
Amber's Hidden Darkness

Amber is a young girl that has lived 2 lives. The first one is tragic and haunts her in her second life that she wants to live to the fullest yet the darkness somehow always appear wanting to swallow her and take away her happiness... Again. Yet she is always shameless and never scared of danger or any consequences of her actions ~Excerpt~ ‘Ugh! I just want to skip! God, why do you hate me so much! Nothing good ever happens when I try to do what I want.’ Amber whined inside her heart flopping half of her body on the desk with her snow-white wrists sticking out at the front of the desk. Her long silky Midnight-black hair covered most of her body But slid down her stunning face accentuating her small, delicate frame making her look like she was a doll because she looked so still yet beautiful and Ethereal catching everyone's attention. Amber felt everyone’s gaze on her so she propped her pointed chin on her knuckles smiling at everyone who became in a daze when they saw the doll become even more enchanting. “What? Is everyone here so infatuated with how perfect I look that they can't tear their gaze away from me?” Amber said with a provocative look. Everyone who heard her only thought of one sentence ‘Narcissistic Demon Goddess is too Shameless’ they all felt like puking blood from her shameless words. This the first time I have thought of publishing I hope you guys like it.

Katie_Timp · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Once Lost It May Never Return

12 hours earlier

Shawn called Devon after he got back home.


"Hi, Devon, I need your help with something" Said Shawn with a nervous laugh

"What did you do?"

"So you know how I drove Amber ho-"

"Ohhh, You pissed Amber off and now you need me with you so she can't do anything to you" Devon interrupted a teasing tone lacing his voice.

"Yeah, how did you guess?"

"I would do the same thing, she is scary. How do you want my help?"

"Stay by my side for the next month at least, so I will pick you up in the morning now"

"So basically, you don't want to be alone with Amber?"


"Okay I will be at your place in the morning"

After they talked for another hour planning how to be extra safe since it is the Demon Goddess that is fearless. Shawn went to eat supper, then afterward he got a call from his Mother.

'Should I even answer this it won't be good?' Shawn thought but knew he would be in even more trouble if he didn't

He picked up the phone hovering his thumb over the answer button but pressed it after releasing a sigh of trouble.

"Shawn! How dare you!"

"What's wrong, Mom?"

"You were supposed to go to the company, Remember?"

"Oh, Sorry, I forgot."

"No, sorry isn't acceptable, you are supposed to run that company after you graduate college."

"Why not let my younger brother take care of the company instead of me?"


"What are you scared, Dear mother.." he paused for a moment then continued "That your precious baby boy will become corrupted and find out that you are ac-"

"SHAWN LOYD VINCENT! DON'T YOU DARE SAY ANOTHER WORD!!" She interrupted him yelling then continued

'Of course she doesn't want her "Only" child to know anything bad about her or even for what she did to be spoken out loud.'

Shawn thought with a bitter smile playing on his lips knowing in his mother's eyes he never even was born from her, only a pest that should be used as a puppet so his little brother could live how he wants to.

"You are going to run the company and that's final!" she finished then hung up right away not giving him a chance to talk.

"Fuck!" Shawn cursed then went to take a shower hoping to calm his anger. As the water sprinkled down on his he felt the tension leaving his muscle yet he still felt angry.

"When I take over the company I will make sure no one except my grandfather has anything to do with it those people don't deserve to take credit for out hard work"

Shawn mumbled to himself in a voice that sounded very cold and detached showing a totally different of who he is when Amber isn't around.

"I wonder how she would react If she saw me like this" Shawn said thinking of a certain girl that he is always around


After he got done with his shower he went straight to bed hoping in the morning when he woke up he would be cooled off completely.

When Shawn woke up in the morning he was cooled off, then he saw a text from his Mother further increasing his anger greatly.

Mother: "After school go to the company, or you can be transferred to a private school abroad.

I let you get away with being in a public school since your grades have been good, but if you disobey me one more time you're going abroad for further training to be president of the company."

Shawn was so pissed he started working out, trying to tame his anger. He started sweating profusely so he took his shirt and pants off only leaving him in his Black boxers hanging low on his waist.

Showing his defined and toned abs, sweat dripped down them making any person that saw it drool. In the next minute, Shawn stopped because he heard some shuffling coming from the window he left open.

What he saw when he looked at the window surprised him, making him freeze. "Am-." just as he was about to say something Amber Shouted


Amber's face was completely red from blushing at the amazing sight and in the next second the poor and innocent Amber fainted because her tiny heart couldn't take that indecency.

