
American Comics: Opening Guidance Bat-man

Once through, Schiller became Batman’s teacher, a professor of psychology at Gotham University. On the first day, Bruce Wayne entered the psychiatric clinic. Schiller had to open the Meiman chat system and posted the first post: Batman asked me the meaning of life, how should I answer? It’s a hurry to wait online. Thanos: It is recommended to kill directly. Professor X: Don’t listen to the upstairs, I’ll use your mind-reading skills… Schiller Andel Rodriguez, a world-class master of criminal psychology, the most famous psychology professor at Gotham University, his students are both superheroes and super criminals, but he does not belong to any of them, bat Xia likes to call him “Professor”, Joker calls him “the coolest lunatic”, Scarecrow calls him “Arkham slipper”, and Nick Fury thinks he’s a “getter.” Be Batman’s teacher, Spider’s godfather, Iron Man’s psychiatrist, Schiller’s journey to American comics, starting with Batman at the beginning. Comprehensive comics (including the movie universe), DC Marvel and other comics, do not abuse the main character, and the supporting roles do not lose their wisdom. (Don’t worry about the title, it’s not an invincible brain-damaged essay.)

Fantasy_Bringer · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 41: Cats and Bats (Part 2)

When Schiller saw that Bruce's dark and unsatisfactory look was written on his face, he knew that the conversation with Catwoman might not be smooth.

"Aren't you guys going to fight again?"

Bruce said, "Worse than that."

"Well, which ward is she in now?" Schiller asked.

"I mean, Gotham is worse than I thought."

"There's a bunch of bad guys here that you can't blame, because in this environment, they've done enough," Bruce said.

"I think you should now realize that being Batman is not that simple, right?" Schiller said.

"Indeed," Bruce said, "I thought I had a hard armor, a bullet-proof helmet, a sharp bat dart, and a gun and bullets. What gangster can't deal with these things?"

"Guns are really useful," Schiller said.

"At least you can guarantee that someone will listen to what you say."

"I couldn't say 'you're wrong' to Selena, and Bruce covered his eyes and said, "Actually, she's done well enough. "

"Jonathan probably doesn't think so. If I tell you now that Jonathan actually grew up in such an environment, and the crime he committed was actually because no one taught him, what would you think?"

Bruce opened his mouth. He realized that he originally thought he was just, but later he knew that nothing was absolutely just, but he felt that he was at least fair, but now he found that he didn't seem to be fair enough.

He has to admit that he is partial to Selena. Many of the gangsters he punished are just like Catwoman Selena, but they are not as lucky.

Their family and past are a mess. They go to work for gangsters, not because of how vicious and vicious they are, they are born bad, they just eat.

Breaking out of the shackles of the native class is much harder than expected, especially in Gotham.

This fact made Bruce feel a little desperate. He finally understood why Schiller said he didn't understand Gotham.

Because anyone who wants to save Gotham completely doesn't understand Gotham.

Everyone here is a bad person, but there is not a single bad person here.

You can't find a person who should be rescued among this group of walking corpses, nor can you find a person who was born to be destroyed.

There is no culprit here, everyone here is the culprit.

This hero's upgrade path is very different from what Bruce thinks. He feels that he only needs to catch enough criminals, ask for information from them, and then follow the clues to find the few cancers that have been affecting Gotham, Bring them to justice at the end, and Gotham just keeps getting better.

But now he finds that this is a bottomless pit. When he catches one batch of cancers, there will be another batch. When he punishes one culprit, there will always be another.

No one can stand this kind of consumption. It doesn't refer to wealth or health. Harvey believes that only those who reach the finish line win, but Batman, he doesn't even have a finish line.

Only now does Bruce realize that his struggle with Gotham will definitely use up his life.

Then he realized that wealth, equipment and fighting skills really can't make him a real Batman, because his biggest enemy is not a criminal, but abandonment.

The biggest problem he faces is not how cunning his opponent is, but whether he is firm enough, is he firm enough to spend his whole life with a city that cannot be saved, to spend endlessly.

It's as if ordinary people spend their entire lives trying to make the sun come out from the west.

Batman is standing on the roof of Gotham Central Building. The wind is strong here, whistling past his ears. Under his feet, there are countless mediocre villains, like a group of nesting ants, from here it can be clearly seen. see everything in Gotham.

Batman thought there was no order in Gotham, there was only chaos, but now he found that there is not only order here, but it is stronger than any other place. If there is only chaos, then he can rebuild order, but now, he can even break Gotham. This original order cannot be achieved.

After a while, Batman heard footsteps behind him, and Catwoman walked over with her hands behind her back.

Seeing Batman turn around, she smiled, took out a gem from behind, handed it to Batman with a smile, and said, "I picked a very beautiful little treasure from my collection, of course, I am reluctant to give the biggest I'll give you that one, but I think this one is pretty good too."

