
Chapter 33

Ammy's brows knitted as she was now getting confused.She parted her lips and was about to tell him that she wanted to sleep when Max did something that made her freeze.He stood from the bed slowly and moved closer to her.He cupped her face in his hand before moving one to the back of her head and the other brushed her lips softly making her shiver a little.Ammy raised her head and looked at him calmly though she was shocked inside and her heart was pounding hardly against her chest.Max slid his arms down and grabbed her waist and pulled her towards himself untill their bodies were almost one and took her lips in his.He kissed her as if his life depended on it.Ammy was shocked by his action that she didn't know whether to return his kiss or push him away from her.Max continued kissing her but he was now softening the kiss and reducing the pace.That was because Ammy was not returning his kiss and he felt like he was forcing it on her.He finally pulled away and looked into her eyes with his own eyes smouldering with desire.

"Ammy...a-am sorry but it's just that I couldn't control myself after seeing all this beauty,"he said while still holding her tightly against him,his voice sounding hoarse.Ammy looked at his eyes and she felt her knees weakning and she would have dropped to the floor of he wasn't holding her.His eyes were drawing away her strength but she couldn't break the gaze.His face was so handsome and his lips were beautiful.His arms were tightly holding her waist and her mountainous peaks were pressing on his chest.Ammy was now beginning to feel hot herself.She couldn't tell what was happening but she really wanted to kiss him now but she couldn't even get herself to do it.Max was staring at her eyes and he could see a mixture of desire building inside her and something he couldn't tell.He was fully turned on and he didn't know what to do to hold back if he couldn't even let go of her.Ammy on the other hand was waiting for him to make a move.She bit her lower lip nervously while still looking into his eyes.That was enough to let the last strand of self control lose on its own.He leaned in and captured her lips kissing her slowly but passionately.He kissed her lower lip and sucked it before moving to her upper lip.She wasn't a bad kisser herself and she was infact a good learner and was moving with the same pace as him while wrapping her arms around his neck.Max parted her lips with his tongue and slid it in tasting her mouth and the walls of her mouth while delving deeper.The kiss made their body temperatures rise and they could feel each other's heat.Max couldn't hold back the desire to touch her but he wasn't sure if she would like it or he would end up making her think that he was just using her as Miguel had said.

"Can I touch your body?"he asked between their hot kiss and Ammy nodded while still kissing him.Max released his right hand from her waist and took it to the back of her head and pushed her face closer as he deepened the kiss even more.His hand then traced the curves of her body and she shivered at the touch.He moved further to her cleavage and got hold of her left mound.He caressed it softly while his other arm reached for her lower waist still not breaking their kiss.He slowly started massaging her mound while circling her nipple.A moan escaped her lips as he continued fondling it.Max carried her to the bed and laid her like a princess.He stared at her eyes while hovering above her.He again went for her lips and kissed her shortly before kissing her down to her neck up to her mounds and tummy through her thin fabric.He was desiring to see her beautiful body before him.

"Ammy,can I take off your dress?"he asked his voice hoarse and full of lust and desire.Ammy nodded and smiled weakly at him while bitting her lower lip.Max grabbed the hem of the dress and pulled it off slowly while enjoying what he was seeing.He raised his head and looked at her.He had never seen such beauty and he was pleased by what he was seeing.Max started kissing her neck and down to her cleavage until to her navel.He kissed her back to her cleavage and took her nipple into his mouth, nibbling,circling it with his hot tongue and sucking while massaging her other mound and pinched the nipple hard but not to hurt.Ammy shuddered under his touches and she moaned in pleasure.He shifted to the other mound and took her nipple into his mouth and sucked it as Ammy moaned softly with pleasure making him pleased by his performance.He knew he wanted her and her wanted to make her moan loudly and make her cry with pleasure but he remembered that she was still 'untouched' and he promised himself that if it were to happen at that night,then he would make it memorable for her.His hand travelled to her lower abdomen and he moved further to her jewel and stroked her once with her pants still on.Ammy jolted and almost got off the bed but Max's weight held her in position.

"Are you okay?"he asked but she remained silent while still panting lightly.

"Ammy....!"Max called at her softly while kissing her neck but she retreated.

"You don't like it?"he asked and Ammy shook her head.

"Then what's wrong?"he asked sweetly.

"M-max....am not ready for this now,"she spoke softly.Max gazed away from her face and sat on the bed.He inhaled and exhaled deeply before speaking.

"It's fine and we are not even married except for the papers which is still a marriage though.I will wait until you are ready for me,"Max spoke and picked the dress for her and helped her into it.

"I will get going now.Goodnight,"Max spoke and walked out of the room.He headed to his room and strode to the bathroom for a cold shower.He was very hard and he didn't know what to do.He stayed under the cold water for long but his hear didn't cool down.He went to the closet and changed Into his pyjamas before laying on the bed.What had just happened between Ammy and his was still fresh in his mind and it turned him on over and over again.He wondered why she had let them do all that if she wasn't ready for him.

'Or did I scare her when I touched her down there?"he asked himself while laying on the feeling like he was burning.Ammy on the other hand ran to the bathroom after Max left.She was breathing heavily as her heart was still pounding in her chest.She was feeling hot and was feeling something funny she had never felt between her legs.She took off the dress and turned on the shower.She also stayed under the cold water for a while, while the scene that has happened earlier played lively at the back of her mind.She bit her lip her face turned pink while blushing hard.She was happy that Max had promised to wait until she was ready for him.She stayed under the cold water for more than two hour.She was engrossed with scene playing at the back of her mind that she didn't know that she had spend all that time until her alarm bell rang.It was 5 am and she had not even closed her eyes.She grabbed her towel an wrapped it on her body.She then walked to the closet and got dressed in her sweat short and sport bra and sport shoes.She tied her hair in a ponytail and walked downstairs.Ammy found Milady waiting at the lounge while stretching a bit.

"Warming up already?.... without me?"Ammy asked jokingly as she joined her friend in stretching.

"Well I thought I should do something while waiting for you,"Milady answered while smiling at her.

"Can I join you ladies?"someone asked from behind .They both stopped and turned to see who it was.

"Max!?"they all exclaimed at once.Milady was shocked that Max was the mansion that early morning yet he wasn't there last night and Ammy was shocked because she was wearing something he didn't like and she was caught red-handed.

"Why are you so shocked?....saw a ghost?"Michael asked walking downstairs.

"Actually I didn't expect to see him here at this time....when did you arrive here,"Milady asked him after responding to Michael's question.

"Last night....so can we get started?"Max asked.They were all dressed for the morning exercise.They nodded and Ammy was relieved that Max had not said anything concerning her dressing.They walked out to the pitch behind the mansion and they started stretching.They then decided to compete to the main gate which was a pretty long distance from the mansion it self.