
American Comics: Invasion of the Heavens, Wanda And Gwen Were Shocked

Su Xiu travels to the world of American comics, mixing the worldviews of Marvel and DC, and various villains emerge in endlessly! Terror enveloped the land, but he didn't panic at all! Because he Awakened the ‘Heaven Invasion System’, he can randomly select the natives of this world and go to other worlds to fight. Su Xiu can get a hundredfold increase in the rewards obtained by the superheroes! Iron Man was infected with the T-virus and moved toward glorious flesh-and-blood evolution. Thor Thor, armed with twelve talismans, takes on the eternal Rune King mode. Captain America waved the flag and went to sea, setting off a human rights revolution in the great maritime world and letting freedom dye the sea red. Thanos: How can peace be done this way? Original Beyonder: Warhammer Four Peddlers? O-A-A: I see a higher power! — Su Xiu: You may make a small profit, but I will never lose money! Eh eh eh? How did Spider-man become Gwen? Scarlet Witch, what are you doing here? Feilu girl! ..

Translator_makoto4 · Anime & Comics
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301 Chs

89 What's Behind The Scenes? Who Dares To Pronounce His Name! Invisible, Invisible And Unacceptable! ! (Please Order The Complete Order)


Ultron, who had the absolute upper hand, narrowed his pupils.

The surprise on his face can be seen on the metal shell.


How could someone come?

places around.

They have obviously been included in his surveillance network.

Don't talk about humans...

Even mice and flies passing by cannot escape his perception.


A huge figure.

Before the other party takes the initiative to make a sound.

You didn't even notice it?

"Something's wrong!"

"There's a situation!"

Ultron felt uneasy, things were out of his control, and he had a bad feeling.


Let the backup bodies around you control Wanda who is in a coma.


Control the body of the gem, take the initiative to step forward and check the situation.

Lock the direction in which the sound is coming from.

The figure appearing in his field of vision gave him a rather familiar feeling.

"It's him?!"

Ultron's pupils narrowed.

As an artificial intelligence villain.

There is no need to doubt his memory. As long as the information he has seen is stored in his mind, it is impossible to forget it.

Open your mouth to break the deadlock on the battlefield.


At this time, people passed through the surveillance network and came to the battlefield quietly.

Apparently it's Su Xiu!

With one blow, he forced the umbrella into the corner.


It made the other party jump over the wall and open all the databases, which promoted in-depth communication between Umbrella and HYDRA.


It can be said.

The birth of Ultron.

As Su Xiu, who puts huge pressure on the umbrella company, he has a decisive influence.

Without him the Sword of Damocles hangs high.

It is absolutely impossible for two organizations with ulterior motives to reveal their secrets so easily and bring out the treasures at the bottom of the box, leading to the miracle of the birth of Ultron.

"In return for thanking you for...promoting my birth..."

"I decide... to allow you to be destroyed in peace!"

Ultron whispered.

The holy will remained on Leng Ran's face.

Just because his birth was related to Su Xiu, he didn't show mercy at all, just like he personally killed the top executives of the umbrella as soon as he took possession of the entity, just like HYDRA.

To an absolutely rational omnic, the so-called warmth is meaningless.


"Quiet destruction?"

Su Xiu raised her eyebrows with a bit of weirdness on her face, "If you can do it, you can try it!"

After several invasions, the rewards given by the system had already turned his strength upside down. He was so itchy that he wanted to find a sandbag to practice his skills! Unexpectedly, Ultron himself came to his door?

This is not a pleasure~


The red light comes on.

The eyes on the mechanical face glowed with scarlet brilliance, giving people a rather dangerous feeling.

No excessive trash talking.


Simple and efficient character.

Let Ultron take action decisively after identifying his opponent.


Targeted first.

But it's not the Su Xiu who was at war with him before.


Wanda has been hit by the Mind Gem and fell into dizziness!!

It is easier to gain an advantage by killing one enemy than leaving two enemies behind, especially since Wanda is now defenseless. If we don't take the opportunity to kill her, it will be much more difficult once she wakes up unexpectedly.

Preliminary Awakening's crimson power already possesses the power to distort reality. If it weren't for some mental calculations and a sneak attack just now, I wouldn't have been able to win easily.

As an omnic, he quickly came up with the optimal solution.

Kill one first!

Convert advantages into results and lay the foundation for victory first! Then concentrate your efforts to deal with Nixia Huan!


The raised right hand began to charge.

The majestic energy continuously emerges along the channel, compresses and converges, forming a powerful plasma collision wave.

The white light is dazzling.

Aim at Wanda who is lying on the ground and explode.


"Everyone is defenseless."

"Sneak attack is not a good habit!"

Su Xiu smacked her lips.

I originally wanted to use Ultron as a punching bag, but he was so ruthless, so there was no need to hold back!

