
Amber's Hidden Darkness

Amber is a young girl that has lived 2 lives. The first one is tragic and haunts her in her second life that she wants to live to the fullest yet the darkness somehow always appear wanting to swallow her and take away her happiness... Again. Yet she is always shameless and never scared of danger or any consequences of her actions ~Excerpt~ ‘Ugh! I just want to skip! God, why do you hate me so much! Nothing good ever happens when I try to do what I want.’ Amber whined inside her heart flopping half of her body on the desk with her snow-white wrists sticking out at the front of the desk. Her long silky Midnight-black hair covered most of her body But slid down her stunning face accentuating her small, delicate frame making her look like she was a doll because she looked so still yet beautiful and Ethereal catching everyone's attention. Amber felt everyone’s gaze on her so she propped her pointed chin on her knuckles smiling at everyone who became in a daze when they saw the doll become even more enchanting. “What? Is everyone here so infatuated with how perfect I look that they can't tear their gaze away from me?” Amber said with a provocative look. Everyone who heard her only thought of one sentence ‘Narcissistic Demon Goddess is too Shameless’ they all felt like puking blood from her shameless words. This the first time I have thought of publishing I hope you guys like it.

Katie_Timp · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


The morning before Zachary died

'Little Amb, I promise to find out who did this to you. No one is allowed to hurt you.' Thought a man while gazing down at the unconscious midnight-haired girl on the bed.

When his eyes were on her they were soft with a slight curl of his lips softening his cold and hard features.

Suddenly the man stiffened a little when the little girl's eyelids flew upon and her misty purple eyes could be seen.

In her eyes, an endless sorrow and fear could be seen deep within, threatening to shakes ones heart at the state she looked to be in.

The girls purple eyes started to gloss over making the man feel like this little girl was about to burst into tears.

He was about to ask what was wrong when the girl's eyes landed on him and she crashed into his arms not letting go as if he was the only thing keeping her alive.

'What did she dream about?' I thought silently, wanting to ask her but I knew she wouldn't tell me.

'I wish she would confide in me instead of keeping everything to herself all the time. Amber you can't just keep bottling things up or it will threaten to break you horribly one day'

I stared at the girl worry filling my eyes in my arms while tightening my grip around her fragile and shaking body, trying to comfort the girl that for the first time was vulnerable in front of anyone.

"It's okay Amber I'm here," said the man while he gently stroked her head, trying to comfort the girl that was shivering in his arms.

He tried to leave to get the doctor but girl wouldn't let him leave. She was clutching tightly onto the man.

"Please don't leave me" She begged as if the moment he left she would shatter and possibly be broke forever no matter how much someone tries to glue back the pieces.

He couldn't stand to leave her in this state so he decided to stay until she fell asleep. 'What did you dream about Little Amb?

I hope one day you will be able to tell me everything' I thought looking down at the girl in my arms that's eyes were starting to close.

They closed then shot open many time and I had to hold back a chuckle from seeing this adorable sight. 'She is so cute. I love my little Amb more then anything'

He ended his thought with a soft and warm gaze directed at the Black haired girl whose beautiful amethyst eyes could no longer be seen only her dark long eyelashes trembling a little.

He walked over to her bed and gently laid her down on it before lifting the blanket to cover her, shielding her from the cold that tried to make her shiver.

"Amber I hope you sleep well and just know your big brother Zaky will always be here for you. I love you more then anything especially myself.'

The man said to her before giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead leaving her to sleep peacefully in the room.

Closing the door softly then he walked to his little sister's doctor that was in the hallway walking to a patient's room.

"She's awake," I said coldly informing the doctor and my gaze became colder narrowing at her when I noticed she wasn't yet going to my sister's room.

She hurriedly moved to Amber's room trying to get away from young master Jewel's piercing gaze that made her feel as if he was the devil and she, was just his puppet.


'I hope when I get back Amber is awake so the food I get her won't turn cold.' I thought to myself when I was in line waiting for my little sister's food as I looked through the pictures on my phone.

