
Amelia’s Rebirth Goddess of the business world

a genius cultivator is reborn in the modern world of the 21st century with a very beautiful and innocent face, however her innocent appearance is just a cover for her vicious personality. on a very bad day she ran into a man that saw her viciousness as a very cute side of her it was love at first sight for him not Good Liam your dearest wife is about to throw Suzy of the stairs.” isn’t that good who told that snake of a woman to piss off my wife? if she breaks a leg or two buy her a self drive wheelchair to cool her down!”

Fi_Cool · Urban
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5 Chs

sister’s Bonding

She never Cries she never show out her emotions even when she was still  ELI   her old self she never once shed tears even when she lost her mom dad and younger sister all in one day she didn't shed even a drop of tears so why now?

(Amelia was so confused as to why she'd cry then she thought well it's normal to cry since it's this body's mom and I'm this body owner now so the earlier I accept my fate the better and

I promise you Amelia to make the best out of your life and definitely get revenge and redemption for you and your mom this is my promise to you she thought.

In a few seconds it felt like a thin transparent veil holding her from completely risiding in this body just vanished she felt so free like her soul was the real occupant and owner of this body,

is it cus I promised to revenge her? Did Amelia's remnant soul just let go of this body because of my promise)

You have to stop crying Amelia though we lost mom at least I didn't lost you as well cus what would I have done without you sis Hayley said,

Yes…yes.. I won't cry anymore but it's very heart breaking to find out we lost mom but I'm also happy to see you and how well you've grown up and I know it must have been so tough for you being all alone and taking care of me for four years.. ( of course I'm happy to have got a second chance in life if you had not taken care of me I mean my new body how would I have another chance at life All I have to do now is just to adapt and live my live to the fullest as Amelia Hayley's sister right? She thought.) then said,

Hayley you were just fifteen how did you manage

after the accident aunt may and her husband took care of mom's funeral and after six months they stopped paying your hospital bills they asked the doctor to announce you dead that what's the need of caring for someone who's already brain damaged, they should just put you to rest of course I strongly disagree with them, they even went ahead to remove their name from the hospital as they will no longer be ur guardian just so they won't pay the bill's of a almost dead person cus who knows how long you'll be brain dead,

i had to plead with dr tarc not to announce you dead that I'll pay for all your bills for as long as I can.

Wait what! you mean the fifteen years old you has been the one paying my bills till now? If I remember correctly you always ask me for allowance almost every week how come you've been paying my bills?

Well I and Cindy did the paying , Cindy registered at the hospital as ur guardian we both did the paying for 2 years till we found your bank card and realized how loaded you are and started paying from there..

but that's not the case how did we move from you asking about how I've been to how I paid your bills sis?.

true but I'm just curious and wondering how hard it has been for you,

Cus literally my fifteen years old sister catering for my bills

While I have got a Aunt and even a Uncle to do that. Well isn't that something

True sis but the sad truth is that our so called aunt and uncle are just there in name they don't really care about us they only cared when mom was alive atleast now they have no one to pretend to and now we only have our selves to rely on.

(Ironic cus surprisingly I also had a uncle and aunt that just wished for nothing Than to see me dead though they succeeded at least I got a second chance to live Amelia thought.)

But it's fine now Hayley, it's fine we'll get through this I promise that from now on it will just be happiness for you she said ( since I have made a promise I might as well fulfill it to the fullest Amelia thought)

Oh sis how I've missed you I'm so glad you are awake she said with a tear filled face and I bet mom will be happy too seeing us both finally together .

Well she'll be extremely happy seeing her two daughters having a sister's bonding and oh may her soul rest in perfect peace Rosey said rudely as she walked inside the hospital room with her mom and dad aunt may and uncle mark in tow.

Oh hi Rosey you are here I thought you'll go hiding seeing how my sister is well and alive

So that's how you greet your cousin

don't tell me you've forgotten so soon how to be polite and how your mom raised you in just four years, aunt May said

Oh hi Aunt and her husband how come your whole family is here? Oh you came to see my sis and how come you haven't said anything to her or is it just too hard to pretend that you care

Hay…ley! don't say that if I don't care how come I'm here? Aunt May said with gritted teeth as she walked to Amelia, my dear niece you've been on this bed for so long I'm surprised you are awake tell me how are you and how do you feel?

