
206, haha, the American Dream.

Countless times, evidence had been provided for Donnie, that when you're undergoing criticism, if you try to prove your innocence with data, then you've already lost!

So, in the face of the IRS's attacks in the newspapers, Donnie collaborated with Kafe Jackson to publish an article in the "Atlantic City Post" signed only by Donnie.

"An American's American Dream"

"In 1766, the forefathers of the United States welcomed a historic moment; the Declaration of Independence was born that year. I have always remembered the description in the Declaration of Independence: All men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."

To me, this is the American Dream for every single American, and in this broad sense, I received an education useful for my entire life.