
Amber's Hidden Darkness

Amber is a young girl that has lived 2 lives. The first one is tragic and haunts her in her second life that she wants to live to the fullest yet the darkness somehow always appear wanting to swallow her and take away her happiness... Again. Yet she is always shameless and never scared of danger or any consequences of her actions ~Excerpt~ ‘Ugh! I just want to skip! God, why do you hate me so much! Nothing good ever happens when I try to do what I want.’ Amber whined inside her heart flopping half of her body on the desk with her snow-white wrists sticking out at the front of the desk. Her long silky Midnight-black hair covered most of her body But slid down her stunning face accentuating her small, delicate frame making her look like she was a doll because she looked so still yet beautiful and Ethereal catching everyone's attention. Amber felt everyone’s gaze on her so she propped her pointed chin on her knuckles smiling at everyone who became in a daze when they saw the doll become even more enchanting. “What? Is everyone here so infatuated with how perfect I look that they can't tear their gaze away from me?” Amber said with a provocative look. Everyone who heard her only thought of one sentence ‘Narcissistic Demon Goddess is too Shameless’ they all felt like puking blood from her shameless words. This the first time I have thought of publishing I hope you guys like it.

Katie_Timp · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Amber Breaks

At the hospital, Amber woke up feeling scared, but not knowing why. She decided it was one of those feelings again because of just reliving her past.

Amber got out of the bed looking out her window to see an Ambulance rushing into the hospital. 'Hm? I wonder what happened. I ho...'

Amber trailed off, not finishing her thought. Falling to the ground once she saw who it was. She then got up and ran outside with shaky legs falling right in front of him.

"BROTHER ZACHARY!!!!! NOOO!!!!!!!!" Amber yelled seeing him covered in blood and not breathing. She then got up glaring at the paramedics with bloodshot eyes.


"I'm sorry Miss, but when we arrived at the scene his pulse was faint and we weren't even halfway her when is heart stopped and so did his breathing. Im sorry but nothing we could do worked, he is dead."

"No! No! No! He can't be dead!" yelled Amber. She charged at the paramedics yelling at them saying they're responsible and need to save him, when suddenly someone grabbed Amber.

"Stop it. It's not their fault." Said Shawn holding Amber in his arms her back against his hard chest while his arms wrapped tightly around her stomach trapping her in his arms that acted like a steel cage as she kept trying to get free, wanting to hurt them. She stopped, looking at Shawn.

"B-but h-he is dead!" Amber said breaking down while she lost consciousness in his arms because of losing Zachary, a person who she loved dearly.

As Amber lost consciousness she dreamt about all the memories of her and Zaky, a single tear drop fell from her eye rolling down her cheek onto Zackary who was lying motionless on the ground by Amber's feet.

A few minutes earlier

'I should go see Amber, and finally talk to her.' thought Shawn when he was outside on his way to Amber's hospital room. Shawn paused for a bit when he heard the paramedics.

Shawn then continued as if he didn't care about whose life might be in danger, only caring about talking to Amber. Not being able to stand being without her these past days.

There was something that made Shawn take another glimpse and when he did he heard a crash and looked at Amber who had run down with trembling legs.

"Shit!" He said realizing that Amber might break, especially since it's that person.

He ran to Amber and held her back when the man with Ruby eyes saw her trying to attack the paramedics.

'I'm so sorry Amber. Please be okay.' He thought as he was embracing Amber while she passed out in Shawns arms.

Shawn picked Amber up carrying her gently in his arms, before glancing coldly at the Paramedics.

They went back to their job shivering a little until they heard a dangerously cold voice behind them.

"Do your Job" His voice was so cold it made them freeze and almost fall on their knees at the terror he inflicted on them with just his voice.

Shawn had also felt sad since he grew up with Zachary and looked up to him like an older brother except he had always made Shawn feel terrified at the same time.

Remembering this Shawn thought of a memory from a long time ago when he first realized the feelings he held for Amber and Zackary had found out.


"Hi, Amb! You look so pretty in that dress." I said blushing a little from seeing Amber dressed up for my birthday party she had organized saying that I deserved it.

"Of course, I do, Duh it is me. I am the one making the dress look pretty, not the other way around. You look really handsome Shawny, Happy 12th Birthday!" Amber said, giving Shawn a hug.

