
America Tycoon: The Wolf of Showbiz

Become famous early, make money early, and enjoy the joy of life in America with both fame and fortune. The Great America, Hollywood, business warfare, entertainment industry, celebrities and movies… "Do you know what my favorite movie is?" "The Wolf of Wall Street?" "Yes, these sentences are really amazing!!" 【The world of investing can be a jungle. Bulls. Bears. Danger at every turn】 【I'm talking about normal people, working-class, everyday people. Everyone wants to get rich. Am I crazy? There's no such fuckin' thing as an Amish Buddhist】 【Are you behind on your credit card bills? Good! Pick up the phone and start dialing! Is your landlord ready to evict you? Good! Pick up the phone and start dialing! Does your girlfriend think you're a fucking worthless loser? Good! Pick up the phone and start dialing! I want you to deal with your problems by becoming rich! All you have to do today is pick up that phone and speak the words that I have taught you. And I will make you richer than the most powerful CEO in the United States of fucking America!!!】

White 13 · Urban
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600 Chs

Chapter 124: Fight for Another Round

North Hollywood, Valley Shooting Range.

Martin, wearing earplugs, shouldered his AR rifle, his gaze fixed on the moving targets. He rhythmically pulled the trigger, with bullets consecutively hitting the targets, not a single shot missed.

As the gunfire ceased, Bruce glanced at the electronic display and said, "You hit all the targets, buddy, your skills have improved."

Antonio, carrying an old-fashioned Winchester rifle, came over and peered at the display, but shook his head: "Martin, you're just average."

Martin put down the gun and shrugged: "Your turn."

Antonio stepped up in front of the targets, as steady as a mountain of meat, lifted the old-fashioned rifle, and took consecutive shots at the moving targets.

With each shot, his whole body jiggled, as if dissipating all the recoil.

Antonio was round like a ball, yet his hand speed was so fast it put single lads to shame. Midway through reloading, after ten shots, even his worst shot hit the eight ring.