
Part 12

It felt as if the eyelids were too heavy to bear. I closed my eyes tighter at a moment when I felt that I was floating in a world somewhere. I was drawn forward at a moment when only birdsong filled the sky and cool sunlight was healing the waves. I realized that it was a lovely plain. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sweet feeling as I walked far away, enjoying the dreamy moments.


I could hear her sweet voice again.

You know a lot now, don't you, Amelya..? "

She reminded me of that horrible moment again. Numbness began to spread throughout my body, and I felt like I was holding my breath once again.

Don't be afraid, child.. Keep in mind that God is with you at every moment..

She tried again and again to calm her mind.

"Amelya, you are the one who should save his cursed life from that evil force..!"

"You are his savior..!"

"Hopefully you will come.. He is waiting, Amelya.."

"Remember, Amelya, that God will show you the way you should go."

"Remember that you are now safe from that evil force."

That sweet voice became silent.

I believe that God will decide everything, as she said. I believe that He will definitely show me the right path.

"Amelya sister.. how are you now..?"

At the sound of her petting voice, I looked away.

Realizing that I was sitting on my usual couch, I looked around the room. Next to me, Federica is touching my head. Mrs. Serena, who is sitting on the wheelchair a little far away, is also looking at me with tearful eyes. As I saw Giuseppe standing at the entrance of the room, looking at me with an uneasy expression, I remembered again and again the words he had said the other day.

"This Kassoli bungalow came to this day and age because of those evil forces, children.. Oh, what kind of family is this?"

I was realizing that because of this stubborn decision I took today, ignoring the advice he gave one day when I heard about that deserted garden, there was a possibility that I might even lose my life.

I should have known how I escaped from that evil force and got here, but I didn't have the strength to look at those faces and ask anything.


My voice came out like a hoot.

"Wait a minute, sister Amelya.."

As little Federica brought the glass of water on the table to my mouth, I took a few sips.

"Ah, my head.."

Holding my still aching head, I read.

"Sister Amelya, take some rest."

She began to rub my head, lulling my troubled mind to restful sleep.

Another four days passed and my mind recovered somewhat. Even in my sleep, those dark memories had begun to creep into my dreams from time to time. Like other dark shadows, the cries of the maid of the Kassoli bungalow echoed in my eyes as all her heartaches filled my mind. During these four days I spent all these four days in my cabin, while the duties of the whole bungalow, which I had to do with my own hands, were done with the help of Federica and Giuseppe.

Giuseppe was so careful not to explain anything that had happened that day, and I endured it all in silence, destroying the last hope in my heart. After four days, I woke up early to get used to the usual routine again. The very cold and humid environment was making me hope for a fresh day. Therefore, after washing my face as soon as possible, I put on the long gown made of light pink crepe fabric. The dress with the pleated square shape and screw style sleeves was perfect for me. I went to the kitchen with my hip-length hair in a ponytail.

I went to her as usual with milk tea and brioche dish. I looked at that withered face with a smile that did not change, I finished her cleaning work after half an hour and gave her breakfast and medicine.

"Mr. Serena.. will you also come to pray with me..?"

I asked her before leaving the room. She nodded and approved it, and I approached the framed image of the crucified Jesus in the upper floor. We lit candles on him and closed our eyes and started praying.

"Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy.

Lord please.

Christ, hear our prayers.

Christ, grant our prayers.

On the Holy Cross of the Pure Virgin Mary

Dear Jesus,

My who took human nature because of us

My beloved Jesus, who was born for us in a cowshed and lived on a bed of straw."

After praying in front of God, we returned to Mrs. Serena's room.

"Shall I bring you a book to read?"

I asked her before leaving the room. But she shook her head and said 'no'

I quietly left the room and came downstairs.

I began my day's duties with the confidence that God would show me all that was to be done.

Christmas is only tomorrow. The full moon of the month of December was shining on the sky, and this day, which was also the birth of the baby Jesus... I could only feel that many people's lives would be turned upside down. But, I tried to pass the time with a clear mind because I have to bear all that with patience.

By noon, Federica had arrived as usual, giving some relief to my mind, which was filled with absurd thoughts.

"Federica.. what really happened that day..?"

I asked her who was standing next to me decorating the half-folded cowhide model and the Christmas tree.

She took a big breath and released it to the ground, stopping their work for a while.

Through those eyes, I recognized that her cute face, which had long copper-colored hair, braided into two curls, was shrinking in pain and going to a separate world.


I placed my hand on that shoulder and whispered her name.

"It was going to be a big disaster that day, sister Amelya."

As she wrapped her arms around my body and hugged me, I didn't see the facial expressions. But, I realized that there was great sadness written in that voice.

"Even though you went to the church and spent two hours there, when you were late to come back... Mrs. Serena was incredibly upset.."

"I have never seen such a difference in her before, sister Amelya."

"Being alone, I couldn't even imagine what to do..."

"When her crying didn't stop... I was very scared, sister Amelya, when she broke everything at hand.."

"But suddenly..."

Continuing, she left me and started to step towards the balcony. I took a step towards her with my mind lost because of the sudden change and the endless curiosity in my mind.