
Amber's Hidden Darkness

Amber is a young girl that has lived 2 lives. The first one is tragic and haunts her in her second life that she wants to live to the fullest yet the darkness somehow always appear wanting to swallow her and take away her happiness... Again. Yet she is always shameless and never scared of danger or any consequences of her actions ~Excerpt~ ‘Ugh! I just want to skip! God, why do you hate me so much! Nothing good ever happens when I try to do what I want.’ Amber whined inside her heart flopping half of her body on the desk with her snow-white wrists sticking out at the front of the desk. Her long silky Midnight-black hair covered most of her body But slid down her stunning face accentuating her small, delicate frame making her look like she was a doll because she looked so still yet beautiful and Ethereal catching everyone's attention. Amber felt everyone’s gaze on her so she propped her pointed chin on her knuckles smiling at everyone who became in a daze when they saw the doll become even more enchanting. “What? Is everyone here so infatuated with how perfect I look that they can't tear their gaze away from me?” Amber said with a provocative look. Everyone who heard her only thought of one sentence ‘Narcissistic Demon Goddess is too Shameless’ they all felt like puking blood from her shameless words. This the first time I have thought of publishing I hope you guys like it.

Katie_Timp · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

The Villain Appears

Amber woke up in a hospital. Blinking her eyes slowly remembering everything that had happened in her last life.

Tears had started to well up in her eyes wanting to fall, but they didn't want fall maying her purple eyes glimmer.

"Finally you're awake" Said a deep voice, startling Amber. The girl who was still scared looked to see who it was.

When she saw him she jumped out of bed running into his arms bursting into tears holding onto him for dear life as if he is her last life line.

"A-are you okay? W-what's wrong?" said the owner of the deep voice, stammering a little worried about Amber as he hugged her tightly trying to comfort her.

But the man man was still confused on what made Amber act like this as soon as she woke up.

'What made made her this scared to act like this as soon as she woke up? She hasn't done this in a couple years.'

Wondered the man silently as he looked down at the fragile girl shaking slightly in his arms.

"I will go get the doctor." He said standing up but Amber grabbed his arm stopping him.

He looked over at her tear-stained face feeling heartache as if someone's stabbing his heart over and over again.

The man couldn't find it in himself to leave the little girl that looked like if he left she would shatter into many pieces.

"D-don't go p-please." Amber pleaded desperately in a tone barely audible still frightened at the past she tried so hard to forget.

The male pulled Amber into his embrace again hugging her tightly trying to comfort the girl so he can take away at least some of the pain he heard in her her voice and the scared timid look he saw in her eyes, while saying in a soft voice.

"It's okay I am here. Don't worry." Amber curled up in his embrace falling asleep into a dreamless sleep.

Momentarily forgetting about her nightmare with his presence around. The man kept softly caressing her hair since as a child that would always comfort her.


"Doctor she woke up, check on her." Ordered a voice so cold that it could freeze the ocean.

"Y-yes, young Master" Said the doctor, stammering terrified of his overbearing presence. The man then walked away to get Amber her favorite food.

'What could make her cry like that?' Thought the Male, getting lost in his thoughts. When he got to Amber's favorite restaurant he ordered her favorite food.

'Hopefully this will make her feel better, that little girl always brightens up with food in her mouth'

Thought the man smiling softly at the cuteness of Amber, remembering a memory of when they were younger.


"Little Amber what's wrong?" asked a man to a little girl that's purple eyes were filled with tears.

"M-Mommy is really mad at me." Amber whimpered out to the man hugging his leg since he was too tall to latch onto his neck.

The man bent down and picked the little girl up cradling her in his arms as she hugged his neck tightly burrowing herself into his shoulder.

"What did you think was going to happen when you suddenly disappeared. You worried us all Amber Adriana Jewel."

Said the man in a deep stern voice still thinking about how Amber could have got seriously hurt.

'She is still so young yet very reckless and fearless. How are we going to deal with this when she is older?'

He thought shaking his head at the thought of Amber being hurt the next time she wasn't thinking or paying attention to what she was doing.

