
Amber's Hidden Darkness

Amber is a young girl that has lived 2 lives. The first one is tragic and haunts her in her second life that she wants to live to the fullest yet the darkness somehow always appear wanting to swallow her and take away her happiness... Again. Yet she is always shameless and never scared of danger or any consequences of her actions ~Excerpt~ ‘Ugh! I just want to skip! God, why do you hate me so much! Nothing good ever happens when I try to do what I want.’ Amber whined inside her heart flopping half of her body on the desk with her snow-white wrists sticking out at the front of the desk. Her long silky Midnight-black hair covered most of her body But slid down her stunning face accentuating her small, delicate frame making her look like she was a doll because she looked so still yet beautiful and Ethereal catching everyone's attention. Amber felt everyone’s gaze on her so she propped her pointed chin on her knuckles smiling at everyone who became in a daze when they saw the doll become even more enchanting. “What? Is everyone here so infatuated with how perfect I look that they can't tear their gaze away from me?” Amber said with a provocative look. Everyone who heard her only thought of one sentence ‘Narcissistic Demon Goddess is too Shameless’ they all felt like puking blood from her shameless words. This the first time I have thought of publishing I hope you guys like it.

Katie_Timp · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


The next morning I woke up feeling sore but I had to go to the bathroom to use the toilet. As soon my feet touched the floor I fell with a groan on my knees realizing how weak I was.

I sighed and crawled to the toilet after I sat there for a while and got some strength back. I walked to the mirror to brush my hair, but when I saw my reflection I became disgusted and just fell to the floor not caring.

'Why should I brush my hair or do anything else? There is no point anymore.' I thought to myself slowly closing my eyes, falling asleep on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor.


I felt pressure in my lower abdomen waking up to see Mr. Damien repeating the acts of last night. When he saw my eyes open he smirked making him appear like a devil in disguise as his pace picked up. He whispered into my ear,

"You woke up just in time, I'm about to cum inside you again just like last night, but it's okay I know you like it now." Mr. Damien finished his sentence prying his tongue into my mouth.

As his tongue was dancing around in my mouth my tongue stayed still like it was dead. Mr. Damien's thrusting got incredibly harder and deeper trying to get at least a tiny grunt of pain or a wince out of me.

I only closed my eyes like this didn't concern me at all and I was just a spectator. I heard him give a grunt of disapproval, probably mad that I didn't care.

Soon I drifted off to sleep.


The next day I woke up but instead of the usual view of the room I was residing in, all I saw was steel bars that had rust on them and then red stains which seem to be blood in corners of this new place.

I tried to move but felt restraints on my legs and wrists. I looked down and saw thick metal cuffs that chained me to the wall and chained my legs, restricting myself from moving.

"Oh, You're finally awake." I heard a dangerously low voice come from the corner hiding in the dark shadows seemingly invisible to anyone that doesn't look closer.

I looked towards him knowing that it was the person I was sold to. 'Im probably down her so he can torture me since his toy is no longer interesting.' I thought, knowing my life was about to become a living hell.

As Mr. Damien came out from the shadows. I saw a sharpened knife in his hand that glinted dangerously giving me an ominous feeling.

The man slowly walked up to me using the knife to hold my chin up making me look directly into his eyes. Mr. Damien clicked his tongue in disappointment when not an ounce of fear or any emotion swirled in the girls' pitch black eyes.

"Useless." The man spat out when no emotion was coming out of the girl. Mr. Damien shoved Amber aside causing her to hit the stone wall harshly, grunting in pain.

The man suddenly looked at her when he heard her grunt, a glint flashing in his eyes that made him look gratified by that pain he just caused her.

"Oh, that hurt little girl…" He said in a mocking voice a devious smirk playing on his lips making him seem as sinister as the devil. Then he continued whispering in Amber's ear in a sickenly sweet tone.

"I'm sorry I promise to make it stop hurting." After that sentence was finished he bit Amber's ear harder than slashed her right arm with the knife he was still holding in his hand.

"AAH" Amber screamed out at the pain that was inflicted on her arm. Mr. Damien dropped the knife sliding it across the floor to the other side of the cellar.

He grabbed Amber's right arm that he just cut into with the knife and tightened his hold making the pain intensify. When he looked up he saw Amber's tears.

"I will clean those up for you, My dear." After he finished his sentence the tears that were cascading down her cheeks were stopped by a tongue licking them up.

Amber recoiled in disgust trying to get away from the man when she felt his tongue. As she was struggling Mr. Damien said in a sharp tone that gave Amber chills.

"Remember to be obedient or I will do alot worse to you making you feel like you wish you could die." As soon as those words came out of his mouth Amber froze, scared of the consequences if she acted out again.

"Good girl." The man whispered in her ear when she calmed down then continued "Now time for my fun to start" He then started stripping himself entering inside of Amber.

'When will this end?' Amber thought closing her eyes to hide the pain that was swirling in her cold soulless eyes.

"Ah!" Amber screamed out when he thrusted really hard bitting her neck so she would look at him.

When she opened her eyes all the man could see was nothing just like it was a blackhole that wanted to swallow him so he would disappear.


A year later

In the corner of a dark cell was a frail young lady lying on the ground. Her legs were broken to the point where they were crippled beyond any medical aid could help.

