
American Comics: The Strongest Shadow System

David crosses over to American Comic World with his system. [The Strongest Shadow System is installing . . . .] [80% . . 90% . . 99% . . .] Join his journey and watch how he becomes strong in a world where multiple world is combined. Subscribe my Youtube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsEuXE0QgqZDxt7JweyBZHA More chapter's are availabel in my patreon. patreon.com/CodesGaming

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Chapter 19 : Shadow Kingdom

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The Rise Of Puppet Master


After designing Paradise Island from Attack on Titan. David decided to place the Titan Camp which was made after merging all the other Titans power.

[King Titan]

[Titans made from merging all the Nine Titans. It has all the powers of Nine Titans and can use their powers perfectly.]

The hero from Titan camp didn't survive and all were made nutrients for Titan Camp.[King Titan] was placed at the heart of the Island.

After placing it down. The Camp appeared which looked like a huge gate closed and there pictures made in the gates of the Titans using their powers.

The gate was as huge as Titans like Colossal Titan covered in armor which was in white colour.

There were two of them which were holding the gated from both sides and had there heads up.

After the finishing of [King Titan] Camp. David made sun in this dimension.

Although, there was light in the dimension.It looked a bit gloomy but now the sun didn't make the place gloomy.

After that than David flew into the sky with the powers from dimensional space and went a bit far from Paradise Island and made another Island where he putted another Camp which was [Spider Ninja] Camp.

The Spider Ninja Camp looked like Japanese Ninja Training Base but there were sign and symbols of spider here and there reflecting Shadow Spiderman.

The Spider Ninja Camp was made at the end of this long island.

After that David came to another end of the Island where he put [Death Knight] Camp which looked like a battlefield and at the middle point of the battlefield was an building which looked like Knights Ground and attached to it was another building which was a stable.

After flying high into air David looked at the situation of both Islands.

In one Island soldiers started to came out of [Spider Ninja] and [Death Knights] Camp whereas there were no soldiers from [Titan King] Camp.

David than decided to make rest of the place sea and change it if needed.

After that David teleported himself back into his room.David than remembered all the things he did in the dungeon.

David than tried a few days making himself normal by trying to participate himself back with the society so that the could forget the dungeon life.

David met Peter and Harry who were going to Museum.

David also decided to tag along with them. After coming back from dungeon, David had some confidence to survive in this world.

The Museum which Peter choose to go was mainly themed for Captian America.

Captian America is mostly the main idol of young men in the time of World War II.

Now Captian America is mostly a legend who is gradually being forgetten by the new generation but the organiztions around the world are trying to replicate the serum that made him superhuman.

David while exploring the place found himself at unknown place inside museum.This part of museum was so quiet.

David started to use his shadow energy to see what was happening here but a woman appeared behind him.

The woman looke like a employee wh worked here so David stopped his shadow energy from being seen and started to faster expand exploring the place.

The woman said,"Sir, This area is foribdden for visitors. I think you shouldleave this area now."

David knew that instead of making a scene coporation is good.

David who didn't said anything and started to get out of the place.

David after turning from a corner in the hallway saw that people visiting the museum.David also saw Harry and Peter who were looking at the statue of Captian America.

David went towards there location and said to both of them,"Guys ! How long are you going to see the statue of a man? Don't tell me you two like men?"

Peter and Harry got out of their state of mind and Peter replied hastily after hearing what david,"No, David It's just I want to be like Captian."

Harry and David both laughed at Peter.

Harry said,"David is just joking with us. Peter you really belived what he said."

Peter after hearing that couldn't help but get shy and said,"Sorry, Guys I didn't quite got the joke."

Peter than said to David,"Hey, David .How did you get your body in this good shape. I don't remember you have like this kind of body?"

After David had started to practice his shadow energy from the book. He looked more charming and his age also seem to stop from aging.

David was now a Dimesional Lord. So, he was now immortal until his whole dimesion and him both where killed at the same time.

David replied,"Oh! Looks like Peter really likes men. Otherwise I don't think any other man will see other men with this much clerance."

Peter didn't reply back. He knows that David is again joking with him.

David siad,"Come on, We were having fun man. Actually, I had been going to gym lately."

Peter didn't believe what David said as a person couldn't change entirely differently after getting in some gym.

The day passed by visting all the artificats in musem.After having a meal at nearby restaurant. They decided to go on their own towards their homes.

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