Before Bruce could speak, Catwoman said, "I chatted with Maggie yesterday, and she said I should apologize to you, because no matter what, I shouldn't scratch you with a dagger."

"I've never apologized to anyone, and if they want to beat me, I'll beat them back. But I think you've been very kind to me, and you went for a ride with me up high buildings, and I stabbed you, which seems to be true wrong."

She blinked her beautiful big eyes, those brown eyes gleaming in the Gotham-like darkness, and said, "I can tell that you are very upset. I hope this gem can make you feel better."

Batman glanced down at the gem in his hand. It was a triangular ruby, a bit like his ear.

For the first time, he felt that this was not a mineral that was meaningless to humans except for being beautiful.

Batman asked, "Do you want to hear my story?"

On the other side, Schiller was holding the phone and said, "He was released on medical parole? How did he pass the approval? Although I don't want to blame you, the Gotham Police Department is a little too playful..."

He thought about it, well, the Gotham Police Department really has no lower limit to break through.

Then he said to Gordon on the other end: "I hope he can stay in the hospital well and don't come back to make trouble. You know, I'm different from Batman."

Gordon hung up the phone and sighed. He knew it wasn't that simple. Despite all his efforts, Jonathan was finally admitted to the lunatic asylum. Victor disappeared and Rantalos died.

However, the old president of Gotham University did not go to prison in the name of medical parole. He had been in Gotham for so many years, and he still had some connections, but he finally succeeded.

Schiller has never been afraid to think of a Gotham citizen in the worst possible light. He knew that the old principal wouldn't give up so easily.

Sure enough, the next day, when Schiller was about to get off work, a girl rushed into her office in a panic. This is the girl who complained to the school when Christine disappeared. She is Christine. Ting's good friend.

"Christine disappeared again?" Schiller asked.

"It's worse than that." The girl said anxiously, "Since then, Christine gave me a security number, and she told me that as long as this number hits my mobile phone, it means that she may dangerous!"

Schiller quickened his packing speed and said, "When did it happen?"

"Just three minutes ago! The phone was on, but there was no sound over there!"

Schiller reassured the girl, and then called Bruce, he said: "Bad news, Christine has an accident again, I wonder if Gordon told you? The old principal didn't go to jail in the name of medical parole, if he To get revenge, it must be the first to get revenge on the person who testified against him..."

Bruce immediately returned to Wayne Manor and put on all Batman's equipment. He persuaded Christine to testify against the principal, so he must save the girl.

It's a pity that the old principal has learned to be smart this time. He didn't use any unprofessional gangsters, but hired professional kidnappers. They did not leave any traces. It seems that the old principal just wanted revenge, not Use her to threaten others.

But this just shows that Christine is likely to be in an extremely dangerous environment.

After a while, Batman received a call from Schiller. Schiller said, "The street where the Red Crow Gang used to be in the East District, the drug den you destroyed..."

Before Bruce could ask why, Schiller hung up the phone, and Batman ran all the way, racing fast in the darkness of Gotham.

But now he doesn't have the Batmobile, the ordinary sports car is not fast enough, it will take a while to get from Wayne Manor to the East End, and Christine may be hurt at any time, although he doesn't like Christine, But I don't want to see an innocent person killed tragically.

Batman slammed the steering wheel hard, and he deeply felt that he must have a better means of transportation.

Suddenly, an unexpected number called, and Catwoman's voice rang over there, and she said, "Hey, I seem to see your little girlfriend who is waiting for you on the street every day, what's going on? What are they doing? Going to Maple Street? It's dangerous there..."

"She was kidnapped, find a way to save her! No... I mean can you keep an eye on them?... Look at them from a distance and call me... Forget it, no no no, don't follow Go up and tell me where they went."

"You sound like you need help," Catwoman said.

Batman seemed a little impatient. He said, "It's none of your business. Just don't go out and cause me trouble tonight."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone and drove all the way to Maple Leaf Street.

After a while, Batman appeared at the end of Maple Avenue, which was indeed the former Red Ravens gang. He destroyed a poppy den here. Batman has a good memory. He walked along the right side of the street. Go straight ahead, then turn two alleys.

As soon as he reached the end of the alley, he heard fierce fighting and gunshots coming from it. Batman quickly found the back door and plucked the lock. When he entered, first a group of scumbags were lying in disorder. Outside, these people were screaming on the ground, as if they were hit by a joint technique.

Passing through the gatehouse and entering the living room, seven or eight masked kidnappers could be seen lying on the ground, a whip almost hit Batman with the whistling sound of the wind.

Catwoman turned around and said, "Thank God, this little girl is fine."

