
Chapter 19

I could feel all eyes on me as I sat besides Max.I began feeling quite anxious as they threw glares at me.My eyes landed on the young lady sitting opposite me and she smiled warmly at me.I smiled back at her before averting my gaze from her to the man sitting besides me.He didn't even spare me a glance and I somehow felt relieved.

"Ammy dear, welcome to our family,"mother spoke and I turned my gaze to her and smiled back at her."You already know the senior Mr Storm and I and so the rest shall introduce themselves and Max will introduce you to us since he says,you are his visitor."After mother's short speech,they introduced themselves one after the other.Aunt Cynthia and her husband Mark and their two daughters,Sherlyne and Maya.Then two siblings followed, Michael and Milady, who were Max's siblings.The Milady girl kept on smiling at me whenever our eyes met unlike the other two.Finally Max's deep voice filled my ears as he spoke.

"Meet my fiance, Ammy,"he spoke shortly for them to smile.

"I guess I know you Ammy,"Maya spoke after Max was done with his short unwelcoming speech.I looked up to her and met her beautiful green eyes."Do you do design marketing online?"

"Yes,"was my short answer.I didn't know I was that known but the stares I got from Sherlyne and her mother made me wonder if it was a wrong thing.

"And why are dressed in such a simple fashion less dress?"Sherlyne asked smirking at me.

"It's not like you look any better Sherlyne," Milady spoke,disgust filled in her voice.I could smell the hatred between the two girls as they confronted each other.

"Both of you will fight after dinner ....not here,"mother snapped at them and they remained silent as they threw deadly glares at each other.I exhaled silently thinking that it was over and we could have dinner peaceful but it was just the beginning of the cold war.

"Can you tell us about your family?"aunt Cynthia asked and mother tried to defend me.

"That's not necessary Cynthia."

"Why not?We just want to know the background of our soon to be daughter in law."Mother sighed a sigh of defeat.I parted my lips calmly and spoke.

"Well for now I only have my younger sister as a family but I also don't know anything about her whereabouts.We got separated when my mother past away some months back,"I spoke.

"So we are housing a homeless poor orphan?"aunt Cynthia spoke calmly as if it was nothing.

"What's that supposed to mean Cynthia?"her husband asked her.

"All I mean is that she might be marrying our son for his money so that she can have a home.She might be very beautiful and charming and innocent as well but she is not of our class and she doesn't fit to be a member of the..."

"It's enough Cynthia,"mother spoke before she could finish her statement.This was my first day in this place and this happened.Tears that were threatening to fall off my eyes finally got their way.I wiped them off hurriedly so that no one would notice them but a was in vain.I fixed my eyes on my entwined fingers under the tables as the tears continued washing my beautiful face.

"Did you have spit your nonsense now?"I finally heard father speaking.His voice was now as cold as his son's."I shouldn't have invited you here ."

"David, are you speaking to me in such a manner because of this worthless thing?"she continued.Since I was facing down, I could see Max hands fisting before he spoke.

"If I ever see you around this place or anywhere near my property, then I will forget that you are my aunt.... enjoy your last meal in this house,"Max finally spoke and everyone remained silent.I was shocked by his words but the next thing that he did made me speechless.He grabbed my wrist and stood up noisily pulling me along.I also stood and followed him as he walked out of the mansion.We boarded one of the car and it sped out of the mansion as soon as we settled in.

"Drive to my place,"he told the driver as the car drove out of the gate.I was happy that he had defended me inside there before his own family but I also felt hurt by what his aunt had said earlier.I sobbed lightly as the car drove away.Max was sitting besides me but he didn't even utter a word until we reached our destination.The car finally arrived in a beautiful and more eye catching mansion than the Storm's mansion.We alighted and walked towards the door.The place was also heavily guarded but there were fewer maids.A good number of cars were packed at the open packing at the furthest left side of the house.There was cool garden at the middle of the compound a fountain at the center of the garden.

"Welcome back Sir,"the maid servants spoke in unison as we walked past them.Max led me upstairs and we entered a room.The room was very beautiful and extra large than those I had seen earlier.Although my vision was now quite blurry due to my swollen eyes, I could see that the bed was more of a king sized bed.

"That door leads you to the bathroom and the the other one to the dressing room,"Max spoke when we got to the bedroom.I walked to the bathroom and sank myself in the bathtub.My Heart felt heavy with pain.Aunt Cynthia's words rang again in my mind,bringing fresh tears down my cheeks.I washed quickly and walked to the dressing room.I walked to the closet and picked a pink short night gown and pinks slippers before walking back to the room.Max was already lying on the bed.I slowly laid down besides him and turned my back towards him.We stayed still for some moments until I heard him speak.

"Am sorry for what happened earlier."