and the rest walked behind Ammy as they descended the stairs.The party was held at the huge hall downstairs.So as soon as they reached the entrance,they all walked inside and Ammy stood few steps from the door.The MC announced her arrival and Ammy step inside quietly.She stood at the door and looked inside.The hall was full of prominent people.People she never thought of meeting soon in her life and all dressed in fancy and expensive dresses.Ammy sighed quietly as butterflies started forming in her tummy.Sweat drops began forming on her forehead head as she started walking towards the raised ground where Max was already standing.Her breathing heightened and she felt like running out of the hall.She raised her head and faced the man standing at the 'altar'.He looked dashing and very handsome but something was lacking,his smile.Atleast he didn't smile at her as she walked towards him, otherwise she might have dropped to the floor if he did.But seeing his gaze steady on her and looking at her warmly made her feel at ease.She gazed at him and her lips curved into a beautiful smile and she walked confidently towards him.Max was beyond expression when his gaze fell on the gorgeous girl walking towards him.She looked tensed up and she was really trying hard to make her steps steady.Max felt like walking to her and embrace her and take her fear away but he soon relaxed when she smiled at him.That smile that always sooth him.He wanted to smile at her but he couldn't do that infront of one.Not when everyone was looking at his side since Ammy was almost where he was standing.The guests were huge in number and he couldn't trust any of them.He was afraid that smiling at her would make an enemy of his come after her or rather use her as an pone to weaken him in the business field.As much as he could protect her,he didn't want to take a risk.Ammy reached him sooner than she had imagined and she was now standing infront of him.Max was gazing at her eyes but his mind was definitely not with him at the moment.Ammy smiled at him and he subconsciously flashed her the sweetest smile he could master but it didn't last longer and he wore his usual cold face.

"Oh my!....saw that?"Miguel whispered at Viviana who was standing besides him at the hall.

"Saw what?"Viviana asked him not sure if he had also seen that smile that had almost made her chock since he had not seen him smile for a long while before.

"Didn't see him smile?"he asked.

"I wasn't sure of what I saw..."she responded calmly before continuing."Max is finally in love!"

"You can say that again,"he responded happily and leaned in and planted a sweet kiss on her cheek.

"Can you two stop that!"someone spoke from behind them.Both the lovers turned to see who it was.Viviana's eyes widened with a surprised pleasure when she saw who it was.

"Milady!"she shouted happily and embraced her happily attracting the attention of the guests to them.