The man unconsciously curled up his lips when he saw the pictures of Amber when she was younger surrounded by dogs as he saw the huge smile blooming on her face two deep crater like dimples appearing on her chubby cheeks.

The people that couldn't help but glance at this person who usually has an Aura that makes anyone shiver, smile for the first time when he looked at his phone the cold look and terrifying Aura disappear.

The man felt their gazes, putting down his phone he looked straight ahead his coldness once again back, making everyone around him avoid even looking in his direction.

As the man got up to the counter he gave his little sister's order in his cold voice but the worker didn't care about it and made the food diligently.

"Have a good day sir" She said in a slightly cold voice to the man which resulted in him raising his brow.

'No one has ever been like that to me they either cower in fear or try to get my favor, who is this woman?'

"Thank you," he said back giving the girl with golden blonde hair and ocean blue eyes a last look before he left. 'She's interesting. I will come to see her tomorrow.'

Zachary thought, looking forward to seeing this interesting lady that amused him. 'Maybe I will bring little Amb with me one of these days so she can see that lady.

My sister needs some girl friends instead of those stupid boys that are terrified of her because of her adorable shennanigans.'

He ended his thoughts after looking back to see the woman's name tag. It was 6 silver letters that contrasted perfectly with the black background on the name tag.

"Summer…" I muttered out while giving the woman a last look thinking 'Her golden hair that shines as bright as the sun flowing down in slight curls to her slim waist.

Eyes that were like pure bodies of water shining brightly under the glare of the sun it fits that woman perfectl-'

Zachary was suddenly interrupted by his phone which rang before he could finish his thoughts. His eyes glinted with annoyance before he answered the phone.

"Hello?" He answered the phone with his voice sounding cold.

"Hello, Zaky" Mocked the person on the other side using the nickname only used by Zachary's little sister making him furrow his brows. Wondering who this person is when they continued.

"I am after you for what she did to my family. First I ran over Precious little Amber, but that wasn't enough.

She woke up too soon. I don't want her yet. I want you dead, your presence is too dangerous and I have too little time."

"Little time?" asked Zachary

"I want to hurry up and see Amber fall off her high horse for what she did to my little angel. She will be destroyed after seeing everyone she loves die one by one slowly."

"Don't hurt her! She did nothing wrong!" Yelled Zachary losing his composure once he learned Amber was involved and could be hurt.

'If anything happens to Amber I don't know what I would do she is the moon in the dark midnight sky that gives me a light to look to when I feel alone and lost in this world.'

"Don't worry I won't lay another hand on her…" The unknown caller paused making Zachary feel on edge, having a sense of dread and feeling that his life will be endangered, which was then clarified by the caller's next words.

"While you're still alive." Said the unknown caller then he hung up after that sentence.

Zachary knew something was about to happen so he started to leave wanting to warn Amber.

'This has to be connected to how she ended up in the hospital. Who is this person? When I get back I will track down the call to see who this person is and take them down before anything else can happen.'

I thought to myself trying to keep my little sister out of harm's way but somewhere deep in me I kept remembering his words saying 'While you're still alive.'

'I'm in trouble I can feel it. Please world let me get to Amber first so I can warn her then you can do whatever you want with me as long as the most precious thing to me is safe.'

Zachary thought hoping that things would work out but knew that it probably won't. Zachary's strides became faster as he wanted to get to the hospital sooner clutching Amber's food in one hand.

"I have to protect her before something else happe-" Zachary couldn't finish his sentence because in the next second he was shot in the chest falling to the ground on his knees, clutching his chest.

Blood started to pool around him as tried desperately to stay alive yer to no avail. 'I promise to watch over you Amber.'

Thought Zachary taking his last breath but suddenly Summers cold ocean eyes that when he looked closer had worry in them right before his gaze went dark.

'Wh...' The man couldn't finish his thought as he died before he could even get one word out.