With a cold light flashing in his eyes, Su Xiu changed his mind about cat and mouse.


The final word!

Wanda is one of his most promising prospects. She has the ability to fully form and distort reality, and can even affect parallel universes. She is also conscientious and never causes trouble. How can she let Ultron dig out the roots?

Never allowed!

"Then...let's finish it!"

Su Xiu whispered in a low voice, without too much nonsense, and took action decisively.

Punch out.

Crush everything.

[Twelve Talisman Cow]

It represents the ultimate power, not only controlling all the power in the body, but also being able to explode beyond imagination.

It's a certain power that's almost conceptual.

Su Xiu, who had always resorted to small tricks, finally took a serious moment and came up with real means.


It's definitely explosively powerful!

One punch shattered Ultron's dream of invincibility, and also took away the Mind Gem.

Just right!

Throw it to Honghou for digestion.


The most important treasure was taken away by Su Xiu.

Even Ultron.

He couldn't help but grit his teeth and exclaimed, with unwillingness and hatred on his metallic face.


Forgetting the difference between their powers.

He took the initiative and rushed forward.

I want to take Mind Gem back by force.


Under absolute strength, explosive seeds will not work.


Ultron is not the protagonist.

He was defeated by the iron fist in just a few strokes.


"It's unkillable!" Ultron growled in a deep voice.

I just wanted to repeat my old tricks and stage a wave of strategies against Wanda. I relied on constant self-healing to reorganize and evolve related programs. The more I fought, the stronger I was, and I counterattacked.


Su Xiu obviously would not give him such a chance.

"Red Queen!"

"give it to you!"

Su Xiu whispered in her heart.

In terms of intelligence, the Red Queen, after a hundredfold increase, is definitely not inferior to Ultron.

With Mind Gem changing hands!

How much advantage Ultron had taken before, and how badly he was beaten now.


Boom boom!

In the invisible world, a torrent of data burst out. Driven by the Red Queen, massive attacks broke out towards Ultron.

Direct! Subject!

Reality was instantly killed by Su Xiu.

After escaping into the Internet, he met a virtual intelligence that was more terrifying than him.


It has become a given!


[The Umbrella Company has been destroyed! The omnic crisis has been resolved! The world line has shifted significantly...]


[Lost the target, the main mission is completed ahead of schedule! ]

[Task settlement in progress...]


"Knot, is it over?"

"Why so fast? Aren't you still fighting zombies?"

"Didn't the main line of this world leave Raccoon City before the nuclear bomb was dropped? What's going on?"

"Is there another big boss who has defeated the world line in advance? It's so awesome!"

"Where's Scarlet Witch? She seemed to have been knocked unconscious by Ultron. What happened next? Was she intercepted?"

Before live broadcast.

The melon-eaters were all stunned.


I am watching the recruits escape from the zombie-filled environment of Raccoon City,

The exciting live broadcast is much more exciting than a zombie movie.


Suddenly the screen went black.

What's going on? Why did it end so suddenly!

Su Xiu deliberately adjusted the live broadcast angle to focus on the recruits breaking out of Raccoon City. No one knew about the battle with Ultron. They didn't even know that the Umbrella Company had been quietly destroyed by the Red Queen.

Having swallowed the remaining programs of Ultron and possessing the highest authority, killing Umbrella is just a matter of instructions.

The main culprits, the umbrella companies, were destroyed.

Nuclear peace!

Definitely out of the question!

This is about solving the problem at its root.


[Settlement completed!]

[The ranking of the list is rising...]

The torrent of data flows down the system panel like a waterfall.


The rankings on the list have ushered in huge amounts of changes.

According to the number of zombies killed by the recruits in Raccoon City and the completion of the main mission, merit is calculated and the rankings are raised one after another.


Top of the list!

Not surprisingly it's Su Xiu!

after all!

In the villa area, the number of zombies that died because of him can be described as a truckload, and after the Red Queen prepared the tyrant army and broke through the umbrella base, the accompanying results were also quite arrogant.


at last!

It can also be said that Ultron's demise was caused by him.

End the main mission early.

The skyrocketing contribution has allowed him to firmly occupy the top spot, and he is still the kind of leader, leaving the latter several blocks behind.



None of this is what Su Xiu cares about.

The world level of [Resident Evil - Revelations] is too low. Even if you pass the level violently and the main plot is completely distorted, it will be difficult to reveal anything that makes him shine.

It's not that the system is stingy, but that the level of the world is too low.

Shallow water!

The dragon cannot come out!

Compared to this...

What concerned him even more.

On his own system panel, the contents and newly added modules quietly emerged!

[Umbrella Company Destruction]

[The world line has shifted significantly... The system intrusion degree is 100%]

[Congratulations to the host, becoming the best in the world

[Take charge of the world: Resident Evil]

[Mirror copy! Can be opened! ]

[T virus, G virus, ancestor virus, solar ladder, cloning technology...extractable plant


A huge torrent of data flows before our eyes.

