
American female writer dreams back to ancient Tang Dynasty China.

A modern American female writer is carried to the Tang Dynasty by a profound dream. There, she is bestowed with another life, and in a foreign land's customs and emotions, she falls in love with a handsome and gallant knight. Their love quietly blooms in the ancient Tang Dynasty, yet is also filled with the bitterness of separation. The protagonist in the book endures parting from her family, portraying the sincerity and warmth of familial love. In the arena of power, she charts a course to the pinnacle of authority with the unique tenderness and wisdom of a woman. In that era, she writes her rise as a woman relying solely on her own strength, through twists and turns, finding confidants, and weathering betrayal. Bravely and wisely she navigates through the intricate fog, expanding territory and governing the people in peace. After enduring the wear and tear of time and the torment of spirit, it seems to have been destined in the stars, and she ultimately becomes an Empress. Seated high upon the throne, looking over the bustling Chang'an, she always remembers that all this may have started from a dream about time travel, but with her fresh strokes, she continues the legend of women, etching her name in the bronze plaques of history.

alexnovelman · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter Six: The Mystery of the Ancient Jade

The relic from the Tang Dynasty seemed hidden in the corner of an old, modern basement in the dream.

First, I visited the major museums in New York, scrutinizing every exhibit from the Tang Dynasty, seeking clues in the ancient texts and patterns. The images in my mind clashed with the memories before my eyes. Every day ended with a tinge of disappointment, but I never gave up, convinced I was on the verge of finding the jewel's trail.

I also scoured the records of various auction houses, hoping to find leads in the circulation of collectibles. I poured over countless past auction catalogs and wrote to numerous antique experts. I even visited private collectors who specialized in Eastern antiquities. My efforts were everywhere.

Additionally, I made use of my networking resources as a writer. I contacted experts on the history of the Tang Dynasty and exchanged insights with other writers who had undergone similar experiences. Slowly piecing together the bigger picture at the crossroads of literature and history, the occasional pointers from the psychic Lysandra became my clues.

Finally, one clear morning, a lead brought her to a private antiquarian library. There, I discovered an old diary, the final resting place of a particular jewel mentioned by its nineteenth-century explorer owner after an Eastern journey. Carefully turning the yellowed pages, my eyes suddenly brightened upon sighting an image of the ancient jade, nearly identical to the one I saw in my dreams. The journal also revealed the last known whereabouts of the jade—it had been donated to a private art foundation in New York.

To verify this lead, I dug deeper into information about the foundation and, using my influence and relentless spirit, managed to gain access to the foundation's collection. Guided by an octogenarian, I entered an old underground vault. In a small room covered with dark red velvet, my gaze swept over the items on display like a searchlight. My heart raced as I caught sight of the Tang Dynasty jade lying inconspicuously in a seemingly ordinary box with a mysterious sheen.

The three ancient Chinese characters "Wu Zetian" were particularly striking on the stone. I gestured to the elderly guide, asking if I may examine it. He nodded, and as I lifted the jade into my hand, it lay there quietly—as if awaiting the guardian's return after a millennium.

My hands shook as I wiped the dust off its surface, my heartbeat thundering in my chest. I had found it—the legendary ancient jade. It was small and irregularly shaped but its texture was warm and emitted a faint luster. The jade's symbols, unfamiliar to most Americans, exuded an irresistible mysterious power.

The aura emanating from the stone seemed to connect directly to ancient times. I could almost hear whispers from the past, feeling the joy, pain, love, and bloodshed involved in power struggles. Through the symbols, I had a hunch that this might not just be an antique, but also a key to history—seemingly harboring the power to traverse time, a magical secret entangled in love and arcane cults.

The old man was acquainted with Lysandra and was aware of the ancient jade's history. From her remarks, he knew of its importance to me. Internally, he felt as though his existence, his collection, was destined to reunite the jade with its true owner. In the end, he decided to gift the jade to me, concluding with a meaningful remark: "Go, complete what must be done in your life, live through the journey that you're meant to complete."

I was immensely grateful, aware that this item was of considerable value, something my modest writing fees could never cover. Cradling the jade in my palms, looking at it over and over again, it became clear in my subsequent experiences that this ancient jade was not merely a relic from the Tang Dynasty. It was a key to the doors of time and space, able to unlock a gateway long sealed. It was the opening of this door that allowed me, a modern-day person, to traverse through time and experience life in the mystical ancient Tang Dynasty.

Clasping the ancient jade tightly in my hands, I took a deep breath and turned towards the faint light streaming through the window, determined to become the guardian of this jade until the day arrives when the world is ready to understand and shoulder this profound truth.

Unbeknownst to me, having the ancient jade not only presented an artifact of immeasurable value, it also stirred a ripple in the underground currents. A dark force lurking in the desolate corners of the modern city, operating on the fringes of legality, desired to exploit the jade's mysterious power for their benefit.

