
Amelia Volkov

DaoistnpNVb6 · Others
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Chapter 1

Amelia Volkov

To be honest I have no clue why all of this was happening to me. It just so fucking exhausting.

Let's start from the very beginning.

I had everything any child could wish for. Loving parents and 4 crazy older brothers which I loved all very dearly.

We were happy.

We truly were.

But in the night of my 4th birthday, everything changed dramatically.

My mother had the bright idea to kidnap me from my family because I apparently "got all the attention which was supposed to be hers". She took me to Norway where i currently still am. I mean come on which mother is jealous of her own 4 year old daughter?

Why I remember all of this?


She reminded me Every. Single. Day.

Everyday since that night she would find some dumb reason to beat me.

At first I didn't understand what was happening but after a while I figured out that it was pretty fucked up.

She was an alcoholic and used all sorts of drugs daily which made her even more crazy than she already was.

After 2 horrible years with her she finally passed away because of drug overdose.

Yeah, I know it sounds horrible to say that about your own mother but in my case it was the best news I ever could have gotten.

I was so naive.

Before she passed, she made sure that if anything ever happens to her, her "friend" would get custody of me.

I never met him until my mothers funeral.

He was nice and at the beginning I really liked him.

But after 2 months he changed.

He started to let his anger out on me.

First it started off with simple beatings. He would kick me or punch me which honestly I was already used to.

He forced me to cook, clean and do laundry at the age of 6. He made me learn all kinds of languages. So as of now I'm fluent in greek, italian, spanish, norwegian, russian, french and of course english.

I figured out that he was the Norwegian mafia don which explains a lot.

I mean it was obvious.

A mansion full of security everywhere you look, a torture basement (don't ask why I know this....) and he always carries a gun with him.

But at first it was just assumptions but the day I turned 7, I was sure.


He started to train me so I could be his "secret weapon" as he would always call it.

His training mostly consisted of me getting beaten up and then I had to fight back. But obviously my 7 year old self couldn't do that. He beat me even more when I showed any signs of emotion or weakness, so I didn't show any. By now I am perfect at hiding emotions, weaknesses or pain.

Thanks to him.

I started learning how to shoot a gun, how to throw a knife and everything else you needed to know, at the age of 8.

The only thing which kept me alive at this point were my best friends Damien and Jason.

I met them when I was 10 and we quickly hit it off. We are inseparable since then. They told me that they also were a part of the mafia. Damien, heir of the spanish and Jason, heir of the italian.

They know everything about me and I know everything about them. I would literally die for them.

As I got older, all three of us started going on missions together as all of us were assassins.

I mainly was an assassin because John, my mother's friend, sent me on missions "to prove my worth". I didn't mind because I could spend time with my besties.

My vibranting phone pulled me out of my thoughts.

I looked at the Caller ID and saw that Damien called me.

I quickly picked up the phone and was greeted by his raspy morning voice.

"Hey princesa" Damien spoke lowly.


"Hi" I answered tiredly because it was 6 a.m. He always called me at the same time to make sure I was okay.

"Jay and I will pick you up at 7, ok?" He spoke so kindly and it melted my heart.

"Mhmm" I was too tired and sore from yesterday's "training" to answer in full sentences.

Last night I got beaten before some "friends" of John came to our place to have their fun with me.

I quickly stopped thinking about that got into the shower and changed into a baggy jean and a white sweatshirt and made my way downstairs to make breakfast.

It didn't take long to finish breakfast for John. I decided to make scrambled eggs with bacon and coffee. After I cleaned the kitchen it was already time for Damien and Jay to arrive.

I put on my shoes and walked outside.

Greated by the cool October air, I noticed Damien's car already waiting for me.

On the way to school, I got a really weird feeling but I decided to ignore it.