Batman turned his gaze to Christine on the sofa. Her clothes were a little messy. If Catwoman hadn't arrived in time, something would have happened.

Then, Catwoman sniffed, frowned and said, "No, why do I smell oil? Your car is leaking? No, it's bad! It's probably a Molotov cocktail, hurry up and get out of here. …"

Before she could finish speaking, the glass at the main entrance was shattered, and countless Molotov cocktails wrapped in cloth were thrown in.

The raging flames burst into flames. In this abandoned den, there are quite a few fabric sofas, curtains and other combustibles.

After a while, the fire became very fierce. Bruce was holding Christine in a coma. As soon as they walked to the back door, they found that the back door that had been pried open had been blocked by heavy objects from the outside.

Obviously, this was a premeditated trap.

Batman's clothes are fireproof, but if they continue to burn like this, Christine and Catwoman are in danger, and the fireproof clothes does not mean that he is resistant to choking. The fire is getting bigger and bigger, and the thick black smoke makes the whole house almost nothing. Can't see clearly, several people are coughing.

Suddenly, there was a crisp "dang bang" sound from the right side, and it seemed that something fell. Catwoman responded quickly, and the whip went straight, but when she dragged it back, it turned out to be a fire extinguisher!

Regardless of where the fire extinguisher came from, Catwoman shook it vigorously, and Batman said, "Go from where they threw the Molotov cocktail, there should be a vacuum there!"

Batman led the way with a fire extinguisher, and Catwoman supported Christine in the back.

Sure enough, the person who threw the flask used a lot of strength to make the flask fall in the center of the hall, not in front of the door. There was nothing flammable except for a small carpet in front of the door. Batman took a fire extinguisher to put out those The flames that burned over, the two rushed forward all the way.

Going to the door, Batman first broke the door lock with a gun, and then began to hit the iron door with all his strength.

The man who threw the Molotov cocktail was obviously in a hurry. The front door was not blocked as badly as the back door. Batman hit the front door a few times and opened a gap.

But this also means that the air has begun to circulate, the fire has become bigger, Catwoman has almost fainted from choking, and Batman can obviously feel his hand on his shoulder begin to slide down, once he loses consciousness , she and Christine must die.

Batman used all his strength, and finally hit hard, "Bang!" The door was opened, and the three escaped. Catwoman was breathing heavily. At this time, both Batman and Catwoman were covered in smoke. Smoky traces.

After sending Christine back, Batman asked Catwoman who was sitting in the co-pilot while driving: "Why did you rush in to save Christine? That's dangerous, isn't it?"

Catwoman was still excitedly looking at the interior of the luxury car, apparently she had never been in such an expensive car before.

She cleared her throat and eased her excitement, and after a while, she said, "Actually, I just thought of a lot of reasons for you to praise me, such as I plan to learn from you to be a good person, such as I actually She's a righteous heroine in her bones, or I can't stand those kidnappers hurting innocent people..."

Then Catwoman looked at him, and when he was watched by those brown eyes, Batman felt his heart beating fast again.

"You don't want me to do bad things, but I really like those gems so much, so I can do bad things once and do good things again, won't it work?"

"...Well, actually, I just wanted to make you happy." Catwoman shrugged.

"I know, I can't be a big hero, I just like to steal things, this is a habit I developed since I was a child, and I don't know any big truths, maybe that one is always there The girl waiting for you on the street is much better than me, after all, she is highly educated, beautiful and charming, and she is very innocent and ignorant, and she has done nothing bad."

"But that's how I am, I never think about those things, I just do what I want to do, whether you think of me as a criminal or a hopelessly bad person, I am who I am, this is who I am, a cat."

Batman slightly loosened his grip on the steering wheel. He didn't know if this was the answer he wanted.

But he knew that the romance, liveliness and sincerity in Catwoman were not the fundamental reason why he fell in love with her.

A bat will fall in love with a cat, he is just envious of her freedom, those freedoms he will never get as a dark knight.

He has made up his mind to fight to the end with this hopeless city.

Looking at the luxury car slowly stopping at the intersection, Schiller on the roof said to the symbiote in his head: "...No, we can't go down, the next thing is not something children should watch."

The symbiote let out a string of dissatisfied grunts.

"Yes, I know you did a great job just now. You brought a fire extinguisher from the cafe across the street and threw it in. It was very accurate!"

"But what's in the car is just the meaningless reproduction process of human beings. Your symbiote doesn't need this process, you just need to drop the scum."

The symbiote fell silent, and Schiller didn't know if he understood.

Schiller looked away from the luxury car and looked at the dimly lit night of Gotham.

Maybe this is a hopeless city, maybe Batman is a normal person who feels hopeless and confused, he thought.

But Batman is not alone, and he will never be alone.