Is this how a aunt is supposed to behave to her niece after four years of her being in coma, At first Amelia was confused but not for long

( this scheming and conniving new aunt of hers pretending to care huh I think I'll have to start my promise of revenge earlier than I thought )

I'm fine Aunt May and as surprising as it may seem I'm okay

Are sure? You don't feel any pain anywhere

What do you mean and why do you expect her to feel any pain

Hayley your aunt is only worried about your sister's well being you don't have to start by making her feel guilty

Guilty I never said anything about that so why would she feel guilty, you only feel guilty when you abandon your sister's children, a fifteen years old who had to cater for her 21 years old brain dead sister's hospital bills for four years even when you can literally pay her bills even if she has to be here for ten years

No offense sis

None taken lil sis


cus obviously you took charge of my mother's company and now here you are talking about guilt? uncle.,,,…..

Well you can't blame us we thought she couldn't survive the accident Rosey said.

Hayley was so pissed she said I'm surprised Rosey, How come you are even here aren't you supposed to be with David doing your wifely duties

Wait.. What!

you mean wifely duties? Like She's married? And to David my "supposed fiancee"

David and Amelia was engaged, Amelia's mom and aunt May were discussing about the wedding before the accident

It was aunt May's suggestion to get Amelia married to David to give the company a stronger foothold.

Amelia's mom agreed to the wedding without thinking twice not knowing her sister had ulterior motives in proposing the wedding.

He's no longer your fiancee! he's my husband! we got married six months ago

or did you not tell her that Hayley?

Why should I ? It's not like that's a good or worthy news

It's fine it's not that important ,I really do not care about you and David, let alone your marriage I mean it's a good thing for me.

And Hayley what do you mean about aunt taking over the company?

About three weeks ago aunt and her husband officially Announced you brain dead to the media and they are in the process of taking over the company saying it's for the better

Why should it be them taking over the company and not you thought it was our family business?

They said I was too "young" to get involved in the business and them taking over it's more better for the company.

Four years ago you were fifteen I understand, but now you are nineteen so what's the excuse?

Amelia you can't seriously say that,

your uncle taking over the company is for the best,

your sister doesn't knw anything about business.

she's also still in college and even reading fine arts (acting).

she can't take over the company with a fine art degree, she doesn't know a thing about business

I'll say your uncle is more suitable for this role.

I see. well hopefully I'm miraculously awake and I am right here so there's no need for uncle to take over the company.

What do you mean by that Amelia your uncle has been Handling the company properly so I don't see a problem with him taking over

You don't see a problem really

it's fine if he's still the acting CEO

but the actual CEO that there is a problem cus it's my mom's a company and I'm my mom's daughter also the vice CEO and my mom was the CEO before the accident so I don't see any reason why He should take over now when I'm here Auntie.

Uncle mark angrily said out Taking over the company is not something anyone can just do, I've been the one handling the company for the past four years I'm not even sure if you still remember anything about the company since you've been unalive here for four years so what do you think you know about the company now to want to take over.

Oh wow they are finally show thier true skin in the open and what do I not know about the company? As far as I can remember I did perfectly well being the vice president even the board of directors could attest to that.,

Let me tell you Amelia you are still child and you can't get too involved in adult stuff,

and it's better if I take over the company

even if you were good before

that was before.

In these past four years the business world has changed and trust me there are many things you won't know about it so just leave the company in my care I'll take care of it.

Wait who are you again can't seem to remember, Hayley help me out here who his he?

Oh He's aunt husband

Oh right Auntie he's your husband not mine should I remind him or will you pls do the honor and tell him how he has no right what so ever to take over mom's company cus he's just some husband of yours from God knows where!.

Amelia!!! Don't talk to your uncle like that where's your manners

Obviously mom she got hit by a donkey on the head before the accident

You can hear the hate from Rosey's voice alone

Amelia just glared at Rosey like she is some kind of idiot not worth her time

before saying I think visiting hours is over Hayley why don't you get dr tarc or the nurses to see these aunt and uncle of ours out and also their little fly of a offspring out of here.

The room is getting too stuffy

hi guys we are on our fourth chapter and I assure you the 5th chapter is busy cooking so more vote and much love !


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