
Amber's Hidden Darkness

Amber is a young girl that has lived 2 lives. The first one is tragic and haunts her in her second life that she wants to live to the fullest yet the darkness somehow always appear wanting to swallow her and take away her happiness... Again. Yet she is always shameless and never scared of danger or any consequences of her actions ~Excerpt~ ‘Ugh! I just want to skip! God, why do you hate me so much! Nothing good ever happens when I try to do what I want.’ Amber whined inside her heart flopping half of her body on the desk with her snow-white wrists sticking out at the front of the desk. Her long silky Midnight-black hair covered most of her body But slid down her stunning face accentuating her small, delicate frame making her look like she was a doll because she looked so still yet beautiful and Ethereal catching everyone's attention. Amber felt everyone’s gaze on her so she propped her pointed chin on her knuckles smiling at everyone who became in a daze when they saw the doll become even more enchanting. “What? Is everyone here so infatuated with how perfect I look that they can't tear their gaze away from me?” Amber said with a provocative look. Everyone who heard her only thought of one sentence ‘Narcissistic Demon Goddess is too Shameless’ they all felt like puking blood from her shameless words. This the first time I have thought of publishing I hope you guys like it.

Katie_Timp · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Im Not A Neanderthal!

10 years later

"Amb hurry up we have to go or we will be late," said a deep teenage boy's voice cracking slightly because of puberty. I giggled when I heard him, he then yelled "Who will be the one laughing when you go through your per-"

In my room when I found out where he was leading my face flushed red. 'I can't let him say the thing I'm dreading the most' I ran outside the door holding my book then grabbed him by the arm pushing him into my room, shutting and locking the door.

Then he looked at me with a smirk on his face. I just looked blankly at him then went into my closet to change for school since everything else is done with my hair, and not that much make-up since I hate taking it off, and my face will just become too beautiful.

There is no way I want so many people chasing after me. I have my little Shit head and he is already too much for me to handle.

I picked out a pure white shirt with blue and purple flowers on them, and then a pair of black leggings hugging my legs. 'Is there any type of clothes in this world that could make me look plain?

I guess it's a curse being this beautif-.' Shawn yells to me outside the door "I can hear your narcissistic thoughts from out here Amber!"

"I am not A Narcissist! You're a Narcissist! YOUR WHOLE FAMILY IS A NARCISSIST YOU NEANDERTHAL OF A BEST FRIEND!" after Amber stopped yelling to take a breath.

Shawn thought to himself 'She is using the word Neanderthal I should stop teasing her. For now' Shawn finished his thoughts with an evil smile plastered on his face.

"Okay you win everyone except you is a narcissist. My beautiful princess that outshines everyone."

"Okay, thank you for admitting defeat, and I will let you off for being truthful about my beauty even though you left out some things, but I am a humble and a kind soul so I will forgive you."

'Narcissist' as if knowing Shawn's thoughts she glared at him.

Shawn said quickly "Princess we are going to be late if you don't hurry"

"AH! I can't be late on our first day!" Amber bolted out of the room before Shawn could even comprehend what she said. "AMBER!! WAIT FOR ME!" Shawn yelled as he bolted down the hall trying to catch up with Amber.

When Amber got to the car she realized that Shawn is the one that drives 'Dammit! We need to go if that slowpoke doesn't get here soon I will make him into a Neanderthal' On the way to school, Shawn could feel Amber's glare and said

"Am I so handsome that you aren't able to take your eyes off me"


"Then what other reason could you think of for looking at me so intently"

"I'm thinking of a way to make you into a neanderthal without killing my Best Friend in the process," Amber said bluntly and with no expression shown on her face that it sent a shiver down Shaw's spine.

"Haha…. You're kidding right my dear Princess?"

"No, but if you don't hurry the hell up I will make you into one."

"Why! What did I do?!" Shawn whined


"Aren't I more important than school?"

Amber answered coldly "No" for the rest of the way to school Shawn looked like the world wronged him, and Amber looked very impatient.

As soon as they got to school before Shawn could stop the car Amber opened the door and jumped out bolting into school. Leaving Shawn thinking 'Will it be like this every day?'

Amber got to her homeroom with time to spare, breathing a sigh of relief. The Bell rang just as Shawn and a mysterious guy walked in.

