
America Tycoon: The Wolf of Showbiz

Become famous early, make money early, and enjoy the joy of life in America with both fame and fortune. The Great America, Hollywood, business warfare, entertainment industry, celebrities and movies… "Do you know what my favorite movie is?" "The Wolf of Wall Street?" "Yes, these sentences are really amazing!!" 【The world of investing can be a jungle. Bulls. Bears. Danger at every turn】 【I'm talking about normal people, working-class, everyday people. Everyone wants to get rich. Am I crazy? There's no such fuckin' thing as an Amish Buddhist】 【Are you behind on your credit card bills? Good! Pick up the phone and start dialing! Is your landlord ready to evict you? Good! Pick up the phone and start dialing! Does your girlfriend think you're a fucking worthless loser? Good! Pick up the phone and start dialing! I want you to deal with your problems by becoming rich! All you have to do today is pick up that phone and speak the words that I have taught you. And I will make you richer than the most powerful CEO in the United States of fucking America!!!】

White 13 · Urban
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322 Chs

Chapter 255 Winner Takes All (Requesting Monthly Pass)

Translator: 549690339

Friday, as soon as the workday ended, Ted haphazardly tidied his desk, slung his bag over his shoulder, and dashed out.

A colleague who liked to mooch his Coke caught up, "In such a rush?"

Ted replied, "Worked overtime last night and didn't make it to the premiere. If I don't watch 'Wanted Order' today, I'm going to explode right here."

The colleague pulled out a bottle of Coca-Cola with Martin's image on it and handed it to Ted, "Let's go together."

The elevator was packed with people. Ted glanced at the time and said, "It's only six floors; let's take the stairs."

The pair turned into the emergency stairwell, and since they didn't have to travel far after descending, located in the Manhattan Business District, there was a cinema just a few hundred meters away.

As Ted entered the lobby, he noticed an unusually large crowd, with dozens of people lined up at the ticket counter.

His colleague hurriedly dragged him to join the queue.