Since bringing the jade to my apartment, I felt enveloped by an ominous shadow. There were whispers of stalkers, and eyes peering from the darkness, as if a dark power couldn't wait to make its move.

Using my wits and the sharpened instincts honed from years of writing, I set up defenses. I secreted the jade away in an obscure place and concocted numerous illusions and traps. I was aware I might be facing an unknown force, quietly waiting for the inevitable confrontation.

One day, in the dimly lit underground parking lot of a mall, a representative of that dark force appeared. He was a tall, muscular Turkish man, seeming to possess an unknown power, an eager yearning for the jade's energy palpable in his demeanor. I tried to hold my own against him, all the while seeking an escape.

The atmosphere was tense; a psychological and intellectual battle ensued between us. The man, clothed in a black garment with a hood that obscured his face, reminded me of the specter from my dreams—an eerie resemblance. It seemed he didn't intend harm but merely spoke with a heavy Turkish accent in English: "The ancient jade is not yours to use, do not meddle in this trouble or it will bring you endless harm. You better continue being a writer, quite untouched by this affair."

As other people drove past in the garage, he disappeared into the depths after his warning, leaving me in bewilderment and taking time to collect myself.

"What just happened?" I muttered, part-confused, part-shocked.

I could sense the dark force trying to coerce and intimidate me, seeking to seize the ancient jade; what should I do? How could I utilize every available element in my environment, each trick and trap to delay their pursuit?

At a critical moment, I thought of Lysandra, the psychic, searching for more information about the jade. She was as enigmatic as ever in her words, revealing that there were numerous underground organizations perturbed by the jade—a legacy from the ancient times. Previously, the jade's owner had not manifested, so they merely watched. But now that the jade's owner had emerged, all factions were beginning to stir. Yet she assured me that my personal safety was not in jeopardy, as all groups needed me to harness the power of the jade. The person I encountered likely belonged to a mystical organization descended from the ancient Turks, who've been keen on restoring the Turkic Empire. With mixed opinions among their ranks, some aimed to change history through time travel, while others, like the man who warned me, did not want to alter the past.

Returning to my apartment, sunlight infiltrated through the gaps in the windows, casting scattered patches of light across the room. Exhausted yet relieved, I was at least assured that the precious ancient jade was momentarily at peace. I felt a certain lowliness and desolation after listening to the psychic's words, which did alleviate some pressure – the danger to my life was gone and I had gained new insight into the ancient jade. While feeling tired, I lay on the couch and opened the jade's box. I picked up the jade and carefully played with it, closely observing every detail. The three characters "Wu Zetian" seemed like ancient symbols and spells, possessing some kind of actual power. I did not know how to use the ancient jade, nor could I awaken the dormant power within it.

Holding it, I recalled the various details from my dreams, the memory of my father and Li Hao. Thinking of Li Hao, my lips trembled slightly and my eyes began to moisten, and I unconsciously uttered the name "Li Hao." Unexpectedly, just as I finished speaking, the runes hidden in the jade emitted a soft glow and began to shine inexplicably, a halo enveloped my body, and my heart started to beat violently. A force I couldn't resist was pulling at me, and at that instant, my vision was filled with a dazzling halo, accompanied by a whisper that was almost inaudible. I saw a surge of light. A profound power fluctuated through time and space, opening a light door right before me.

I was suddenly caught in a hypnotic state, my mind a little confused, trying to seize this opportunity to enter the light door. However, I suddenly remembered the Turk's warning, along with the psychic's vague words, the hesitation, and the arrow wound in my dream. In truth, I wasn't ready to return to the dream, nor did I know what side effects entering it might have on my modern life. My mind started to clear, and I needed to find the psychic to share the secret of the ancient jade I had discovered.

Carrying the jade, I arrived at Lysandra's mysterious attic, she's now the person I trust the most. Her eyes could see the shadows of the past and future. When I told her that I had discovered and unlocked the secret of the ancient jade, her face showed an excited expression, and she encouraged me to fulfill my historical mission. Under her guidance, we began to prepare the altar for starting the time-travel ritual, burning ancient incantations and herbs, with a layer of mystical mist spreading in the air. I took out the ancient jade, held it in my palm, and uttered Li Hao's name.

Just after reciting Li Hao's name, a discordant aura disturbed the tranquility of the ritual. A rush of footsteps sounded outside, and a group of rough-looking Turks burst through the door, their eyes filled with greed and surprise. We knew they were here for the ancient jade, which had caused a sensation on the black market. They shouted loudly, menacingly demanding we hand over the jade immediately, filling the air with tension.

Lysandra and I exchanged looks, both understanding that the jade's power was about to be activated. I clutched the jade, which was growing warmer in my hands. Gradually, the jade erupted in a blaze of glory, enveloping each of us. The Turks were in a panic, chaotically running around, trying to evade the expanding halo of light. However, the light, like tides, engulfed us entirely; I felt dizzy, my body entering a space as quiet as death, and everything started to blur.