
193, Advertising revenue that made history

Wall Street sees no novelty, for human nature never changes! Speculation is ancient, like the hills, and what happens in the stock market today has happened in the past and will happen again in the future!

But Wall Street can always conjure up something shocking.

Like right now!

It's been two days since ABC went public!

In these two days, Donnie spent a total of 20 million US Dollars buying up ABC's stock.

By now, no one was inquiring about the source of Donnie's funds anymore, because they didn't know, but there was one thing they did understand—if this continued.

Perhaps this time, Donnie Block truly could slay the dragon and become the real dragon-slaying hero!

Thinking of this possibility, everyone was incredibly excited, eager to witness this historic moment!

Compared to these people's excitement, the coalition led by Little Rockefeller couldn't possibly be in a good mood!

George Whitney was even summoned back to Morgan today to give a personal report on the matter.