
Chapter 20

That wasn't all I needed right now.A 'sorry' wasn't all I needed.I needed someone to hug me tightly and tell me that all that was nothing and it will be fine again....someone to tell me that all those words were nothing but dog's barks.As they say,dogs bark at a stranger.I sobbed silently on the bed my back still facing him.I began regretting why I had signed those papers at the first place.I blamed myself for what had happened earlier.

"Look at me,"I heard Max speaking between my chain of thoughts and I turned to face him."Her words shouldn't make you cry this much.She really knows how to blabber around you know."Max spoke calmly after turning on his side to face me.He raised his hand and wiped away my tears.His little action made my heart race in my chest cavity.I didn't understand what was happening inside this heart of mine but one thing I knew for sure was that I needed someone to embrace tightly.Max turned and laid on his back again...and just then I moved closer to him and hugged him tightly as though I would never let go of him.I could feel my tears streaming from the corners of my eyes as they fell on his bare chest.I remained still on him as I sobbed silently until I felt his strong left arm holding my shoulders lightly while his right arm patted my hair softly.My heart began beating fast as though it would escape from its cage.I now wanted to free myself from his embrace but his warmth and good scent were trapping.I inhaled his deep sweet scent and all my tears dried down as I did so.We remained at the same intimate position for a long while.After some time,my eyes become heavy and my eye lids refused to stay open.I slowly drifted to sleep in Max's arms.It would be a lie if I said I didn't enjoy my sleep in his arms.The night was quite short,I woke up the following day and my eyes were greeted by the bright sunlight flooding the room.It looked more beautiful than last night.My body and my heart felt lighter than last night where I felt like my body was a heavy load and my heart was aching.I streched myself before getting off the bed.I slowly walked to the bathroom and took a hot bath before walking to the closet.I sat on the dressing table and dried my hair before wearing a black sleeveless mini dress after my panties and combed my hair straight.Despite Max's warning that I shouldn't wear exposy clothes,I stepped out of the bedroom in the very short dress.

"Good morning madam,"an older man greeted as soon I set my foot outside the room.

"Good morning."I responded calmly.

"Breakfast is already served and master is waiting for you at the dining room,"he spoke before leading the way downstairs.As I walked inside the huge dinning room,my eyes fell on the three men sitting at the table.Max ofcourse was one of them and then two others sat reading some papers.

"Good morning," I greeted as I sat at the table besides Max.

"Ammy!?"I heard someone at the table calling my name.I looked up to see the person and my eyes fell on....

"Miguel?!"I called back looking at him in surprise.The other stranger guy seemed surprised but Max wasn't,making me wonder if he knew that I already knew him.I noisly stood from my seat and ran to the man who had opened his arms for me.

"How did you get here?"he asked after we broke our embrace.I didn't know what to say to him.I stared at him before averting my gaze to Max who was now staring at is coldly as I sat close to Miguel.

"She is my wife now so you should stop being so huggy,"Max spoke and we all fell silent for a while.

"Wait....what do you mean by wife?When did you two get married?"the other guy asked.

"It was a contract marriage Vivan."Both the men fell silent again before Vivan spoke.

"You are the girl from the party.... aren't you."Vivan asked looking at me.

"There were alot of girls at the party so am not pretty sure,"I answered just to earn a chuckle from him.

"You really are a definition of beauty and you've got a sense of humour too.Splendid,"Vivan spoke and Max threw a warning glance at him.

"How did you even get yourself with this beast of a friend?" he continued.

"Vivan,if you aren't interested in having breakfast,then go wait for us at the lounge,"Max finally spoke sounding irritated.I was taken aback by his words.Did he have to always be that straight with words?!Yesterday he spoke at his aunt in the same manner and today it was his friend.Such a man!

"I was just speaking my mind Max....no need to be so pissed off and yes you've never cared what we think about you anyways,"Vivan defended himself.An awkward silence embraced the room as we continued taking our meal.

"I think we should go check on how far the hospital construction has come,"Miguel spoke when we were almost done with breakfast.

"And why is that?...It's my hospital anyways."Vivan spoke almost immediately.

"And we are the investors."Miguel answered and Vivan shrugged his shoulders in defeat.

"Then you am afraid I won't be coming with today...I have an important business to attend,"Max spoke.

"Fine then guys,I guess we should get going now,"Vivan spoke as he got up from the table."See you Ammy."he continued before pecking my right cheek and Miguel did the same.Max stared at them wildly as they walked away.He then averted his gaze to me and spoke coldly.

"Deal with you later wife."Max stood from the table and strode away without sparing me another glance.

"I guess he will be the next in line to punish me,"I spoke to myself as I sank on the chair and rolled up my eyes before letting out a loud.