Right before Amber fell to the ground Shawn reacted in time and caught her right before her body hit the cold floor.

Shawn held Amber's body closer to him, scared that she might slip out of his grasp hitting her head again.

When he thought she might hit her head again he got became terrified remembering how she forgot him when they were little.

"Don't ever forget me again Amber." Shawn whispered in a dangerous voice close to Amber's ear. His Ruby eyes had an evil glint in them.

"If you do forget me or leave my side I don't know what to do. You're my light." He finished his sentence with pain crossing his Ruby eyes that became dull.

When he picked her up he felt that she was too tiny and light so he said,

"Too light I need to feed her more or she could be blown away by the wind" He carried her over to his bed and mumbled,

"How come whenever you're around my temper is gone but when you aren't I am a very temperamental person, My little Amb?." he chuckled softly all his anger from earlier dissipating.


Later Amber woke up and saw Shawn beside her and pouted. 'Why did I faint from seeing such a great body? Weak heart! See God hates me so much!' Amber thought, wanting to cry.

She looked closer at him seeing that he looks really good when he is asleep like a fallen angel.

Amber then saw his red thin lips and had an urge to eat them cause they look really tasty.

She started inching closer, than Shawn's long eyelashes started to flutter open. His ruby red eyes continued to stare at her since she didn't notice he was awake yet.

He saw her inching to his lips making his face turn red. He was about to speak when suddenly Amber bit his lips chewing on them.

He felt like he was shocked by a jolt of electricity when he felt her teeth on his lips.

He felt him losing control so he immediately pinned the midnight black hair girl gently so he wouldn't hurt her on the bed growling,

"AMBER ADRIANA JEWEL! STOP!" he said, spitting the words out through gritted teeth, while his face was still a deep shade of crimson red matching the color of his eyes.

"What, I was hungry!" Amber said and pouted. Shawn's mouth twitched

"Because you were hungry, you bit my lips?!" Shawn said with mockery, lacing his tone. Amber nodded, and then her stomach growled agreeing with her.

"I want tomatoes, and your lips look like really juicy tomatoes," Amber said, her face looking really serious. Shawn then got an idea and smirked

"Little Amber, look what you did to my lips" Shawn said then she looked at his lips asking

"What happened? What did you do to yourself?" Shawn looked dumbfounded and asked

"Amber, do you not remember what you did?"

"I do! I was eating a tomato then you suddenly pinned me down while I was eating, but I will forgive you since I think it was rotten, tomatoes can't be soft or squishy!" Amber said, nodding her head looking like a little kid then asked.

"Shawn, I am hungry, Feed me?" At the end it sounded more like a demand than a question. He just accepted it and gave her a big tomato while he cooked her something to eat.

Suddenly Shawn remembered something and asked "Hey Amb, why were you in my room this morning?"

"Because, I was getting my revenge." Amber said bluntly, not afraid of her plans being found out. Shawn became furious and asked.

"So you would go into any guy's room, just to get back at them for something so small?!" his tone felt tense, sounding like he was trying not to yell at her.

"Yeah, so what? My pride isn't a small thing Mr. Vincent!" Amber said getting mad.'I won't ever let myself be a pushover and trampled over in this life too, no matter what!' Amber thought feeling extremely pissed.

"AMBER! Is your pride more important than your safety!"

"Yes! You have known me for years, you should know that the best!" Amber couldn't hold her anger in anymore and yelled out at him.

"MR. VINCENT YOU WOULD NEVER UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH IT HURTS FOR ONES PRIDE TO BE HURT! ONCE IT'S LOST IT CAN NEVER BE RETURNED!" She couldn't take it anymore and ran away leaving him there wondering why she acted like that.

As soon as Amber left she ran home into her room, and took a shower putting Shawn's word to the back of her mind. 'It's no use he won't understand even if I told him everything.

Without my pride having this new chance would mean nothing and would have been a total waste. UGH! I can't take this, I'm too pissed' Amber finished her thought, going to bed.

Everything Amber says does relate to her first life and is the reason why she acts the way she does. Her first life had broke her but the years she spent being loved in her second life has helped her a lot but her wounds may never completely be healed. She does have PTSD but she hides everything well but pay attention my dear readers and you will notice.

Thank you for reading my content and sorry if i torture my beloved readers too much with some of my cliffhangers and questions that will take awhile to be answered but please hang in there.

Katie_Timpcreators' thoughts