
American comics start with level five mutants

In a twist of cosmic fate, Su Yao awakens within the Marvel universe as a mutant, his existence shrouded in mystery within the confines of an experimental base. With panic gripping his heart, Su Yao discovers his newfound ability of 'imitation,' allowing him to mimic the powers of those around him. As Su Yao grapples with his abilities, he delves into mimicking the likes of Orochi, the Sun God, and the Scarlet Witch, each imitation unlocking a fraction of their immense powers. Yet, the euphoria is short-lived as Su Yao learns the grim truth – his abilities come with a countdown clock to his demise, leaving him with only 83 days to live. Meanwhile, in the broader Marvel universe, whispers of Su Yao's existence reach the ears of formidable figures like Professor X, Magneto, Thor, and Loki. Their reactions range from urgency to familial intrigue, setting the stage for an unpredictable journey where Su Yao's destiny becomes intertwined with the fate of the entire Marvel multiverse. As Su Yao races against time to understand and master his powers, he finds himself drawn into a web of alliances, conflicts, and cosmic revelations. With the clock ticking, Su Yao's odyssey unfolds as he navigates the complexities of his existence, facing challenges that will test his courage, resolve, and the very limits of his mimicry. "ECHOES OF MIMICRY: A MARVEL MUTANT'S ODYSSEY" is a thrilling saga of self-discovery, redemption, and the enduring power of hope in the face of impossible odds. Prepare to embark on an epic journey where every imitation brings Su Yao closer to unlocking his true destiny amidst the sprawling tapestry of the Marvel universe.

Novel_Hunters · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 38: Wonderful Life Foundation

Su Yao walked in the direction pointed by Venom.

In this process, he tried his best to choose a secret place to walk. He has not forgotten that he is still wanted and hunted.

Along the way, he had to sigh that there were so many gangsters in the United States. He received hundreds of dollars in rescue funds from the United States, as well as a black jacket with a hood.

Wearing a black hood on his head, walking on a remote street exudes a sense of mystery.

"Su, why are you so careful? I think we should have a big war instead of hiding our heads and tails like this...

Venom communicated spiritually with Su Yao, and his hoarse and thick voice was full of doubts.

Su Yao shook his head: "Maybe it will be as you wish when you get there, but you still need to hide on the road..."

"Someone is chasing me..."

As he said, he did not answer Venom's doubts, and concentrated on the road.

Along the way, the sun occasionally shone on him, and his energy value slowly rose.

^[Light energy+1]

^[Light energy+1]

[Light energy +1]…

When Eddie Bullock rushed to the Life Foundation, he got along very unpleasantly with Venom.

"Eddie, this is an illusion, not real!"

"You're just a little uncomfortable..."

Eddie walked down the street, trying to ignore the sound in his mind, trying to treat it as an auditory hallucination.

At this moment, the inexplicable voice in his mind sounded again.

"Eddie Bullock, don't be stupid, you know it's true..."

Ignoring Eddie's self-deception, Venom continued: "Humans, listen to me, you should stay away from that life foundation and stop going there!"

Seeing that he couldn't ignore the voice in his mind, Eddie cursed: "Damn it, this is my job!"

While talking, Eddie suddenly felt hungry. While swallowing his saliva, while looking at the passers-by walking on the street, a yearning rose in his heart.

He has the urge to bite these people's heads…

Eddie only felt that he was crazy, and tried to ignore this thought, only to feel that he was affected by the parasite and had an illusion.

It's just that the more you ignore the hunger, the stronger it becomes…

At this moment, the voice in his mind sounded again.

"Humans, stop, it's time to eat. Have you seen those delicious heads? Go over and eat them!

Eddie Bullock held his head and tried to ignore the feeling of hunger, but unfortunately he failed.

In order to get rid of the idea of eating human heads and hunger, he rushed into a steak grill and quickly ordered a meal.

While waiting, he couldn't help it. He picked up the food given by the waiter and started to eat it, making a mess.

People exclaimed.

When Eddie was adapting to the symbiote, the people of the Life Foundation already knew that they had been deceived by the symbiote.

At this moment, they are urgently checking the route for abnormalities, trying to find the escaped symbiote.

A security guard with a communicator is searching the street.

Soon, the anomalies here of Eddie Bullock attracted the attention of visitors.

"An abnormality has been found and is under investigation..."

A black security guard shouted at the communicator, walked into the restaurant, and walked towards Eddie who was eating lobsters in the tank.

"Sir, please follow me." Black security guard Thomas said politely.

However, Eddie, who had a strong appetite, ignored him and continued to eat raw lobster by himself.

Thomas's face was slightly gloomy, and he stretched out his thick black hand to grab Eddie, and then wanted to take him away.

Before he could catch Eddie, he was pushed down a few steps by Eddie's right hand.

Thomas' face became more gloomy, and he subconsciously picked up the electric stick around his waist, trying to teach this shameless and suspicious person a good lesson.

Just as he picked up the electric stick to teach Eddie, Eddie's right hand was covered with black liquid and hit him hard on the chest.


Amidst the exclamations of the surrounding audience, Thomas was severely beaten a few meters away.

With a bang, a row of tables and chairs were knocked down.

Eddie, who was still awake, saw this and hurriedly explained: "Oh, I don't want to, this hand is disobedient..."

With that said, he fled the restaurant in a panic amid the shouts of the waiter.

Thomas struggled to get up and picked up the walkie-talkie to report urgently: "The target is found..."

He reported here that Eddie, who escaped from the restaurant, was panicked.

"Coward, you should eat that guy!"

Venom's dissatisfied voice appeared in his mind.

Eddie asked in a panic: "What are you, parasite?"

He no longer deceives himself and others.

"Parasite?" Venom repeated loudly, as if very angry, and said angrily: "You are a parasite!"

"I am Venom, the great symbiote Venom!"

"Also, you have to escape here quickly, those people will catch you in the laboratory and conduct inhumane experiments on you!"

"Escape?" Eddie hasn't accepted reality yet.

Just as he was about to defend, four black-clothed security guards appeared in front of him.

"Stop, raise your hand!" Four people pointed their guns at him.

"Thank you!" Eddie turned around subconsciously and ran.

Seeing him escape, the four black-clothed security guards immediately pulled the handle of the anesthetic gun.

Bang bang bang!

Black tentacles appeared behind Eddie's back, blocking the injection of the aesthetic needle, and then with a quick movement, with a crackling sound, the anesthetic gun in the hands of those people was knocked out.

Seeing this scene, the four black-clothed security guards were stunned.

More and more people gathered around, and in the process, Eddie, who was possessed by venom, showed a series of amazing powers.

He made a lot of inhumane actions, and his sense of danger allowed him to avoid many attacks.

The black tentacles easily sucked away the enemy, and just as the black liquid squirmed, his body was also covered with a layer of venom armour.

During the rampage, one security guard after another screamed and was knocked into the air, and some unlucky ones were caught by the poison, then opened their bloody mouths and swallowed their heads.

"Stop him, don't let him run away!"

The black security guards were rounding up Eddie and Venom, and a group of people far away in the Life Foundation building were shocked by the uploaded video.

In the conference monitor room, Drake opened his hands, pointed to the screen on the screen, and said in surprise: "He is combined with the symbiote, did you see it?"

Turning his head and looking around, he sighed to the staff and researchers: "Did you see it? They are one!"

"Tris!" He walked to the communicator and eagerly said to the black-clothed security guard who was the leader in the video: "Bring my new creature back!"

(End of this chapter)

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