"Y-YOU'RE MAD A-AT ME TOO!" Amber yelled at him stammering, while tears gathered in her eyes again when she heard him scold her using her full name.

"No I am worried for you, you could have been seriously hurt." He said in a softer tone, hugging Amber's soft little body.

Then he started walking in long strides carrying Amber along with him. The little girl looked at him with her big adorable purple eyes glimmering in curiosity as she tilted her head, swaying her long black wavy hair along with the movement.

He looked down at her trying to hide his smile 'You can't be this cute little Amber it pains me.' Thought the man when he saw this little girls cute side.

"Im feeding you." He said answering her silent question. Amber's purple eyes shined at the thought of food.

Suddenly she thought the man with long legs was going to slow so impatience glinted in her eyes.

When they got to the kitchen he set her down on the table grabbing food while Amber tried not to bounce up and down at the thought of food.

He laid down the food in front of her while the little girl smiled brightened so much along with her purple eyes shinning brighter than the sun.

"Don't pounce on it and eat slowly" He reminded her as she was looking at the food as if it was her prey.

She nodded her head quickly wanting to eat, but as he walked away to get a drink she disobeyed his words, pouncing on the food eating it really quickly as is she is starving from hunger.

When the man turned around he saw Amber wiping her face elegantly with a napkin while her plate was empty.

She shook his head with a slight smile and a soft look in his eyes. As the man was walking back to her he looked down when he heard her make a strange noise.

"HicC-Upp!" Amber started hiccuping making him smile then he said to her in a voice that was to soft even though it was supposed to scold her but he couldn't at the moment seeing her cuteness.

"You ate to fast, now that is your punishment little Amb-" he was interrupted by her hiccuping again.

He couldn't help but chuckle softly as he gave her the bottle of water he got from the fridge.


He chuckled softly as he remembered that. 'She still loves food too much' he thought shaking his head at her love for food.


As the man was leaving the restaurant he tried to rush, having a bad feeling when all of a sudden his phone rang.

He stopped to answer it, seeing that on the called ID it said unknown number, sp he had no idea who it was.

"Hello?" He answered the phone with his voice sounding cold.

"Hello, Zaky" Mocked the person on the other side using the nickname only Zachary's little sister uses, making him furrow his brows. Wondering who this person is when they continued.

"I am after you for what she did to my family. First I ran over Precious little Amber, but that wasn't enough.

She woke up too soon, but don't want her dead yet. I want you gone first, your presence is too dangerous. I have too little time."

"Little time?" asked Zachary

"I want to hurry up and see Amber fall off her high horse for what she did to my daughter. She will be destroyed after seeing everyone she loves die one by one, thinking that it's her fault."

"Don't hurt her! She did nothing wrong!" Yelled Zachary losing his composure once he learned Amber was involved and could be hurt.

"Don't worry I won't lay another hand on her…" The unknown caller paused making Zachary feel on edge, having a sense of dread and felt that his life will be endangered, which was then clarified by the caller's next words.

"While you're still alive." Said the unknown caller that instantly hung up.

'I can't let anyone hurt her. This morning I saw it in her eyes she was scared and I am the person that is always there for her if i'm gone...'

His thoughts trailed off as an image of an Amber void of any emotion only coldness remaining in her eyes appeared in his mind.

'I can't leave her, it's too soon.'

Zachary knew something was about to happen so he started to leave wanting to warn Amber, and keep her safe.

"I have to protect her before something else happe-" Zachary couldn't finish his sentence because in the next second he was shot in the chest falling to the ground on his knees, clutching his chest.

He felt the blood seeping out of his hand as his hand was on the part of his chest where his heart was.

Zachary was on the ground motionless, blood pooling around himself as he took his last breath, dying with the secret the unknown caller told him remaining hidden.

For everyone to be in danger as this unknown person appeared and destroys Amber's life silently.

Please dont blame the Author it's i-important to the story line I-I didn't want to kill him he's my favorite character. *Said the author as she cry's her heart out as her favorite character dies at the hands of the evil villian.* But there will be some memories of Zachary coming up he never Completely disappears.

Katie_Timpcreators' thoughts