Shawn blushed and pulled away then coughed trying to stop the heat from reaching his cheeks. 'Why is my heart thumping so much when I'm around her?' Shawn Wondered confused.

"Thank you, I bet you're hungry, let's go to the buffet table," I said, dragging her along with me trying to ignore my heart wanting to jump out of my chest.

"Hey! Slow down, I can't run in heels!.." Amber paused before muttering "Unless you want me to sprain my ankle before we can dance at your party."

I suddenly halted my steps after hearing the last part and since i was still holding her hand she bumped into me but I caught her in time asking her what she said.

"Slow down?"

"No, the other thing"

"Sprain my ankle?"

"No!" I said getting irritated when I saw her smile at me knowing she was doing this on purpose.

"I can't run in heels?" I almost snapped when she kept playing with me but I couldn't when she started giggling, making me pause in a daze looking at how beautiful and adorable she looked.

"I want to make her look like this every day" I muttered low enough that no one could hear me except one person that I didn't know was behind me.

"Fine you're no fun, It's your birthday so let's dance unless you don't want to?" She said with a mischievous smile knowing what my answer would be and I could only nod in response.

Suddenly I heard a cough from behind me. I looked and started trembling a little seeing Young Master Zachary behind me with a calm smile, but knew he wasn't happy Amber and I will dance together.

"Hi, Zaky!" Amber said cheerfully.

"Hey, little Amb. Can I talk to your friend for a minute?" He asked softly to which Amber nodded and left to go devour the buffet table, leaving me here under Zackary's murderous glare.

"Hello Young Master Zackary, what do I owe the pleasure of your presence?" I asked, being polite knowing he probably wasn't happy hearing that I was going to dance with his little sister.

"Don't be so formal, Shawn. But I do have a question to ask." He paused, chuckling a little at how nervous I am. 'He is a sadist just like his sister!' I thought to myself seeing him watching me sweat with a smile plastered on his face.

"You like my sister" What he said made me freeze and it sounded more like a statement and not a question. And then he continued with a cold smile on his face.

"Don't ever hurt her."

"Don't sound like she would actually be with me" I muttered under my breath but he still heard me

"Have faith in her. And remember that I'm always here for both of you." Zachary said with a warm smile then patted me on the shoulder telling me,

"I only approve of you for her, now go make our Amber happy." Zachary walked away from me. '

And I thought he was overprotective.' Shawn thought with a chuckle walking over to Amber and eating at the buffet table.

"Can we dance now or are you having more fun with the food dancing in your mouth?"

I said laughing at Amber's cheeks full of food. 'I wonder if she only held this party for the food?'

I thought then looked at Amber with a glare.

She glanced at me then as if she knew what I was thinking she laughed Nervously. Then Amber looked at me with a shy smile and stretched out her hand asking me.

"Would you like to have a dance with me, Young Master Shawn?" 'Ha! Someone is being cheeky!

I might as well take the chance while I can.' I thought to myself with a grin and took Amber's hand.

'It's so soft and warm' I thought to myself, my ears turning red, while pulling Amber closer for the slow dance that played. I looked over to the person playing the music and saw Zachary over there talking with the D.J.

Suddenly he looked over at me and I smiled saying, 'Thank you' with no sound. He smiled back and nodded.

'He is helping me a lot. What would I do without him?' I thought to myself, feeling warm inside from Amber's brother's kindness.

*FlashBack Ends

'He was always so nice to me. He was like a brother now he is dead. I have to find who did it!'

I thought, becoming angry because Zachary and all of Amber's family members were like family to me since I was there all the time.

I hated going home the most because it was like I was a stranger watching someone else's family. I looked at Amber in my arms whispering into her ear softly.

"I promise we will find who killed him" It looked like Amber heard me even though she was unconscious because she tightened her hand around my shirt and muttered

"Of course, I believe in you."

Shawn smiled knowing she trusted him, feeling a little lighter even though he still felt sad about Zachary's death. He hugged Amber tighter, hoping just her presence will help him feel better.

Author is sad now but you will still see alot of Zachary and he was my favorite character{;~;} Im goning to go cry in my corner now. I hope you all like this novel it can be crazy sometimes.

Katie_Timpcreators' thoughts