

Amelia Beaufort just turned 24 years old and just finished her university education. Ready to start her work experience life until the night of her graduation. Her family called her back to their main house to have a celebratory dinner for finishing University. Or at least that was what Amelia believed. Amelia arrived at her family home and greeted her parents and sisters. It was like any other dinner they had multiple times before, that is, until midway through dinner, her father told her that she would marry Ethan Carnell the following weekend. Amelia felt in total shock; she had not been expecting this outcome. Of all people, Ethan is the playboy of the century. "Why?" was the only word that came out of her mouth. "You are the only one available your older sister is already married, and your younger sister is too young for marriage. You will have to do." Her father told her. "you will be saving the family. We need this merger with the Carnell corporation, or our small fortune will become nothing." Her mother said. Both of her sisters just looked at her with pity in their eyes. Amelia didn't need sympathy; she needed to escape them and figure out her next move. Amelia is getting married, and she has to decide if she will make it work with her soon-to-be husband or if she will plan her great escape.

LLopez · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Meeting Your Future Wife By Accident

"Grandfather, is this wedding necessary?" Ethan asks his grandfather. The whole family is sitting in the living room because Grandpa Carnell has requested a meeting. Aaron, Ethan's father, has aged like fine wine. He still has a fabulous physique, and his head is filled with beautiful black hair.

"Ethan, you are already 28 years old; it's about time you settled down and created a family of your own," Aaron said, looking at his son. "None of us are getting any younger, and we want to see you bring up the next generation."

"None of you are a death's door, and there is still time for me to settle down as you said," Ethan said.

"The young woman that I have chosen for you comes from a good family, and she is a good person. She will make a lovely addition to this family." Grandpa Carnell said, getting Ethan's attention once again.

"I am not ready to give up my single life, Grandfather," Ethan said.

"Just meet the girl and give your marriage a chance. You will see that I was right," Grandpa Carnell said.

Ethan stood up from his seat and paced back and forth, "I am leaving," Ethan said as she stood in the living room.

"Ethan, this wedding will go on even if you do not like it. In two days, you will be a married man. Is that understood?" Grandpa Carnell stated.

"Understood, Grandfather, but before you tie me down, I am going to go enjoy my single life," Ethan said as he walked out of the house.

"Samantha, I am going to leave the preparations to you," Grandpa Carnell said.

"Of course, Father, I will get working on things right away," Samantha said as she excused herself and headed for her office. She had only two days to plan a wedding living up to their name.

"Dad, do you think this is the right thing to do?" Aaron asked his father after his wife had left.

"Believe me, son; Amelia Beaufort is the right woman for our Ethan," Grandpa Carnell said as he handed Aaron a picture of Amelia. "She is smart and headstrong, and she will make a great partner for Ethan and will not let his wealth or anything else intimidate her."

Aaron took the picture and the other papers listing Amelia's activities. As Aaron looked over the report, a particular incident stood out: "She was the one who helped him all those years ago."

"Yes, she was," Grandpa Carnell said as a small smile appeared.

"Then you might just be right about her dad," Aaron said, smiling as well.

"Not might, son, I am right, you will see," Grandpa Carnell said as he chuckled.

*  *  *  *  *  *

Ethan stepped outside and pulled out his phone. He needed a distraction for the next two days and knew exactly who to call. "Brian, I will see you at the new club. I need to forget about something tonight," Ethan said as he got in his car.

"I will meet you there," Brian said before Ethan hung up.

Ethan took off at full speed toward the club and away from his family. He didn't understand why his grandfather was acting like this now. It was not like he was in bad health; Grandpa still had a few more years left. Ethan pulled up alongside the club and got out, handing his keys to one of the car attendants.

"Good evening, Mr. Carnell; your table is ready," The bouncer said as he let Ethan in.

Ethan nodded in acknowledgment and headed for the table where Brian was already sitting. "You got here fast," Ethan said as he got a beer from the table.

"Not really. I was already here when you called. One of my cousins wanted me to prepare something for her, so I had to come in early," Brian said as he sipped his beer.

"Hum, which cousin?" Ethan asked. Brian once told him that women in his family surrounded him. He had been the only boy born into his family, which was one of the reasons that they had bonded so well when they met each other.

