
Amiss: The Murder Mystery

Read what college students do on a daily basis. Between the love, the comedy, the heated arguments how can you keep up? But what happens when two rivals have to work together when one of their friends died and now their targeted by a group of insane killers who won't stop till every one of them are dead. Who is the killer? Who will die next? And who will survive? Welcome to Amiss. Now I have one question would you like to play a game?

FoxLover0615 · Teen
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12 Chs

Chapter 4: The mysteries

Welcome to Amiss

"Okay everyone I know we had a lot of drama earlier today but hopefully it didn't stop us from pursuing our orders….Right?" Rebecca says and this place was separated

Alison was pissed off with Zoë for her big mouth so they were sitting on separate parts of the couch

Erika was so insecure thinking that Zachary was cheating on her so she made Erick sit in between the two

This was a rodeo a battle of which couple would crack first and which would make up first

"Erick while doing research duty found the jail he was kept in and the insane asylum. He hacked into the police report and found the text messages on Catalina's phone and sent them to me. Lastly he found pictures of him in disguise in hope of finding out he's exact person you saw." Erika says looking away from the direction Zachary was in

"I couldn't do any of that cause I was in classes so she did all of that herself." Erick says

"SHUT UP!!" Erika shouts at him

"Okay girl don't kill me- metaphorically of course." Erick says

"Perfect I guess- now how about Zoë and Zachary ha the two Z's what y'all find?" Rebecca says

"Now since the police obviously wouldn't give private info I told Zachary to flirt with a police in training while I analyzed the way they were killed." Zoë explains

"WHAT?!??" Erika asks in a mad voice

"Wait a minute Erika don't explode yet Zachary ended the convo by saying he had a 'hot girlfriend and that he didn't mean anything he said to her'. Also while seeing gun shots in Jake I saw Catalina had a slice in her throat that could've damaged her vocal cords but not kill her." Zoë says

"What's your point?" Zachary asks

"Well you see the way her neck was slit I would assume is done by a cheese cutting wire that could've easily killed her but she got lucky." Zoë says rubbing her chin

"A cheese cutting wire who would have that?" Rebecca says

"Charles Banquet would. See while searching for him I came along an article that describes forms of weapons he would use to kill people which is varied between guns, scissors, and of course cheese cutting wires." Erika explains

"Why would he be so obvious wouldn't he at least leave some mystery behind the killings?" Alison says

"Yes he would but there was times when he would be blatant like you would see some 50 year old with a gun and kill some random person." Erika says

"But this can't be just some random people he would have to have some kind of motive." Erick says confused

"His killings are random people but his target is strictly young adults so him picking Catalina and Jake makes sense but the question is why?" Erika explains

"Wait you said you have text messages from Catalina's phone. Let's see it," Rebecca suggest and Erika shows everyone the text message between her and Charles

"I don't get it his words just reminds me of Jigsaw. What is he basing these killing off of famous horror/ crime movies?" Zachary asks but Erika just shrugs her shoulders

"Great so he just teleported into the dorms and killed them. That just….. it don't sound right." Erick says

"They both have the same quirk and trust me the chances of them being two different people and having the same quirk is just low." Erika says

"Then what else? Alison asks

"Who knows but I have to go somewhere see ya." Erika says getting up

"Where are you going?" Zachary asked heaving her arm

Erika snatches her arm back

"Well if it involved you then maybe you would've known." Erika says with an attitude and walks away

Zachary just whimpers and hides his face with a pillow

Rebecca rolls her eyes

"Why did I include her in the first place?" Rebecca asks herself

"Well since she's gone know I get to have you all to myself." Erick says and gets up

Erick then gets closer and closer to Rebecca

Zachary threw his pillow at Erick distracting him

Rebecca teleported away

"Hey baby when did you go?" Erick says confused

"Away from your perverted ass." Zoë says

"Hey Professor Caleb I heard you wanted to see me." Erika says walking into an empty lecture hall

"Yes Erika you see I've been looking up your family and found out such a disturbing history." Caleb says and that's surprises Erika

"What do you mean?" Erika asks confused

"Well you see I thought you was suspicious especially about the killings that happened among the students so I decided to look you up and found out that your parents died." Caleb says walking to Erika with such an evil grin

