
Amaya (Crazy Angel)

What will you do when you suddenly catch the eye of the most handsomely beautiful Man you've ever seen in your life? Well, that's the question I've been asking my self for the past couple of weeks. I'm a very messed up 22yrs old woman with lots of baggage that could fill the whole of Nevada desert. I've been diagnosed with Multiple personality disorder in my early teens due to some tragic incident and because of that, no one seems to stay long in my life. That's why I never get attached to anything or anyone but as the saying goes, u never know what will happen until it happens!.

Mz_Blair · Urban
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13 Chs


Chapter Five

Amaya's PoV

I woke up feeling tears falling from my eyes and sweat coating the whole of my body with the dream I was in.

It wasn't a nightmare per se today,  more like my worse tragedy.  loosing the only person i mattered to.  The only person who loved me in this world.  My mom,  my best friend.

How I miss you mom.

I wiped my eyes with a sigh and got up from the bed. I tried to straighten my untamed hair from my face with no such luck.  I went to the  bathroom to freshen up so I can look for Mr Williams,  to thank him for all he's done for me.

Uh-huh… .its not like I'm going to ogle him or something.

Well,  don't blame me,  he's too hot for his own good.  He looks dangerous,  the sexy kind.  I thought with a smirk.

I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom after I used the new toothbrush I found in one of the cabinets.  I looked at my self in the mirror,  my mind going back to what my mom used to do with my hair when I was a kid.

"Maya hon,  come sit down let me style your hair for you". She said

"Coming  mommy,  I'm looking for my purple ribbon… .got it"

I said after a brief pause and run to where my mom was.

"My my my young lady,  what kind of hair have you got,  it's as stubborn as the owner and yet as beautiful and smooth". 

My mom said while pretending to look sternly at my hair . I always giggle at that and and flip my hair with a little sass.

My hair has always been this messy and I've never had the time to straighten well or keep it well with all this cheap hair products I use.

I run my hands over it and looked around to find something to hold it with.  I found a dental floss and I used it to hold it in a messy ponytail.

She always knew what to do with my hair. But its too bad I didn't get to have her do my hair for long since they took her away from me.

I miss you mommy.

Focus young lady.  No sad thoughts today.

I sighed sadly and wiped my teary eyes. There was a knock on the bathroom door and i heard Anita telling me to come out to the kitchen when I finish.

"ok" I responded.

I came out of the bathroom a few minutes later to find a flowery pink, red and white dress on the bed and flat shoe.  I got dressed and picked up my bag, I looked around the room one more time knowing that this will be my last time of seeing or even sleeping in something so big,  clean and beautiful.

I made my way to the kitchen remembering how I got there the first time with Natalie.

"Good morning dear,  how are you feeling today"? Anita asked me.

"Good morning… . I am okay,  thank you"

I answered her while putting a lock of my hair behind my ears.

"Sit,  breakfast is ready" she told me and put a plate of food and orange juice on the bar.

"Thanks" I said to her and started eating my breakfast.

I was so focused on my food with my mind far away that I didn't notice anyone standing behind me and talking to me.


I startled and turned around in my sit to look at him with wide eyes.

"Y.. Yeess"?

I said weakly shaking with fear.  I really don't like it when people shout at me or yell my name.  It takes me back to when…..

No no no no no .... Don't  think about that.

"I said how are you feeling today"

he asked gently when he noticed the scared look on my face.

The look of confusion and worry flashed through his eyes and then they where back to the straight beautiful face he always wear…


"I'm okay Mr Williams " I said and then looked down at my empty plate.

"Will you have breakfast sweetie"?

Anita asked Mr Williams with a motherly look on her face. It looks like they have a very beautiful relationship.

"Just coffee Annie, thank you"

he replied and took a seat at the bar but three seats away from me when Anita handed him his coffee.

"Mr Williams,  I'd like to thank you for your kindness and generosity towards me for the past few days now.  I wish I know how to umm… repay you.  All I can say is thank you".

I told him looking him straight in the eyes during my speech and casting my eyes down when I was done.

I learned a long time ago not to look people straight in the eye for too long or I might not like what I'm seeing or get punished somehow for it.

"You're welcome.  Just be mindful of the time you walk around alone at night. Its not safe although I saw you could quite defend yourself...."

"ok" I said with my eyes down

"It's better safe than sorry"

he continued looking at me like he wanted to say something else but he told me his driver will drop me off when I'm ready to go.  With that he went upstairs.

I took my bag from  the floor and said bye to Anita and then I went out the front door.  I saw the driver beside the car outside and he opened the back door for me.  I gave him my address when he drove off Leaving the mansion.

Well,  at least I can say I have been inside a mansion before.

Dear readers i hope you are enjoying the story so far.  To those who are reading,  you can message me on your views and how you think the story should turn out. 

Am stoked to let you know that I will be updating twice every week so you don't have to wait long to read the next chapter.

Keep reading because there's more to come.

Next chapter will be on Saturday.

Untill then

