
Amaya (Crazy Angel)

What will you do when you suddenly catch the eye of the most handsomely beautiful Man you've ever seen in your life? Well, that's the question I've been asking my self for the past couple of weeks. I'm a very messed up 22yrs old woman with lots of baggage that could fill the whole of Nevada desert. I've been diagnosed with Multiple personality disorder in my early teens due to some tragic incident and because of that, no one seems to stay long in my life. That's why I never get attached to anything or anyone but as the saying goes, u never know what will happen until it happens!.

Mz_Blair · Urban
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13 Chs


Chapter One

Amaya's POV

Damn! I can't believe I miss the bus again today. What is wrong with my stupid brain, oh yeah I know,  the bitch decided to show her face today and I had to clean up her mess just like always.  Sometimes I wish I could Just die and then I wouldn't be feeling this kind of pains I feel in my everyday life.  Being alone in this world sucks I tell you,  but as my therapist always tells me,  killing myself is not an option.  Um..  Yeah,  I've tried committing suicide to escape my terrible existence but I was saved by a stranger. Living in New York city and working two jobs keeps me busy most of the time. I sometimes forget about my life and juat live like I've been doing for most of my life,  just living. I smiled thinking of what Rob said

" Live a lttle Amaya,  life's too short and make sure you enjoy it whiles you're at it".

"Hello  baby,  where are you off to"? 

I was so zoned out I didn't see the three guys standing by the alley. One of them shoved me on the shoulder before I snapped out of it.

"What do you want"? I asked them with a bit of irritation for disturbing me and groaned inwardly saying ugh… .Not again!

"we want to know where you are going baby at this time of the night" the guy on my right said,  I turned my head slightly to look at him,  he looks like a dwarf but the other two where a bit taller than my 5.4ft, I know I'm  that short.  One of the other two decided I've  ignored their question enough so he came close to my ears and loudly said, 

"are you deaf girly".

"No I'm not deaf stupid I can hear you just fine". I turned to him and looked him in the eye and told them,  "now where I'm  going is none of your business so get your drunk asses outta ma way".

"You've  got attitude bitch and we are gonna love teaching you some manners" Drunk number 1 said.

"Yeah bitch" said the dwarf and I rolled my eyes at them with a bored expression

"I'm going to be on my way now and if you know you a man born of a woman try to stop  and you'll live to regret it, that is if you live long enough! "

I was scared shitless because there are three of them and just one of me, I was trying to act brave to scare them but they're so drunk and I don't think my plan is working unless  Nina decides to show her face but hey no such luck so I guess I'm on my own.

Drunk number 1 came towards me and slapped me on my right cheeks,  I kicked him in the nuts after the shock wore off,  he fell to the ground screaming bloody hell and bitch.  I paid no attention to him as I saw the dwarf heading way, I shoved him heard on his chest and he fell, I then stretch my leg and also kicked drunk number two but he was stronger than me,  I tried fighting him off when suddenly the other two drunks decided to help him,  I fought them off a little long breaking ones nose and inflicting sever pain on the other but one of them was still trying to best my amateur fighting skills,  he hit me on the head and I felt a bit dizzy,  I Cursed loudly

"son of a bitch you crazy motherfucker".

I heard a loud purr of a car coming close to a stop and the drunk guy hit me again in my stomach,  saying "bitch".

For a second I saw that drunk number 1 had his fist mid air and was looking behind  me,  I turn to see what he was looking at and my breath caught in my throat,  Omigosh,  Jesus, Joseph and Mary,  the man standing behind me is not a man but a god.  He's so beautiful and his blue eyes was mesmerizing that I could stare at it for so long and never get tired. Hmmm Beautiful!  I never actually thought i said that out loud.

"Is this just a party for four or anyone can join? "

"hey you,  what do you think you are doing?" he snapped at them when they didn't answer him.

I was snapped out of my dreaming when I heard a deep manly voice so smooth as the rippling of the ocean . I heard a commotion from where the drunk guys where and I turned to see one of them with their eyes wide like he just saw ghost. 

"mind your own business asshole" dwarf said to the beautiful stranger and drunk one said to him, 

"no dude,  lets get outta here,  she's trouble if he knows her" and they turned and run away.

Although I did not understand what they just said, I turned to the stranger "um.. Thanks for that" I mumbled awkwardly looking around and trying to clean myself with my hands.

"are you okay" he asked me looking expressionless

"Yeah i'm fine, thanks again for saving me" .

"I didn't save you,  you fought with them quite well on your own" he said

"um… okay,  bye" I said when he was still looking at me and not saying anything, I turned around to go and lost my footing with the dizziness I'm feeling,  I was suddenly falling and the last thing I saw was the beautiful stranger's face and his arm around me saying

"angel are you okay " before I blacked out.

I regained consciousness, feeling my head throbbing like a carpenter decided it's the only place where his hammer could hit!  I groaned loudly lifting my hand to touch my head to feel it bandaged.  I slowly opened my eyes due to the brightness of the room to look around.  One thing is for sure,  I'm not in my room and this Soft bed and snuggly comforter is definitely not mine.  I got up too quickly and an immense pain shot through my head and my ribs, the door to the room busted open,

"Oh,  you're awake,  how are you feeling"? I lifted my head to see lady in a nurse outfit standing at the foot of the bed. "I'm  Natalie,  your nurse".

"Where am I"? I ask Natalie

"You are at the Williams Mansion "

she said while checking  my vitals

" Do you  remember what happened to you" she asked in a professional way Smiling softly at me.

"Yeah,  I was in a fight with some guys last night...…" I was saying when Natalie cut me off saying

"That was 4days ago,  you've  been unconscious since Tuesday night,  today is Saturday." She said attending to my bruised ribs.

" your ribs are still sore and your head must be killing you,  I'll give you some painkillers for the pain and you can take a shower if you want but you have to be careful"

Natalie said and brought me the painkillers with some water. I asked her for the bathroom so I can go do my business  when suddenly a thought occurred to me , i asked Natalie when she was helping me Off the bed.

"Williams Mansion ?"

"Oh yeah,  Mr Williams called the hospital last night for us,  so I guess he was the one who found you.  We don't ask questions because he's a very private Man.  Now off you go,  I'll  be here when you come out and with some food for you".

My stomach growled loudly at the mention of food making me blush and Natalie laughing.


Hello lovelies,  this is my first chapter,  i hope you like it. I need your comments and suggestions for how to make the story the very best for you. Its going to be on both P. O. V

Untill next time,  Enjoy ! <3

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