
Amber's Hidden Darkness

Amber is a young girl that has lived 2 lives. The first one is tragic and haunts her in her second life that she wants to live to the fullest yet the darkness somehow always appear wanting to swallow her and take away her happiness... Again. Yet she is always shameless and never scared of danger or any consequences of her actions ~Excerpt~ ‘Ugh! I just want to skip! God, why do you hate me so much! Nothing good ever happens when I try to do what I want.’ Amber whined inside her heart flopping half of her body on the desk with her snow-white wrists sticking out at the front of the desk. Her long silky Midnight-black hair covered most of her body But slid down her stunning face accentuating her small, delicate frame making her look like she was a doll because she looked so still yet beautiful and Ethereal catching everyone's attention. Amber felt everyone’s gaze on her so she propped her pointed chin on her knuckles smiling at everyone who became in a daze when they saw the doll become even more enchanting. “What? Is everyone here so infatuated with how perfect I look that they can't tear their gaze away from me?” Amber said with a provocative look. Everyone who heard her only thought of one sentence ‘Narcissistic Demon Goddess is too Shameless’ they all felt like puking blood from her shameless words. This the first time I have thought of publishing I hope you guys like it.

Katie_Timp · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

The Truth

'In the end I let go of my pride but yet I still die at the hands of someone I thought loved me. I knew I should have run when I had a chance or tried harder, but I thought he would let me go when he was tired.

Instead I was murdered by the woman that brought me into this world…' A dark chuckle left my mouth but it sounded hollow and bitter, than I said in a mocking voice laced with sarcasm dripping from my tone,

"I guess that if they brought me into this world they should take me out of it too. She took plan B, she aborted me from this world without even caring that I was her blood."

As I finished my sentence the tears that I thought were locked up fell staining my cheeks but not even a whimper escaped from my mouth just me silently crying with no expression like I didn't notice the tears that kept falling.

Completely oblivious to my own heartbreak that I tried so hard to forget. 'I am really pathetic, crying over people that hate me and a life that is dead along with my complete trust in people.'

I thought with an Icy look in my purple eyes that seemed to be shadowed with pain and a coldness that could freeze anyone that got in my way turning the room several degrees lower.

A knock on the door drew me out of my dark thoughts but my terrifying Aura did not diminish. I looked at the door and spoke in an icy voice that could freeze the ocean.

"Go away"

"No, I'm coming in" I recognized the low voice of a male from the other side of my door.

In the next moment my door opened and what walked in was a male my age with a pair of familiar sparkling ruby warm eyes gently gazing down at me.

"Amber.." The man with ruby eyes said to me in a voice filled with worry but I wasn't paying attention since his ruby eyes kept drawing me in from the moment he walked in the room.

I was finally able to break eye contact with him and looked away towards my hands that were lying in my lap, not able to stay trapped in that gaze.

'Its too innocent. I can't take it especially what is hidden within that I don't want to see' I thought becoming lost in my own world, forgetting he was there.

'She thinks a lot I wonder what goes on in that pretty head of hers and all the scheming that comes into play. I wonder if one day she will tell me?'

The man with Ruby eyes shook his head with the thought that something that good could happen to him while his gaze never left the girl with amethyst eyes that looked dull and lifeless over since he stepped in the room.

"What were you thinking about before I came in here, Amber?" The man with black hair resembling the abyss muttered under his breath low enough that he could hardly hear it.

Suddenly I felt a part of my bed dip down next me causing me to put both of my palms on the bed trying to keep myself from colliding into the thing that caused my change in gravity.

I still refused to look up, causing a thread of silence to fall in between me and Shawn. I felt him pinch my chin gently and force me to look up at his ruby eyes again but I kept trying to avoid those eyes.

'I know that if I look up in those clear eyes I will break and cry. I can't dp that in front of anyone. No one is ever allowed to see me in that state. Ever.'

I thought remembering the time I saw Zachary there laying dead and I broke in the mans arms beside me, not liking the feeling of him let alone anyone else seeing me so vulnerable.

Shawn let out a deep and frustrated sigh that caused me to look up into his Ruby eyes clouded with countless emotions. I thought I at least would see him angry at me for not doing as he wanted.

I was wrong. What greeted me was his eyes filled with hurt and rejection. My eyes widened but I quickly looked away, not able to keep eye contact with him longer.

"Amber, why won't you even look at me? Did I… do something wrong?" His voice was filled with the same pain that reflected in his eyes… and they both made my heart ache.

'I thought I locked my heart but he still burrowed his way inside it' I thought 'But one day he will betray me like everyone did in my past life' I ended my thought steeling my resolve.

"You did nothing wrong." I said to him looking into his eyes before I continued "Your eyes just look so stunning If I look at them too long I might get lost"

What I said made Shawn blush and I knew that now he won't ask anymore questions. I got off my bed and brushed the silky soft strands of my midnight black hair like every night before I go to bed.

"Shawny, I'm tired goodnight." I said after I climbed into the covers of my bed closing my eyes pretending i'm asleep. I heard him carefully get off my bed and head to my door.

Then he flicked off the lights in my room using the light switch by my door than slowly opened the door not trying to be loud, but before he closed the door behind himself out of my room, he said in a tender voice filled with affection,

"Sweet dreams Amber, Only dream of me." The door closed quietly with a soft click as the mans steps descended down the corridor.

'As the man was walking down the corridor he let out a sigh as he thought 'Amber, I know you were trying to get me to leave...' I paused my thoughts sighing before continuing

'Amber I will wait all my life just so you will let me in just don't avoid me like you have been doing since our fight?'

I ended my thought remembering how we had that fight and then since she has been distancing herself more and more from me.


At the same time in the dark room the girls eyelids fluttered open showing her amethyst cold eyes that seemed as if they glowed in the darkness with a mysterious glint in them giving the place a deadly atmosphere.

"No, I won't dream of you or anyone. Even though you like me I don't deserve any affection from anyone. Neither do I want it.

All I want is to avenge Zachary's death then I will disappear forever." I said in a cold voice remembering how my brother is dead.

'He died because of me' I thought to myself thinking about the text I got the day after his death. It made my heart turn cold when I brought it up on my phone.

The screen shined a light in the young girls face making it glow making her look stunning.

Yet at the same time a dangerous feeling as the looked at how deadly she was just through the aura that was radiating off her.

Unknown Caller ID: "Hello little Amb here's dear Zaky's last words before he died and it's all your fault for not knowing your place you pathetic little girl"

What was under the message was a recording of the moment Zachary picked up the phone call with the last person he talked to before it was hung up by the unknown caller.

Then a picture of Zachary laying on the ground with his blood pooling around his body. That picture gave me nightmares and I still see it when I close my eyes.

'That person is sick... But it's my fault my brother is dead. I can only hunt this person down, preventing him from hurting anyone else I care about, and give him a worse punishment than death for killing Zachary.'

"Zaky, I hope you're somewhere out there watching over me. I-I still need you big brother"

I spoke out stuttering a little as tears threatened to fall hoping that I wasn't all alone he would be there for me when im her all alone.

Hehe you guys are going to love me soon~

Katie_Timpcreators' thoughts