
Ambrosial Promise

"I promise." In a world shattered by tragedy, Sheira embarks on a relentless quest to unveil the secrets behind her parents' death. As humanity confront a menacing threat that looms over them, their resolute unity will be tested like never before. She joins her comrades on a pulse-pounding journey, trust hangs by a thread, and the fate of everything we hold dear hangs in the balance. What are they fighting against? Who is their enemy? With the help of her friends and comrades, she sets off on her journey!

Cherver Larkville · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Path of the Unknown Part 2

Sheira’s POV

The mysterious figure stood before us, their presence casting a shadow over our campfire. The glowing staff in their hand was eerily similar to the Key of Redemption, its light flickering in the darkness.

"We've been expecting you," the figure repeated, their voice echoing in the silent night.

Eamon and I exchanged a glance, our hands gripping our weapons tighter. "Who are you?" I asked, my voice steady despite the sudden turn of events.

The figure lowered their hood, revealing a face that was both familiar and strange. It was an older woman, her eyes filled with wisdom and a strange sense of familiarity. "My name is Lyra," she said, her voice soft yet commanding. "I am a guardian of the Forgotten Ones."

A guardian of the Forgotten Ones? The revelation took us by surprise. We had just completed the trials of the Forgotten Ones and were now on a path set by the Key of Redemption. What could this guardian possibly want with us?