
167. Donnie Takes Action (10,000-word chapter, continuing to repay the debt~)_5

Helen also understood Donnie's situation and said, "Since that's the case, you need to get ready. After you make your move, they might not know how to respond for a short period, but I don't think they will admit defeat after just one exchange!"

Donnie rubbed his brow and said, "What worries me the most is that I can't guess what kind of tricks they'll pull next!"

After giving it some thought, Helen said, "They keep on saying they're using business tactics against you, but in reality, their methods are anything but businesslike. This might be why they think you're an easy target. But once you win this round, I think they will start to take you more seriously."

At this point, Helen paused and added, "The angle they choose might not involve oil anymore!"

Donnie pulled Helen from behind the sofa into his arms and asked, "What do you think?"