
Amellia's Wish: Divine Gossips

"Goddess, if you're out there, please make my wish come true." Trembling, she clasped her hands together and whispered. "Of course, I will," a soft voice whispered from afar. -------------- "My dear wife, how much longer will you keep running from me?" he asked with a grin, gently cupping her jaw as he pressed her against the bed. "My husband, why the rush? We have eternity to spend together," she said, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. ------------------- Amelia, the first child, was not only beautiful but also responsible and kind-hearted. Her greatest desire was to ensure the happiness of her family, no matter what it took. Seraphina Serenity, a Goddess of Marvel, possessed a carefree personality. Bored with the monotony of celestial life, she longed for amusement. When she heard of Amelia's wish, she descended to fulfill it, bringing with her a sense of excitement and unpredictability. With the intervention of the goddess in Amelia's life, one might think her circumstances would improve. However, her newfound identity could also bring unforeseen challenges and complications. In the midst of this unfolding, Serenity's husband, a God of War, known for his tough demeanor, also descends, adding a new layer of complexity to the situation. ----------------------- The main Amelia, the innocent and kind girl, with university top genius boy, who, in reality, is the prince of darkness. Goddess of Marvel and Creation with God of War and Fire ----------------- This story contains action, romance, family drama, demons, and much more. Stay with us to witness it all unfold.

alfa_nerys · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter # 3 Serene

Five days had passed, and despite many visitors showing interest in the room and the area, none were willing to commit to renting it for a decade at the asking price of 10 million. The deadline was fast approaching, and there seemed to be no hope of collecting such a substantial sum. Amelia, Laura, and everyone else grew increasingly anxious as the deadline drew near.

Amelia's anxiety and worry reached a peak. Secretly, she had already made a decision: if the money wasn't collected, she would sacrifice herself to protect her family, without them knowing. Similarly, Laura had resolved to offer herself instead of allowing her daughter's life to become a living hell.

As the morning bell chimed, tension gripped everyone as they wondered who could be at the door. Amelia hurried to answer it, her heart pounding with anticipation. She was stunned to find a beautiful girl standing there, dressed in modern attire, sporting a hat and black glasses. The girl held a handbag and suitcase tightly, adding to the air of mystery surrounding her.

The girl, her gaze scanning the house from outside, inquired, "Hello! Are you the one offering a room for rent with meals included, for a decade?"

Amelia, still mesmerized by the girl's beauty, stumbled over her words, "Y-yes."

"Ah, excellent," the girl remarked with a pause, "May I come inside?"

Amelia, hesitating slightly, replied, "Y-yes," and gestured for her to enter.

Everyone else, catching sight of the newcomer, was also taken aback. The twins, clearly impressed, exclaimed in unison, "Pretty sister!"

Amelia, embarrassed by their words, attempted to silence them, "Sto...stop."

The girl smiled warmly as she took a seat on the nearby sofa. "Hi! I'm Serene," she introduced herself, gracefully removing her glasses and hat. As her silky, shining brown hair cascaded down, revealing her Celestite eyes, everyone was stunned once again, impressed and surprised by her beauty.

Laura, still taken aback by the unexpected visitor, hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I'm Laura, the owner of this house," she said, gesturing towards Amelia. "And this is Amelia, my daughter," she continued, pointing at her. Then, indicating the elders and the twins, she added, "They are my son and daughter, both twins, and they are my father and mother."

Serene greeted them all with a soft smile. "Hi," she said warmly, before expressing her desire to see the room first.

Laura, still a bit flustered, replied, "Okay," and then gestured towards Amelia. "Amelia, please show her."

Amelia nodded in acknowledgment and motioned for Serene to follow her. "Come," she said gently.

Serene rose from the sofa and followed Amelia to the upper floor. As they entered the room, Serene took in the elegant furnishings and immaculate cleanliness. Every corner was thoughtfully decorated and equipped with all the necessities. It was evident that the room offered complete privacy and comfort, making it well worth the 10 million for a decade.

After a brief moment, Serene returned to where Laura and Amelia were waiting. Laura spoke anxiously, "You know our demand."

Serene smiled gently, "Yes, I know."

With a smile of assurance, Serene reached into her handbag and retrieved a package, placing it before them.

Laura looked at the package, a hint of confusion in her expression. "This..." she began, trailing off as she gestured towards it.

Serene continued to smile softly. "10 million," she said, pointing to the packet.

Laura and the others were taken aback by the revelation. "10 million," Laura echoed in disbelief as she cautiously inspected the packet, confirming that it was indeed filled with money, appearing to be the promised amount.

Amelia, both surprised and anxious, questioned Serene, "Why have you given us so much money instantly, without signing any documents or making any formal arrangements?"

Serene smiled warmly in response. "I trust you, that's why," she explained. Pausing for a moment, she added, "I simply want a place to stay with good food." She glanced around at the house and its occupants before continuing, "And judging by what I see here, this money will be worth it."

Amelia and Laura exchanged surprised glances, unsure of whether to trust Serene's words. They were rightfully cautious, considering they knew nothing about her. Amelia voiced her skepticism, saying, "I haven't seen you before."

