
Chapter 21

"Get up girl....its eight already,"Alicia heard a voice as the person shook her.

"Ammy,just let me sleep in peace,will you?"

"No I won't because am not Ammy."Alicia woke up and glanced at her lazily.It was Anna.She rolled up her eyes and sat up on the bed.She was really used to seeing that gorgeous face everytime she woke up.She was quite disappointed that she saw Anna instead.Not because seeing Anna in the morning would cause her bad day or bad luck but just because she missed her partner.

"What do you want?"she asked lazily.

"Are you on a long leave maybe?"

"What's that supposed to mean if you don't mind explaining?"

"You've been sleeping and sleeping....forgot that we have work to do?"Anna started scolding her.

"You better shut it if you have nothing to say Anna.Your speech is quite boring,"Alicia retorted angrily.

"Ofcourse it must be boring... expected an amusing speech?...with this lousy behavior of yours?...excuse me miss better get up and come join us."

"And what if I don't?....what would you do?"Alicia screamed at Anna who was heading for the door before supporting her with her hands,tears forming in her eyes.Anna stood abruptly on the door when she heard Alicia's words.Her brows creased and she turned, ready to give her another scold.She walked slowly towards her,her arms folded under her breasts.

"What would I do?"she asked moving closer to her.

"Anna please leave me alone,"Alicia spoke again but in a polite manner this time round, making Anna's heart melt at her words and she calmed down.Anna moved closer to her and wrapped her arms around her shoulders.

"Oh babes.... what's wrong?"she asked,sitting besides her on the bed.

"I miss her....did she even have to get married just like that?"

"I get it babes but it's fine.She made a decision she thought was best and she wouldn't leave if it wasn't for her sister you know.She had given up on the idea of seeing her sister again so we have to understand her reason for doing this."Anna spoke and Alicia nodded her head before embracing her.

"Am sorry for being a lazy body babe,"Alicia spoke.

"Your apology will be accepted if you get yourself up and make yourself useful."

"That sounded harsh babes."

"I know babes but you better do it....will be downstairs."Anna left the room and ran downstairs to the kitchen.

"It's smelling good inside here...what's for breakfast?"she asked walking to the kitchen counter.

"Breakfast pizza."

"I can see that babes....it looks and smells yummy."

"I know that as well Anna..."

"Welcome babes,"Anna smiled at her friend's attitude.

"Okay fine... thanks babe... anyways how is our drama queen?"

"She is fine... missing her partner I guess,"

"I can understand...the two were already too attached to each other....I miss her too,"Sherry spoke calmly stopping what she was doing.Anna's shoulders dropped as she stared at her.She too missed Ammy so much but she felt like her friends were over doing it.Like seriously,did life have to stop because Ammy got married!!?

"You are also becoming a drama queen Sherry."

"I know that and am sorry but I can't just help it you know."

"You guys better sort yourselves..."Anna said as she picked two slices of the pizza and dropped them on the plate she was holding.She grabbed a passion juice and walked to living room.Sherry stared at her back as she walked away.She was very sure that Anna missed their friend so much as well but she would never show her emotions no matter what...and she admired her for that.She was that strong at heart and in mind and nothing would make her ruin her amusing side unless otherwise....which she had once seen when Anna caught her ever since childhood sweetheart,cheating on her with her cousin.Anna was so broken and hurt by the incident and it took her months before she could recover fully.Ever since,Sherry had never seen that side of Anna again and she likes it.She at a point wished that she would have that kind of strength.Sherry picked some slices of the pizza and joined her babe at the living room.

"Anna, what's the reason behind your strength?"she asked as soon as she sat beside her on the couch.

"What do you mean?"

"I know that the Ammy's issue isn't that good on you either but you seem unaffected."

"You know what babes...just because you love someone too much doesn't mean that you should be too 'cagy' on them and yes even if you are affected then what can you do?....let them fly around....the most important thing is they are always in our hearts and we will always be there for them if needed."Sherry looked at the young lady talking to her and she thought that she actually made alot of sense.Slowly,her lips curved up into a sweet smile.

"You really are something different babes,"she finally commented still smiling warmly at her.

"I know that babes but still....thank you for that,"she answered as she turned her focus back on her food.

"Morning Sherry... where is my breakfast?....we need to hurry up and get to work,"Alicia spoke as she walked into the living room.The two girls stared at each other in confusion wondering what happened to their sweet possessive or rather obsessive Alicia.

"You okay Alicia?"Anna asked unable to contain her curiousity.

"Ofcourse...what do you think?

"You look.... unpredictable."

"That's not an illness and it's not a bad thing either and just because my partner got married to some handsome and stinking rich wierdo without involving us doesn't mean we should also be some kind of dilly dully wierdos."

"Now you sound healthy and fine,"Anna teased her friend who just ignored her and went to the kitchen to get her breakfast.The girls started a new chapter without their friend.Since she had started a new life,they would also do the same.