'He has been coming less and less as time goes on maybe it will finally be over' Thought the lady with long soft wavy hair wishing she could finally have some peace after being tortured for a year.

But those hopes were shattered when she heard the cellar door opening and saw the man that has caused her so much pain physically and mentally.

The man put chains on the cuffs surrounding the woman's bony, sickly pale wrists then connected them to the ceiling, raising the woman off the ground slowly while her feet and legs just swayed lightly, but she didn't feel it.

"Hello, Master" I greeted since that always made the disgusting man's mood better but always left a bitter taste on my tongue. 'When will this be over? I-I cant handle it a-anymore.'

The lady thought trying to hold back her tears from the endless torture that is breaking her little by little and pretty soon she will be at her breaking point shattering into billions of shards beyond repair to forever be broken.

"Did you miss me, Sweetie?" I asked the man with a smirk on his face. The woman shivered but knowing that she must be obedient so nothing gets worse replied in a sweet tone.

"Yes, Where were you master?" I asked but as soon as the question came out of my mouth Mr. Damien's expression darkened, showing his displeasure.

"Shut up and be a good pet no questions!" Yelled the man as he got his knife out and slashed at the woman's arm. Amber didn't react, making it seem as if her skin wasn't touched.

The crimson red blood cascading down her arm, dripping to the floor making a small puddle of blood that resembles all the other dried up puddles spread throughout the room betrayed the idea of her not being injured in the slightest.

The man was getting agitated that no noise slipped through her mouth so he started slashing and stabbing at every place on her body that resembled more of a skeleton than a woman.

"Master, if you don't stop I will die" I said knowing that if he continued I would die. 'I can't die yet there are so many things I want to do. I have never even owned a dog yet and I want to see the world including all its mysteries and how beautiful it is.'

I thought, wanting to live out my life to the fullest but deep down inside I knew I would never escape this place just like deep down inside I knew that my parents sold me even when my heart wouldn't believe it.

"Why does it matter? No one cares for you. The only thing you can do is be my toy yet you fail. You are worse than being worthless. I should kill you, you're just an eyesore even your own parents sold you because they nor anyone ever wanted you."

As each one of his words registered in my mind my eyes filled with tears that I tried so hard not to shed.

'He's right, I'm worthless. B-But I still want to live and see the world and get a dog. At least an animal would love me and be loyal unlike humans that put me here.'

My thoughts brightened me up a little, giving me a little more will to live, determined to stay alive. In the next minute, like all of my hopes, it was crushed.

"Don't worry I will put you out of your misery since not even your master wants you. But don't worry I wont do the dirty work."

Mr. Damien said in a light tone, but I had a feeling that this would hurt me more than all the scars scattered across my body.

My eyes drifted to the cellar door slowly creaking open making the person's presence known. What greeted me was a person that made me question life.

"Hello Amber" Said a middle aged woman with soft brunette hair, and soft features that resemble Amber making her look like an older version of her.

I looked curiously over in the womans directing not knowing why she was here but than it all clicked when I saw Mr. Damien handed over the knife he was holding in his hands to her.

"W-What are you doing?" I asked but I knew what was about to happen.

"What does it look like? How can you be related to your Father and I when you're this stupid. You are a disgrace. Look at yourself, you're an abomination. I'm doing justice to the world for taking you out of it."

"But y-you are m-my mother, Why?"

"Stop asking so many questions. Don't you ever shut up?" asked Amber's mother, showing displeasure in her tone and eyes whenever Amber appeared in them.

"Please tell me why?" I pleaded with the woman hoping a maternal bone would start acting up but there wasn't even a hint of motherly love in her cold forest green eyes.

"I said shut up!" The woman snapped grabbing Amber's tongue to cut it off so she can no longer speak. Blood started seeping out through Amber's mouth.

'W-Why i was the perfect daughter? What did I do wrong?" I felt my unshed tears wanting to free themselves from eyes to fall but I wouldn't allow that to happen.

I wouldn't give those people that only wanted to cause me pain and misery to see the effect they had on me but I still felt my heart breaking no matter how hard I tried to keep it locked up.

In the next secon my mother moved closer to me whispering in my ear using a tone that was only low enough for me to hear what she was saying.

"It was the plan since we learned I was pregnant with a girl to sell you. No one ever loved you. It was all fake. Good bye my precious daughter."

The last sentence I could sense her sarcasm and mocking leaking from the tone of voice she used, but before I could even blink I coughed up blood.

I then looked down to see her pulling the knife out of my stomach. As the chains were loosened letting me fall on the ground like a lifeless doll I saw the shadows of the 2 people that made me break in many ways disappear from the cell.

As soon as I heard the door close. The dam I have been trying so hard to hold back broke and I cried and cried till I felt myself weaking from the blood loss.

"Please I want to do so much with my life don't let me die. I want to live…" I whispered out as I took my last breath dying in that cold, dark cell alone knowing that I was never wanted or even loved.

It was all just a lie filled with heartbreak that shattered me in the process. Leaving me broken, yet I still had one wish that was filled with determination but was destroyed by the knife covered in my blood laying beside my now cold dead body.

Please yell at Author she dereves it. But... look at the bright side this is the last of Ambers flashbacks... for now... I think?

Katie_Timpcreators' thoughts