"Ethel just graduated today and wanted to celebrate with her friends. I got them a private room, so hopefully, she doesn't get into too much trouble," Brian said. "So, what is going on with you?"

Ethan took another chuck of his beer, "It turns out that I am getting married in two days," he said, sipping his beer.

Brian was shocked, "Well shit," he said, "I am guessing your grandfather planned this."

"Yes, it was," Ethan said, "And just wait until yours hears about it. He is going to be on you to get married as well."

"Who is the lucky girl?" Brian asked.

"It's Amelia Beaufort. Do you know her?" Ethan asked. Brian was sometimes too much of a social butterfly.

Brian laughed, "Oh man, sometimes the world is tiny," Brian said.

"What do you mean?" Ethan question.

"She is here right now. It turns out that your future wife is one of my cousin's friends. If I am not mistaken, they share a dorm room," Brian said, still laughing.

Ethan put his drink down, "Where are they?" Ethan asked.

Brian sipped his drink, "Amelia is a nice and beautiful woman," Brian said as he put his beer down. "They are down the hall in room two."

Ethan looked down the hallway toward the room. He got up, said, "I will be right back," and headed toward the rooms.

"Be nice," Brian called out as Ethan walked away.

Ethan needed to see Amelia in person, but first, he needed to stop at the restrooms.

"Are you ready?" A man's voice asked his friend who was washing his hands.

"Yes, I am just waiting for Ethel's signal," the guy washing his hands said.

"I thought that they were best friends," the first guy said as he looked on in amazement.

"That goes to show you, even the rich don't have everything," The guy washing his hands, his phone started to go off. He pulled out his phone, "Speaking of the devil."

Ethan couldn't hear the other side of the conversation, but he did hear the guy's side. "Room two upstairs got it; I will be right there." Both guys left the bathroom.

Ethan exited the bathroom, washed his hands, and followed behind them. Ethan went up the stairs, and as he reached the second landing, he saw the guy closing the door to room two. Ethan headed over to the room, heard murmuring from behind the door, and knocked again. He heard someone shout 'Coming' and a second later the door opened. As the door opened, you could see inside, and a bed was perfectly in view. In the bed, there was a passed-out Amelia. Her dark brown wavy hair lay on the pillows, and her light tan skin looked flawless under the lamp light on the side of the bed.

"What do you want?" The guy asked.

"You have something that belongs to me," Ethan said as he turned his eyes back to the man standing before him.

"No, I..." the guy started to say until he looked up at Ethan. Once he saw that it was Ethan standing at his door, he put his hands up. "I didn't know," the guy said, raising his hands as he tried to escape the room.

"Do not mention this to anyone," Ethan said; the guy nodded in acknowledgment. Ethan moved out of the way and let him pass through. Ethan pulled out his phone and dialed John, his assistant, "I need you to come to Blaze and request any security footage they had of room two on the top floor. I also need you to find the guy who came into the room before me and ensure he will not talk about this to anyone."

"Understood," John said as he hung up the phone.

Ethan entered the room and closed the door behind him. He moved over to the bed and approached Amelia. "Amelia, wake up."

Ethan shocked Amelia, trying to wake her up. It took a couple of minutes, but Amelia opened her eyes. She smiled at Ethan and moved her hand to touch his face. "You are very handsome. Are you here to take me away?"

Ethan was shocked for a minute, "Yes, now come on, help me get you up."

"I must have done something amazing in my past life to have someone as gorgeous as you come for me," Amelia said. She was still intoxicated by the alcohol and whatever Ethel had given her. "It's getting hot in here." Amelia started to take off her sweater.

"No, Amelia, let's get you home," Ethan said, trying to keep her sweater on her.

"No, I want to stay here with you," Amelia said, succeeding in taking her sweater off. She put her arms around Ethan's neck, "I want my first kiss to be someone I choose, not a husband chosen for me. And I choose you." Amelia moved in close to Ethan and kissed him.

"Amelia, you need to stop. You are not in all of your senses, and you might regret this in the morning," Ethan said, pulling away from her.

"I won't regret it, I promise. Now kiss me," Amelia said as she pulled Ethan back toward her.

Ethan couldn't resist anymore and continued kissing her. "Are you sure about this? Because once we do this, there is no going back." Ethan said once again as he pulled away.

"Yes, I am," Amelia said as she pulled him back to her again.