Serene responded calmly, "Of course you haven't. I'm new here, just arrived."

Still suspicious, Amelia pressed further, "Where are you from, and why have you come here?"

Serene met her gaze with unwavering determination. "You see, I've come from afar to help someone. I have money, but no one I can trust," she explained. Pausing for emphasis, she turned to look directly at Laura. "I've heard about trustworthiness being valued here, and I've also heard that you are going through a difficult time."

Grandmother looked at Serene with a gentle smile and said, "Trust her."

Amelia glanced at Laura, surprised by Grandmother's words, but ultimately decided to trust her judgment. Laura, understanding the significance of Grandmother's trust, gave a nod of acceptance. She extended her hand towards Serene and said, "Okay, if you trust us, we will do our best to not break your trust," offering her hand in promise.

With a smile on her lips, Serene replied, "That's what I hope for," and shook Laura's hand in agreement.

Laura, with determination in her voice, stated, "I will sign the documents with you right now, if there are any conditions you want to add."

Serene, feeling a pang of hunger, replied with a slightly drowsy expression, "Let's sign them later. I'm hungry."

Laura hesitated, "But it's important..."

Serene, looking visibly tired, interjected, "But I'm exhausted. Let's do it tomorrow. I just want to eat and sleep now."

Grandmother offered reassurance, "It's alright. We can sign it tomorrow."

Serene smiled gratefully at Grandmother's support, saying, "Thanks, Grandma."

Grandma nodded in agreement, her smile gentle and reassuring as she looked at Serene.

Laura, still feeling uncertain, relented with a sigh. "O...okay," she acquiesced. Turning to Amelia, she added, "Amelia, please warm up the food."

Amelia nodded in acknowledgment, and after some time, Serene was enjoying the meal Laura had prepared.

With genuine joy, Serene exclaimed, "Delicious."

Laura blushed slightly at the praise. "Thanks," she replied shyly.

After finishing her meal, Serene bid her farewells. "I'm going to sleep. Good night."

As they watched Serene leave, Amelia couldn't help but sigh. "It's still evening."

Looking at each other with a mix of uncertainty and suspicion, Amelia voiced her concern, "How can she trust us so easily?"

Laura sighed in agreement. "I know what you mean. But there's no choice."

Grandfather offered reassurance to Amelia, saying, "Amelia, it's alright."

Grandmother smiled warmly, adding, "Don't doubt her. Maybe the goddess sent her to help us."

Amelia sighed, feeling conflicted. Despite her grandmother's hopeful words, her past experiences had made her wary of trusting others easily. Glancing at the clock, she realized she was running late for her shift at the café.

As Amelia waved goodbye to everyone, she received their best wishes. The twins' eyes gleamed with hope as they made a request, "Buy us fruits again."

"Okay," Amelia acknowledged their words, determined to fulfill their demand, before rushing off towards the café.

After a while, she arrived at the maid café and swiftly changed into her costume. Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward, mentally preparing herself for her shift.

The café manager, Zeke, a man in his mid-twenties with dark blue eyes and black hair, clad in the store uniform, began calling out the names for attendance.

"Amelia!" he called out.

Amelia instantly stood up, raising her hand. "I'm here," she responded.

Zeke's expression turned furious as he stared at her. "Late again," he reprimanded.

Amelia's face fell as she made an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry, sir," she apologized, her tone pleading. "There was traffic on the way. Please don't deduct my salary."

Exhausted by Amelia's recurring tardiness but deciding to let it go this time, Zeke sighed and addressed Amelia, "Don't do it again."

Amelia responded with a cute expression, "Okay, I won't."

Internally laughing at her successful manipulation, Amelia thought to herself, "Hehe, I knew he would fall for it." She was aware that her manager often softened when employees begged or cried before him, and she took advantage of that fact.

Zeke, understanding Amelia's situation at home, chose not to scold or deduct her salary. "Go get ready; the store is about to open," he instructed.

"Yes, sir," Amelia replied, immediately springing into action and starting to wipe dust off the tables. Every girl in the café was busy attending to her duties, preparing for the opening.

Lia, who was the same age as Amelia, approached her with concern. "Are you alright?" she asked.

Amelia reassured her with a nod. "I'm okay," she replied softly.

The manager clapped his hands to gather everyone's attention. "Alright, everyone, it's time to open the shop. Lia, Amelia, you two will start," he announced.

Lia and Amelia nodded in unison. "Yes, manager," they replied.

Amelia quickly changed the store tag to "open" and stood ready, waiting for the first customers to arrive.

In a moment, the bell rang, signaling the arrival of a customer. Lia and Amelia quickly bowed before them, offering their customary greeting, "Welcome home, Master/Mistress! How may I serve you today?"

The person seemed stunned, and then exclaimed, "Amelia!"

Amelia was equally taken aback to hear her name spoken. She slowly raised her gaze to meet the eyes of the newcomer, only to find Damian standing there. Time seemed to freeze as they locked eyes, both momentarily lost in the unexpected encounter.