"So what if my parents died it's no secret." Erika says with an attitude trying to hide her nervousness

Zachary just happened to be walking by when he saw how tense Erika was

"Well I know that you killed your parents and killed the students so why not admit it now." Caleb says and pins her against a wall

"I didn't do that NOW GET AWAY FROM ME." Erika yells and tried to kick him

Caleb grabs her leg and was about to put it of his shoulder

'Don't tell me this is how it's gonna be please someone save me.' Erika thinks

But then Zachary runs into the room

Caleb drops Erika's leg so fast but Zachary heard everything

Zachary growled while looking at Caleb

"Stay the hell away from her." Zachary says and punches Caleb in the face

Erika runs out of the room

Zachary runs out and grabs Erika's arm

They both run till they were far away from him

"Are you okay?" Zachary asks

"Back the hell away from me." Erika says pushing him against a wall hurting his back

"What the hell did I ever do to you? listen I'm sorry for yelling at you but that was the past." Zachary says

"After what Zoë said it really got me I feel like your cheating on me." Erika says

"I'm not cheating on you." Zachary says

"I don't know if your telling the truth like for all I know you could've been cheating on me with Catalina." Erika says turning away from him

"I'm not cheating on you okay…I love you." Zachary says and that not only makes Erika blush but it makes her turn around

"What did you just say?" Erika asks so shocked

"I loved you ever since we first met online, ever since I first hear fight voice, and every since I looked into those grey eyes of yours." Zachary says Erika was so shocked by everything he said

"Zachy please don't mess with me because your gonna make me cry." Erika says

"I'm not lying I truly love you." Zachary says and Erika kisses him making Zachary wag his tail

Erika looks at him and thinks it's so adorable


Rebecca was in her algebra

"When finding this think of it as a family circle pi x the radios squared." The math teacher explains

"Family circle." Rebecca says to herself

'Maybe The killer isn't Charles Banquet but a family member.' Rebecca thinks to herself

Rebecca takes out her phone and texts Erika

"Hey Erika what if Charles Banquet had a brother or a son and those were his admirers try to find out if he had siblings or children with that same quirk." Rebecca texted Erika this info

"Whatever." Erika texted back

'Now I have to notify the others about this.' Rebecca thinks to herself

Rebecca looks to her right and sees Alison

'What the-? Me and Alison have the same class how come I never noticed her,' Rebecca thinks

Meanwhile Zoë was with Erick in the teachers lounge doing what she does best

"Why does my love have to be in classes right now?" Zoë whines and starts acting like a baby

"Oh god why do we have to have the same days off." Erick says to himself

"I want my girlfriend with me right now." Zoë starts hitting the couch

"How much of the bottle did you drink?" Erick asks

"A little more than 3/4 I think." Zoë says and starts talking in a baby voice

"Oh my god your drunk as I don't know what." Erick says

"I acted the same way at the party." Zoë says normally

Erick looked at her and then at the bottle

"Your not drunk?" Erick asks visibly mad but also very impressed

"No I just love how you can fall for anything easily." Zoë says

"I gotta give it to you. You know how mess with people dap me up." Erick says and Zoë does just that

"I don't get it why were we told to stay here." Zoë says sitting up

"Well that was Erika's orders." Erick says

"Wow you listen to your sister. You must be so lucky to have her as a twin." Zoë says sarcastically and talks with her hands

"People say having is twin is fun and shit but I don't believe that at all. I mean I have two sibling Erika and Justice." Erick says

"Word you have a younger sibling!!how old is she?" Zoë asks

"13 but I swear they're both pains like I'm just taking care of them because they can't do it themselves." Erick says rolling his eyes with a grin

"So your a protective older brother type. I hate how my family want to be traditional and try to get me into the Asian custom I'm different I love parties, girls A.K.A Alison, and of course I'm a tomboy." Zoë says

"Your obviously very unique because I have never heard of an Asian person with the Zoë." Erick says

"We'll have you heard of an Asian person named Alison yeah no but still she's somebody you wouldn't want to mess with." Zoë says

"What's so scary about her she seems so harmless actually pretty weak if I say so myself." Erick says chuckling to himself

"Hey that's my girlfriend your talking about. Plus she can actually kick anyone's ass if she wants." Zoë says and Erick just doesn't believe her