'I wonder who that is, he looks hot' Amber and every single girl in the classroom thought. Amber started scrutinizing his looks. 'He is as tall as Shawn, almost 6 foot, white with a tinge of being tan showing he hasn't been in the sun for very long periods of time, He had beautiful thin red lips, His Jawline is so sharp it could cut ice.

Beautiful green eyes that shined like a newly polished emeralds, High bridged nose that makes him look like a Narcissistic Douchebag, And Beautiful Honey Blond- *Ahem* Let me rephrase that, Ugly Blonde hair that makes all his other godly features look ugly now.'

Amber thought to herself with a sigh of sadness "Hmm, too bad this idiot is blonde it makes him look ugly" The new guy looked at her and she realized when his eye twitched that she accidentally said it out loud.

"Oh hehe sorry… But you would look a lot hotter if you had any other natural hair color like black or brown. The blonde just makes you look ugly." Amber said lazily with a shrug. The new guy then looked at her with a Mischievous glint in his eyes.

"No wonder you're single"

"Who said I'm single" Surprise flashed across the ugly blonde's eyes.

"If you're not single, prove it."

"Okay," Amber took a big breath and yelled "SHAWNY!!" She yelled so loud that Shawn who was right beside the mysterious guy flinched in fear. 'I wonder if she is still mad at me for this morning'

"Yes, Pri- Amber?" when Shawn was about to call her his nickname for her, Amber glared at him making him immediately change the name he was going to call her.

"We're dating, right? The ugly blonde doesn't believe me" Amber said with a pout making her look so pitiful like the world is bullying her. Shawn finally realized the person next to him. 'Ah, no wonder she is acting like this I suddenly feel more sorry for this blonde than myself'

Shawn thought but he went along with it since it will keep all the boys that have been staring at her away. Shawn suddenly put on the act of her Boyfriend.

"Yes, little Amber." he said with a slight nod making the blonde guy confused, and he gave up starting to get a headache thinking 'Is it too late to transfer classes?' Amber looked at him with a smile saying "Yes it's too late to transfer now You. Are. Stuck!" she said with an evil laugh.

The new guy asked Shawn "How did she k-"

"Know what you said? I don't know either. She has been like that since we were little. I always thought she was a mind reader" Shawn said quietly with a sliver of fear and continued with his voice laced with admiration.

"But when she is scary it's so hot"

The mystery guy asked "Are you a Masochist"

"No, I jus.." then the bell rang, making the rest of what he said drowned out. Then class started and in every single class, those 3 are together.

As the day ended they all started getting along like they have known each other their whole life. Even though every now and then the ugly blonde and Amber would glare at each other.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Amber remembered

Shawn questioned, "What did you forget this time?"

"Hey, Ugly Blon-"

"Do you even remember my name?" he asked interrupting her

"Yes? It's Ugly Blond.." She stopped when she saw his glare and stuck her tongue out.

"You are so childish…" He said rolling his eyes then continued "No, Shawn, tell her."

"No! I have been forced into too many of both of your fights. I've had enough emotional damage done today" Shawn whined.

"My name is Devon, does that ring any bells, Amber?"

"Nope..." Amber answered without expression and then continued "I won't either from now on your Ugly Blonde" Devon was about to say something then Shawn said "Just be glad she calls you that she calls me a lot worse,"

Shawn said with fear, lacing his voice. Shawn and Devon both looked at each other, then at Amber but she noticed and looked back at them right into their eyes staring for a straight five seconds then looked ahead of her again.

They both shivered in fear then said in unison "She's too scary" Devon whispered an evil idea in Shawns ears to get back at her for all the stupid nicknames. Shawn smiled and said "That's a really good idea" Suddenly Amber looked back and asked,

"What's a good idea"

"Nothing!" They both said in unison with innocent expressions on their faces making them look obedient. Amber Narrowed her eyes thinking

'They are definitely planning something. Oh well, what's the worst that could happen? Later in the future Amber is going to regret that decision, learning what true embarrassment is.

On the next day at school Amber fell asleep in her Biology class. When the teacher saw this he yelled "MISS JEWEL!! No sleeping in class allowed!" The teacher then saw her flutter her eyes open looking at him like he killed her puppy.

The teacher could only sigh and ask "Why are you sleeping in my class young lady?"

"Because I'm tired"

"Why are you tired?"

"I went to bed late"

This Biology class scene at the end is something I wrote in my actual Biology class because my teacher is an asshole to all of his students so here is a bit of disrepect in honor of my least favorite Bio teacher continued in the next chapter

Katie_Timpcreators' thoughts