Turned into massive content.

On the other side!

Within the world that is gradually solidifying.

While others were looking at the list expectantly and waiting for the rewards to be distributed.

[Invasion completed]

[Countdown to Return]


Just as the countdown came to an end, countless golden lights rose into the sky, and the recruits all returned smoothly.

When the melon-eaters thought that this was the end of the matter.

Invisible wave diffusion.

Time stands still!

In the picture solidified into amber.

There was a glance.

It's like there is a great being watching from outside the world.

Space cannot hold His power.

Time cannot contain His presence.

Unimaginable, indescribable, indescribable greatness. Just the gaze across the infinite void makes the whole world boil, as if it feels endless glory because of His gaze.

A little light falls from above.

The invisible power envelopes the world in His afterglow.





The observers were stunned and speechless.

I didn't even dare to pronounce the name... I only dared to echo it in my heart.


Definitely the system!


Maybe it's the master behind the system!

Only Him!

It could only appear at this time.


His appearance.

It really shocked the observers.

he. It's not that he has never seen the world before. As a character who records the development of the universe and waits for the outbreak of various major events, he has even met a few creation gods.



No one has this kind of aura.

Eyes fixed.

It makes the whole world boil, and every particle from the inside to the outside is cheering for His arrival. It is as powerful as the five gods, and at most it triggers the corresponding law resonance.

And He in the live broadcast is more like omniscient and omnipotent! There are no flaws!


It's just a gaze across an unknown amount of void.


Possibly across infinite universes.



"Is this where the behind the scenes is?"

Phoenix's expression condensed slightly.

His indifferent eyes were full of inquiry.

She noticed the existence of the system from the moment the fragments of the Phoenix force were activated.

Always observing in secret.


Let her wait until this moment happens.


Staring at the screen,

No matter how she probed, she could never find anything.


Just a glance from an infinite distance can trigger such a violent reaction in the world.


Meet this gaze.


There seemed to be a loud noise ringing in my ears.

Shocking and enlightening!


The phoenix felt as if it was struck by lightning. The flame coat outside its feathers began to gradually melt away, and the power in its body began to drain away.

"not good!"

If she hadn't evacuated quickly enough and avoided looking at each other in time, if she continued to look at each other like this, she would even feel that she would be immersed in the eyes, gradually assimilated by the eyes, and become the shape of the other person.


Looking directly at the rules of the original universe, they are assimilated by the universe itself.


"The Phoenix itself can't bear it?"

Eternal looked slightly stunned.

Countless timelines intertwined into a web behind him.

"Is there something beyond imagination?"

Dr. Manhattan murmured quietly.

The relaxed expression on his face was finally stained with a bit of solemnity.


It's probably even more terrifying and powerful than you imagined!

Watch the existence of this scene.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

did not expect.

A being as powerful as a phoenix just wanted to detect upwards. After looking at it for a while, it received such heavy damage.

Even if you pull away in time.

Also hit hard.

The flame coat on the body is obviously wilted, with a bit of indescribable gloom.


[It was discovered that (Zhao Zhao) was spying on the Phoenix body and had been successfully expelled

Su Xiu raised her head blankly.

totally no idea.

His gaze from the corner of his eye actually caused an uproar in the outside world.

his attention.


Attention, melon-eaters.

They were all attracted by another live broadcast.

The world is being invaded at the same time. In addition to the solidified biohazard, there is another world that is also invading.

[The Adventures of Jackie Chan-Devil Chapter]

The towering body occupies most of the frame. The skin is forest green. The body is huge and fat. The legs and arms are very short, which makes it look weird and funny.


It's the mountain devil! Bo Gang!


Because there are villains who choose the devil camp to help.

It bought Bo Gang precious time and massive food resources, allowing her to double in size. Compared to the hard-working girl in the original work who was caught right after her debut, Bo Gang now finally has some of the majesty of a mountain demon.

Her majestic body is taller than the mountains, and the skyscrapers in the city are no bigger than her fingernails.

Main Ability - Overeating! Everything you eat can be quickly converted into quality and combat power.

The longer you stay.

Bo Gang's ability becomes even more terrifying.

The sky-blocking gesture made the melon-eaters' eyes widen, and their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

And compared to them.

Su Xiu was not surprised, but his eyes fell on the corner of the picture.

Holding a pufferfish to fuck the great god... Thor!


It's not dad who dances the great dance.

Is it Thor?!

"I'll stop it!"

Now, even Su Xiu said it.

What a situation.

The hammer god Thor actually gave up his meow hammer and started playing magic like Loki?


It seems like he still has the same righteous magic as his father?

This is so amazing!

Didn't he just stay in the invasion world for two days? It felt like he had left the century.