"I'm actually serious that girl will go crazy if someone messes with her... or me," Zoë says

"Okay whatever you say." Erick says still not believing her

The bell rang and Rebecca teleported to the two immediately

"Hello people did you get my text? Or at least Erika's text?" Rebecca asks

"Nope what happened?" Zoë asks

"Well I have an idea." Rebecca says

Soon the two people turned into the entire murder myster my group listening to Rebecca

"What if the killer wasn't Charles Banquet but a family member most likely a son." Rebecca says

"I looked up him up remember. It says he never had any children." Erika says rolling her eyes

"Well he had a wife right." Rebecca says

"You mean has since they're still married." Erika corrects Rebecca and that hypes her up

"Bam!!! If there still married then maybe he has a secret son." Rebecca says

"True but how are we gonna find that out?" Zoë asks

Outside of the teachers lounge was Professor Caleb listening in their conversation

"I have to stop them before they hurt my wife." Caleb says to himself

Plan A

Zachary went with Zoë for this mission

"I know she's just so smart and sassy, she always bites her lip down whenever she's nervous, does a cute little jump whenever she's startled, but best part is when she's excited bout something because she always pets my ears and smiles something you don't see her do often-" Zachary said

"Okay Shut up about her you can simp over Erika while I do that with Alison. I just asked what her favorite food is." Zoë says walking with Zachary to the Charles Banquets house

"Well her favorite food is Mac n cheese but she said she will only eat that whenever she's emotionally unstable." Zachary says

"Well she might be once she finds out the truth." Zoë says and that makes Zachary stop

"What do you mean when you say the truth?" Zachary asks his voice not so friendly anymore

The way his voice changed sent chills down Zoë spine but that wasn't gonna keep her down

"I know you cheated on Erika with Catalina. Erika may be a bitch but everyone knows that she would never cheat on anyone she dates." Zoë says and Zachary grabs her wrist


"Hey let go of my wrist. I'm not scared of you." Zoë says snatching her wrist away

Zachary accidentally left a scratch from her wrist to her arm

"Shit i'm so sor-" Zachary stops when he looks at himself and realizes

'i've messed up big time.' Zachary thinks

"I'm not doing this okay i'm leaving." Zoë says and Zachary let's her leave and actually goes inside the house himself

Zachary knocks on the door

The door opens and Zachary looks up at a women who looks to be in her thirties

"Zach it's nice to see you…. Have you been crying?" Zach's mom says

"I'm sorry I hurt somebody because I couldn't control this quirk again." Zachary says tears forming in his eyes

"No don't cry it's okay I'm a werewolf too. I hurt people by accident multiple times it's just a downfall that comes with having this quirk." Zach's mom says caressing his face

"But I did it to protect myself." Zachary blurts

'Protect our family.' Zach thinks

Memories from his past comes to mind

Zach was awoken by argument going on with his parents

"I've seen the way you look at women i'm done sitting on the side waiting for a miracle in this relationship but everything about us never existed." Zach's mom says getting in Zach's face

"You don't understand I do like you okay a lot it's just that nobody wants us to be together." Caleb says rubbing the back of his head nervously

"Having Zach was accident and I totally accept that because I love him. I don't care that people won't accept seeing a teen pregnant with a child." Zach's mom says in a stern tone

"Priya I really-" Priya stopped Caleb

Priya sensed someone else was listening

"What does she mean by I was an accident?" A five year old Zachary asks and Priya turns to Zachary

Priya immediately runs to Zachary

"Oh baby you shouldn't be awake right now. Go back to sleep." Priya says in a much calmer tone

"Okay I was just scared. I heard yelling and thought something bad happened." Little Zach said

Priya pretty much shoved him in his room and locked him there

"Don't worry mommy has to do something first." Priya says

I always thought my mother was the good guy the hero of my life

But it turns out there's our heroes and villains are a like….. they just have different names

I was always told if I hurt someone I would be a bad guy but maybe it was just one of the multiple lies she told….with a straight face

Zachary was out of his memories and looked down at the women

'I can't keep on living a lie that my mom wants me. Because my real mom would've never called me Zach….she actually wouldn't call me anything at all.' Zachary thinks

Zachary looks at the women and don't see his mom anymore instead it's no one there

I miss you mom please come back